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dEnnis the Menace

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Everything posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. you motor-boatin son of a bitch you :thumbsup: :beer:
  2. That's good. Wow, that's ridiculous. Some people should not get off the rocker! In regards to your last statement, some people avoid it just out of fear, other people, like the idiot that I was, learn the hard way. Either way, you're absolutely correct
  3. wow. I've had someone follow me home before (about a year or so ago), which is just as scary. He cut me off twice in traffic, then when I passed him (after we got out of Ithaca) because he was doing 45-50 in a 55, he tailgated me the last 10 miles home. when I turned onto my road, I flipped him off, and then he slammed on his brakes. He found my car in my driveway, came and knocked on the door, and wanted me to step outside to talk. I had my large, aggressive (a good thing this time), dog by the collar, and was like, "no thank you?" after a few minutes of yelling at me to put my dog inside and talk like a man, I threatened to let my dog loose (foaming at the mouth now from the excitement). At that point, the guy left. I doubt the guy will wait for you. He'll get bored if he has to wait all day for you lol.
  4. 1) we lost last night 2) Two of my college friends are supposed to get married this upcoming July. Well, both of them are coming to me for relationship advice because they are struggling with everything. I've been friends with each of them for almost the same amount of time. I didn't really condone the wedding to start with, but since he made me the best man, I've really warmed up to it, and actually support it now. Problem is, they are having a lot of problems. I am between a rock and a hard place because i can't help both of them without causing a stir, and I can't just pick one because I've been friends with both of them. This my friends, is a catch-22. GAH :death:
  5. are you suggesting we should have sent Myers back to Juniors? because he couldn't go to the AHL. He looked like a stud his rookie year. He played lights out with Tallinder, and after that small sample size, and the fact that he won the Calder Trophy almost with ease, made it a no brainer that people were ready to do so. He's still a good defenseman, and needs some more maturation, but he is coming along nicely for 21 year old The Rangers have been, for the last few years, just a couple impact players away from being ridiculously good. Enter Richards, a consistent Gaborik, a matured Callahan and Dubinsky, and decent, if not stellar goaltending, and now they are "scary good" (forgive me RJ for using your line on another team).
  6. Wow, Carolina is on a downward Spiral! And Boston and NY are on a tear! Hopefully we start an upward trend here!
  7. 1) I agree that the Tebow sucks chant was a little on the no class side, however, as D4rksabre had put on facebook, Tebow must know that Ralph Wilson Stadium is the land that God abandoned. 2) the bolded part is pretty funny. I'm not sure if i would've laughed or been pissed had it been me lol
  8. Got to go to the game. Great time except for one thing: when I've gone to games the past few years, every gate has always been open, and they have never wanded the fans going in with the metal detector. I parked/tailgated in lot 1, and as usual, got to the gate at 12:30. They didn't open Gate 2, and the lines for 1 and 3 were atrocious. They tried sending people to 4, but I was told that that line was even longer. I didn't get in until the Broncos were kicking to the Bills after scoring their touchdown. It has never taken me that long to get into the stadium (I've gone to a cold weather game every year for the last 7 years), and I was a little disappointed.
  9. Merry Christmas to you too! now if only we could make it snow more...
  10. Bump. Happy Friday Everyone! and almost a Merry Christmas (There's a thread for that B-) ).
  11. :huh: :huh: I was able to pull out some jargon thanks to the fact that my mother was a research scientist for years and I spent a lot of time at her lectures/presentations/labs, etc. But it doesn't help the confusion at all lol
  12. Not to disagree with you, but from the slow mo view, he was hooked enough for him to lose his edge and control, so I can see, if they said "well your own player knocked him into you" why they said it. Honestly, if the ref isn't raising his arm for a penalty, then he needed to disallow that goal IMO. otherwise, raise your arm for a hooking call, and allow the goal on that premise.
  13. Your way of thinking, sir; I like it! lol :thumbsup:
  14. I don't see it as very intentional. He already had his skates turned and was leaning as if he was going to power in (think Pominville OT shorty in Playoffs or Drews Goal in Minny last year). I think he just chose to cut to late, and the NYI player tried to clear him towards the boards, and what resulted was a running of the goalie ( I heard it's still open season). I don't think that one was as intentional as Tootoo's running and leaping into Miller, but with the xcheck to the head, it is worse.
  15. In my opinion, that's the worst thing any child should never have to endure. As a person who comes from split parents (split when I was 7, my sister was 2), I witnessed first hand the emotional devastation that my sister endured when my parents just split. We'd only see my dad maybe once a month (he moved to Buffalo, we moved to Ithaca/Dryden area), and my sister was a wreck because of that. I can't even fathom the emotional toll of not seeing a parent at all for years, let alone not even hearing from them.
  16. (1) I commend you for doing that. I have the utmost respect for people that put their pride aside for things like this, as you could've easily have told her that the present was from you. Years down the road, will she find out? maybe, but you were able to light up her world for the evening. (2) I have no respect for guys who become just "sperm donors". If you have a kid, treat them right. (1) I am having a similar issue with my engineers here too. Everyone says they read what they needed to, and then ask a million questions about it (I think I posted this as last weeks complaint lol). (2) I hate people that say, "Oh, I'll pay you tomorrow" and then either a don't show up or b don't pay you till way down the road. That's why now, when I lend someone money, or sell something to them, I'll generally put our transaction in writing, and part of the contract will be that if they don't pay me by x date, there will be interest. I had 1 too many problems with people asking for a few bucks when I was in college.
  17. My car doesn't have a temp gauge on it, but I really haven't minded not having. the problem I now have with my car (2011 Subaru Legacy, Sedan): I don't like my electronic parking brake anymore. i thought it would be pretty cool, but now, it's more of an inconvenience that it's not a hand brake. cool concept tho. Today's complaint: I grow accustomed to the sound of my alarm clock, so I constantly have to change the sound that I wake up to. Well, today, I didn't wake up to the sound that I've been using for a few weeks. Time to change it again <_< I hate not being able to stop and get coffee en route to the office :thumbdown: I do love that my dog knows when I'm supposed to be awake though.
  18. it's not spreading if I had the same point of view to start with... :wallbash:
  19. Quite frankly, I think the problem starts with DR, and cascades from there. Yes, Ruff is right under him in terms of flow, however, I think too many players are too comfortable with their positions. In a platoon, if that's what you would rather liken it to, if you have a small group of soldiers who lackadaisically do their job (notice how I'm not saying the whole platoon. In my original post I clearly stated that a few players are the problem), they'd be at best reallocated, worse court marshaled for dereliction of duty, regardless of their leader. So, seeing as how we can't court marshal the players, we may as well reallocate (trade a few) somewhere. DISCLAIMER: this is not a trade proposal where I am saying trade our lazy players for some good players. don't read it that way because it's not intended to be that way. All I am saying is that certain players NEED a change in scenery, and we could use some cap relief, and some of our Amerks (McNabb, Kassian, Chewie) are playing just fine with the big boys. I think that if the platoon doesn't show signs of change after a move, then you look to the leadership. At least, that's how it would go if this were a platoon...
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