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Posts posted by LGR4GM

  1. So the semester started on Monday and the office is just insane. My email is like grand central station and the College I am liaison too needs a lot of help because no one has helped them or liaised with them in over a year. So basically I am here, there, and everywhere with these people and the real issue is that I got a random request from a subsection of this college and they asked for something that will probably take the entire day if not longer to track down. Basically my complaint is the work overload that started Monday and has yet to let up. On top of that I get to work 3 of the next 4 Sundays... :death:

  2. SEC still sets the standard in the FBS. I wanted Alabama to win but I was expecting a 10 point difference, this was unexpected

    I believe my friend worded it best when he said the real title game was played a month ago in Atlanta. SEC is a level above.

  3. When I had my brothers stag party I ended up handing him $1500 at the end of the night. I sold tickets that covered the room, food and female entertainment. Then I had some sports memorabilia donated for a raffle, had a 50/50 split raffle where the winner ended up donating his half to the groom, I had two blackjack tables where the house cut went to the groom. The only thing I paid for out of pocket was the cab fare back from Ft. Erie after the party when our ride stranded us there.


    Who else is in the wedding party, can't they share some of the cost and planning?

    If it wasn't in Orlando we could have more ppl and do raffles easier and stuff and your stag party sounds fun. The brides brothers are coming, and I think 4 other guys and I don't see most of them offering to help much. The catch is for 2 of the 4 nights, the bridesmaids and such will also be with us so it will be interesting. A lot of stuff is just not in my hands, but you have given me some ideas, thanks!

  4. I never thought it would be possible to ruin an hour of supermodels walking around in lingerie, but Victoria's Secret found a way. Justin Bieber? On the VS fashion show? Are you f'n kidding me? :censored: :wallbash:

    Kinda surprised he didnt get up on stage and suddenly just be like "boobies! boobiesboobies boobies!"



    I am realizing that my buddies wedding (for which I am the best man) is going to cost me personally a fortune. We are getting suits so I will be buying his. His bachelor party is going to be in Orlando so anything he wants to do for that 4day weekend I will also be paying for. This includes the high priced dinner we are planning as well as the fun activities.

  5. Seeing a great, jaw dropping price on a tv and then finding out the tv has been "refurbished." Talk about going from woo hoo to sob.

    I got a 47" led for 600 bucks and its an LG and I love it. Not sure if thats a good deal but good luck and Black Death Friday will have good tv deals

  6. so me being recently financially independent forgot about my student loan until after I payed extra money on my CC... meaning I have no money for the next week outside of food money. This sucks because there is a big weekend plan as some ppl will be coming into town for the last football game... grrr my absent mindedness

  7. this complaint is lame in the grand scheme of thing but: I went and got Black Ops 2 and I preordered so I could have this extra bonus map. Turns out the 1 game mode for which I would really want the extra map does not come with the pre-order but only with the deluxe editions... so basically I get the map but can't use it for the 1 mode I play most... thanks, ######.

  8. Since moving to Athens (Roughly 1hour 30mins from Atlanta) I have noticed that when ordering things from Amazon, their estimated arrival time has been as much as a week higher than actual shipping time. Why is this awesome? Well I pre-ordered COD Black Ops II and because I am not losing my mind about it, I selected the standard shipping which is free on amazon. Estimated arrival time was late next week (wed-fri, 21-23) and it would ship out sometime yesterday(Tues 13). Well I get the confirmation it shipped and so this morning out of curiosity I check the tracking number, it is already in Athens. So it is freaking awesome that Amazon has a warehouse and facility in Atlanta because now my estimated arrival date is tomorrow! I think Friday I may take a half day and go on a long awaited Zombie Hunt :flirt:

  9. Thanks. I didn't realize Florida was officially eliminated from the SEC title game.




    Yes. A 12-1 Georgia team definetly gets in the title game over a 11-1 K State team or a 11-1 ND team. I'm pretty sure they would get in over a 12-1 Oregon team, but if Oregon's only loss is a one point loss in the Pac-12 title game it could be close (In my opinion, with all else equal, you put a Conference winner in over a Conference runner up every time).

