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Posts posted by LGR4GM

  1. Anyone here ever read The Art of War?

    Sun Tzu was a brilliant tactician and the book although slightly dry is fascinating if you apply it to larger items.


    "The rule is, not to besiege walled cities if it can possibly be avoided."


    "The general, unable to control his irritation, will launch his men to the assault like swarming ants. The meaning is that the general, losing patience at the long delay, may make a premature attempt to storm the place before his engines of war are ready, with the result that one-third of his men are slain, while the town still remains untaken. Such are the disastrous effects of a siege"


    "Therefore the skillful leader subdues the enemy's troops without any fighting; he captures their cities without laying siege to them; he overthrows their kingdom without lengthy operations in the field."

  2. This book sucks. Unreadable. And I read the LOTR series and the hobbit probably 10 times as a kid.

    I believe and I could be wrong but, the Silmarillion was only started by JRR Tolkien and it was finished by his son after his death.


    As far as the original trilogy goes, it tooks 10 years and is a masterpiece in many respects. Which reminds me I need to find my copies and refresh my memory.


    One would have thought so, but the train derailed before it really wrecked.


    LGR -- I can only speak for myself, but I'd guess that no one dislikes you so much as they like you but want to slap some sense into you. For example, you need to play it cooler if you want to snag a hottie.

    lol sorry. I have been trying to not discuss impossible player trades. as far as our own chz, you are totally right. But its too late now and I failed... btw I think you are right about getzlaf. It would take Myers or Vanek but I think thats overpayment on our end.

  4. Well that was disappointing. like prom night all over again...


    Way to stay classy LGR ;)

    sorry dude i may be a lot of things but I really do respect chz way to much to be a creeper more than I have been. I mean come on, a hot girl who likes hockey and understands it, that deserves respect.

  5. Hey there sailor. Hittin the waves tonight?

    I am so sorry. I respect you way to much to be this douchie. But yes I am drinking admiral nelson and I am a little tipsy so i apologize for hitting on you but you understand hockey and are cute and what can I say I am a dumb boy. Again my apologizes chz you shouldnt be harassed on a internet message board by some creepy guy who most ppl dislike. Sorry all for my drunkenesssss

  6. You might want to step up to bourbon on the rocks or at least a nice red wine before you embark on part II of your plan.

    I had scotch earlier but I love rum and besides I am attractive she seems awesome and we are the same age... lol


    I know its pointless but a 25 year old girl who knows more about hockey then me is super hot... and I am hammered right now so it makes it even more attractive... sorry eleven... I will stop :P and I wont post a stamkos for roy trade either! Dont want to lose more respect on this board


    Dude, you don't know Code Red?


    It's what terrorists mix with rum.

    I am a white male who loves the USA... terrorists suck giant balls!



    Code red is Cherry Mt Dew!

  7. I am officially unemployed and even though I keep sending out resumes it could take up to 6 months to get a job unless this thing at UB pans out. O and I found out the day I got back from my vacation that the place I had my phone interview with will not be interviewing me... FML. I have a bachelors and a masters and can't get a job guess its time to go for either another masters or a Phd maybe if I had a few of those I could get a freaking job... :censored: :wallbash: :death:

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