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Posts posted by LGR4GM

  1. You might want to step up to bourbon on the rocks or at least a nice red wine before you embark on part II of your plan.

    I had scotch earlier but I love rum and besides I am attractive she seems awesome and we are the same age... lol


    I know its pointless but a 25 year old girl who knows more about hockey then me is super hot... and I am hammered right now so it makes it even more attractive... sorry eleven... I will stop :P and I wont post a stamkos for roy trade either! Dont want to lose more respect on this board


    Dude, you don't know Code Red?


    It's what terrorists mix with rum.

    I am a white male who loves the USA... terrorists suck giant balls!



    Code red is Cherry Mt Dew!

  2. I am officially unemployed and even though I keep sending out resumes it could take up to 6 months to get a job unless this thing at UB pans out. O and I found out the day I got back from my vacation that the place I had my phone interview with will not be interviewing me... FML. I have a bachelors and a masters and can't get a job guess its time to go for either another masters or a Phd maybe if I had a few of those I could get a freaking job... :censored: :wallbash: :death:

  3. I don't even want to ask because then I will get accused of starting this page or so of stupidity, but W(hy)TF are we discussing a trade for Kane (RW) when we have Pominville, Stafford, Kassian, Armia? Even if you dump stafford you still have Pominville, Kassian, Armia, Kaleta... so WTF!?! Focus people. The position we need is CENTER.


    ps. Don't we have enough undersized, skilled, non physical wingers on this team already?




    We now return you to your regularly scheduled broadcast.

  4. couldn't we just trade stafford for the pick and not get hemsky involved? I mean that clears capspace for us to make other possible moves... and why would we trade for a guy we won't resign in a season we won't make the playoffs. I refuse to believe that Stafford is equivalent to the value of a craptastic rental player. Of course another season like he had this year and he will be.


    If you are rebuilding you trade for picks and prospects not over the hill rental players. Hell couldn't we just send drew to Rochester if we wanted to dump salary? Food for thought. Rebuild = Picks or Prospects

  5. Sooooo whens Regier getting fired? Because if he doesn't Stafford and Roy and everyone else who sucks huge b@!!$ will remain on this team indefinitely.... Regier is the largest tumor in that locker room of cancer and heartlessness...


    Just so we are clear this teams offense is down 24% since 06... the league average is a 8% drop... Glad ppl are still making excuses for DR, you know the guy who came up with Staffords contract... :death: The really scary thing is I could Gm this team better then him... which is saying something because most ppl think I am crazy

  6. lol wait, if you're excited for snowboarding weather, why are you also excited to be leaving for Florida??


    As for me:


    1) It's FINALLY stopped raining here (although it's crazy windy) and the weather this weekend looks good for snowboarding!

    2) The benefits department fixed my insurance issues yesterday afternoon (whew!).

    3) Looking forward to trying a new Belgian restaurant tomorrow evening for the bf's birthday.

    First vacation since the breakup is why and I love the sand and surf just as much as the snow and cold. I love the different seasons!

  7. Phone interview went as well as possible I suppose. Hopefully within the next couple of weeks I will get an invite down for the all day in person interview. Basically my whole entire life is revolving around getting this job right now... but today is fantastic because schools done, works almost done, and i have the entire weekend to Netflix and PS3 my way out of absolute boredom.

  8. WOW! that's ridiculous! any way your girl can move out, or even better, kick the other girl out?! It probably goes without say, but it's more than likely a good thing you WERE there.



    My complaint today: my two friends that were engaged officially split. I am now caught in the middle (where I had worked to keep out of), and I am trying to help him more so than her, as she has a network of friends. He is a complete wreck and I was up half the night just talking with him about the whole thing. Now that I got him calm, I've got the rest of the was to be wedding party getting a hold of me asking for details. I have been very vague so far as to what specifically is going on, but have made it clear that they are done. I am trying to shield them as much as possible from the endless onslaught of people asking for "juicy details." Being the best man does have down side... :(


    To make matters better, I need to get a hold of Men's Warehouse and see if they will refund us groomsmen any of our payment towards the Tuxedo rental... :(


    He still has to go spend the weekend skiing with his family :death: , and is going to break the news to them this weekend. I'm almost 100% positive I will be getting a phone call or two for moral support since I'm not going with.