    Yea because Georgia is 7-1 in the SEC and so is Flordia but Florida lost to Georgia. Since there are no more SEC games for either team left, it is all over.


    It will be interesting to see how the final few weeks go and hopefully it will be very interesting. Anything is Possible but I think it will be K-State V. Oregon in the finals.

  10. We are nice here in the south arent we.... I have been many places and when away I always pine for my GA home. Although on the 24th I'll hate your sorry bulldog ass ,,,,,, GT alum

    Hehe sorry. GT will prob lose unless Richt decides to save the starters for the SEC Champ game.


    "more reply options"


    can't do it through fast reply



  11. Hey there LGR4GM you've been in our lovely state how long? Full on 'Dawg supporter already? ? for you son did you hurt yourself hoppin on the bandwagon?

    I can see Stanford stadium from my office window... actually I might be able to toss a football and hit it from here.


    I was in Columbia for the loss. I have seen every game this season. I will not root for a different college team (other than UB, whom I did root for when they played Georgia) even if they suck next year. And I work for UGA so it was inevitable. I will admit I payed a lot less attention to college football prior to my move.


    As for your question, they actually very kindly helped me up onto the bandwagon, ppl are quite nice around here. ;)

  12. Not if K-State, Oregon, and/or Notre Dame are still undefeated. At 12-0 (13-0 for Oregon), all will have a better case than a 12-1 Alabama team. Let's look at the resumes if all these things happen:


    1. Kansas State will have victories against three current Top 25 teams: Texas Tech, Oklahoma, Texas


    2. Oregon will have victories against three current Top 25 teams: Stanford, Oregon State, and USC/UCLA.


    3. ND will have victories against four current Top 25 teams: Michigan, Oklahoma, Stanford, USC


    4. Alabama will have victories against three current Top 25 teams: Michigan, LSU, Georgia/Florida


    Assuming everyone wins out, if Alabama got in over an undefeated team that would be an outrage of monumental proportions.

    I don't think everyone else wins out. ND is a long shot IMO considering they almost lost to Pitt. I think K-State and Oregon is def possible. Also Alabama losing to (a #8 now) Texas A+M will be different in voting (again IMO). I am just saying I think Alabama still has a shot whether the others drop a game or not.


    Point of clarification. Bama won't beat Florida/Georgia. They will either beat Georgia or not. Florida was eliminated from the SEC champ game when the Dawgs beat Auburn.


    the next question is if 2 of the 3 lose a game before the end and then Georgia beats Alabama do they then play for the BCS Championship?

  13. So I think if Bama wins out they will still play in the BCS championship game provided they Beat Georgia in the SEC championship game. On a side note I get to go to the Georgia Southern v Georgia game this weekend and as I look out my window at Sanford stadium, I gotta say I am pretty stoked.


    ps: how do I insert a photo from my desktop?

  14. My friend in Montville NJ said he wont have power for roughly another week and that the National Gaurd is currently stationed at every open gas station because of huge lines (2hour wait) and short demands. He said grocery stores in the area are pretty empty and people have flocked to open resturants causing 2-3hour waits there. Basically he calls it a cluster ***K and says its like living in a 3rd world country right now. Other than that he has food and water and as long as he doesn't run out of gas and can get to work, hes good.


    So, I poured the last bit of gas in the generator and probably have about 8 hours of electricity left. There is just no gas to be had anywhere and with the damage I've seen going to work, I don't see us having power before next week. I guess I'll ride the bike to work tomorrow, in case I have to siphon off the truck in order to have heat for the weekend. This frontier sh!t is for the birds. :)


    Gotta count my blessings though, I still have a house, and the cable/internets still kickin'. Plus, my wife rocks (just don't tell her I said so).

    be careful man and good luck

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