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Posts posted by LGR4GM

  1. I see you're up in north Jersey. I lived in North Jersey for 10 years. Flooding is always a big concern in that area.


    Yeah, NJ is going to take a beating. My father grew up in Philly. So as long as I can remember, we've been going to the "Shore". I really fear for Ocean City, NJ and the local communities which is close to a third home to me as far as I'm concerned. I really worry for the beauty of the Jersey shore.

    God is sending a storm to get the snooki




    anyways, Everyone back in NY and elsewhere the storm will hit take care and be safe!

  2. Since I now have a real job and since I left my 37" Vizio with my Roommate in Buffalo, I decided I could go get a new tv. I had done some research and decided before tax, the Tv could cost no more than 600$, had to be 120hz, 1080p, and at least 40". Basically I wanted to upgrade from what I left behind. I also really wanted to try and get an LED. I knew it was going to be a task to get a decent tv for the price I wanted. When it comes to TV's I am a bit of label bitch. So we go and we look and there are 2 tv's that fit the price range and specs. One is a 42" LG LCD the other is a 40" Samsung LED. Now I know that LCD and LED are technically the same it is just that 1 has better contrast and color. So I am like well IDK. The guy comes over and is talking and I keep going back and forth not knowing what to do. Finally the guy is like, Wait a second I think that we have a bigger LED tv for only like 100 bucks more. So we go and look and the guy is wrong... they have a 47" LG LED for 600$ and it has all the other specs I want. So I got it and I love it. The reason it was 600$? It was last years model... the new one has an extra HDMI port and a sleeker case... and is 300$ more... DEF WIN!!! got a bigger TV that is exactly what I want for the price I wanted. FANTASTIC!!!!

  3. I've been going out of my mind to find a job of some sort, but have had zero luck. Last Friday I got a call and went in for an interview with a place that afternoon. The interview went well and I was told "you'll hear from our main office about a second interview either today or Monday." Okay, great!


    Nothing Monday. On Tuesday I call the guy who called me Friday asking what's up and he sounds shocked their office hasn't called yet. Says he'll make sure they do. Nope, nothing.


    I call again yesterday, leave a voicemail. Nothing. At this point I'm fired up because I've noticed the company has reposted the listing for the job. I figure I'm being screwed around.


    Then they call me at 10:00 this morning. Second interview is tomorrow morning.


    I'm happy they called, but man, this has been stressful. I just want to work.

    Good luck! I know how fortunate I am to have a job and I understand the stress of looking. The worst part is the waiting. Good luck and nail it!


    the interview not chz, shes borken...


    feel better chz a cracked rip is rough, my brother had 2 and it is just uncomfortable for a long time.

  4. Okay without giving to much detail, we need new computers for our students and in the office. Apparently last year they got bids for them but then dropped the ball and didn't get them. Now it has been suggested we should remove the computers because ALL students have laptops or tablets. You are joking right? ALL, every single student does huh? The worst part is students in the last 2 weeks have begun asking if we are getting new computers. It has gotten to that point. A 6yr old computer is too freaking old! What drives me mad is we have the budget for them! We are the most used building on CAMPUS get new computers for our undergrads!


    by most used I mean we had 3million visitors last year and we don't keep count on the classroom floor (there are 2 main entrances that are technically on the second floor cause we are on a hill)

  5. Just a kind word of advice from someone who moved to the South at about your age: Eat up! But work it off. And I mean it; you'll gain 30 before you know it if you don't. (I did work it off, by the way; it kills stress and weight.) The food down there is too incredible to resist, and will absolutely bloat you if you don't work it off. Lift (not to build, but to boost metabolism) and do something aerobic (run, bike, blade, whatever), and eat on, young Liger!

    I've been trying to work a 2mile run into my day with some mixed success I went twice the first week and only once last week... but today I will go and tomorrow and friday. After a 9 hour day it is hard to stay motivated. :beer: I will eat on and drink :thumbsup:

  6. Grown adults acting like children, then patronizing me after I treat them like the children that they are acting as.


    Had the QA manager ask me to take pictures of two products before they left the building, and he told me that he's asking me because nobody else knows how to use the company's digital camera. To that I thought, this is a medium sized business, with mostly engineers working here. You are a quality manager that has been in the business for a while. You don't know how to use a digital camera, and you can't ask for help? Instead he asks me to do it for him (this is a common occurrence, and before, he told me he didn't know how to upload the pics to his computer, to which I gave detailed instructions to do so). So while he's standing over my shoulder as I take these photographs, holding me up from my own work, he has the nerve to ask for step by step directions on how to use the camera.


    I got what I thought was the last laugh: I took pictures of the camera, and made a step by step instructions that a 1 yr old could follow. (i.e. (1) set camera bag on desk (2) carefully unsnap camera bag (3) carefully take camera out of bag (4) pinch the sides of lens cap and pull to remove, etc.). I had pictures, and arrows and thought the whole time, I was being a dick. Well he emailed me this morning with an email that says "Great job on the instructions Dennis, this will be Very helpful" :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: IT WAS AN INSULT TO YOUR INTELLIGENCE YOU ######!

    and the fact he didn't get that makes it all the more amusing... great job! :thumbsup:

  7. I've basically told everyone this but, on Wednesday I was offered a job in Georgia which I accepted. I now make up the 51% of college grads who actually get a job in their field. By the start of Hockey Season I will no longer live in the Queen city. I become now a Sabres fan in exile.

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