    Do I know you? This almost sounds like my life the last 2 months... scary.


    You are a good friend and let me tell you your buddy needs you more than you'll ever know. You should be able to cancel your tuxes as long as its sufficient time before the wedding if that helps. Don't tell other people whats going on. If your friend wanted everyone to know the juicy details he would tell them but being vague is a great thing for you to do. Shield him as much as you can because the hurt and pain lies just below the surface and constant bombardment from others just adds to it and brings it to the surface. I am truly sorry for your friend and good luck.

  9. Why hasn't anyone gone nuts on Sabres coaching for bringing back Roy in the playoffs for 1 game last year when he obviously wasn't ready? I speculated he was in trouble with that knee last year and thought it was stupid, and after seeing the results this year......what say you?

    considering it was his thigh muscle no, I do not believe Roy's knee had anything to do with this teams current lack of everything from scoring to physical play. Roy should be traded and so should stafford and probably a defensmen but DR neither has the balls nor the brain power to pull off a trade involving anyone of his precious core.


    I stand by what I said at the draft when they went out and got another skill rw instead of getting a tough physical center... DR needs to go, now.

  10. I believe if I read the dates correctly that last season 3 of the 4 stafford hat tricks came without Roy in the lineup. Clearly there is a disconnect there between those two. I think it was mentioned somewhere that players tend to play the way everyone else does around them, especially young players... Roy plays soft = Stafford playing soft?

  11. I guess what we are working on in the gdt should be moved here.


    I would like to see stafford traded and boyes resigned for around the 3mil ish range? (guesstimate?) I feel as though he puts forth more effort on a nightly basis and I generally like Boyes attitude more. This is just a thought.

  12. 1) we lost last night

    2) Two of my college friends are supposed to get married this upcoming July. Well, both of them are coming to me for relationship advice because they are struggling with everything. I've been friends with each of them for almost the same amount of time. I didn't really condone the wedding to start with, but since he made me the best man, I've really warmed up to it, and actually support it now. Problem is, they are having a lot of problems. I am between a rock and a hard place because i can't help both of them without causing a stir, and I can't just pick one because I've been friends with both of them. This my friends, is a catch-22. GAH :death:

    You must follow the Bro code: Bros before Ho's. As a guy who was recently engaged and had that implode faster than this years sabres season, the best advice is which ever of the two you are closer too take their side but if they are having major problems now, marriage isnt going to do anything but make it worse.


    Send out an unmanned drone. :death:

    MFW3 style?




    idk if this is a complaint but this 1 professor I had finally did his grades and he gave me a B even though his course was such BS that we never knew what was going on. Its not a complaint really because I graduated and honestly laugh at his feeble attempts at teaching... epic fail

  13. Had many good friends who went to Radford (I went to Virginia Tech right up the road from there). New River Valley is a great place to live. Good weather, affordable, nice people... again, good luck!

    Yea I grew up in the rolling hills of the finger lakes and from what I have seen of Radford it looks like a similar place. I am doing all the research I can to get this job and again thank you!

  14. If you don't mind me asking, what sort of job at UVa? Good luck!

    Its not at UV its Radford but Digital Literacy Instructor/Professor is the job title and thank you, I really need to get this and be done with buffalo for personal reasons.

  15. I made it through the first round of cuts for a job at a University in Virginia and now have a scheduled 1 hour long phone interview for Jan 5... If that goes well I will then be invited for an all day in person interview and then if that goes well I will then be offered a job...


    Its like job survivor, just gotta keep surviving the rounds and come out on top in the end.

  16. And have you analyzed the other 27 players that scored 31 or more goals last year? I think you will find that most players a "streaky" scorers. I still don't like Stafford, but he had a great season last year.

    Alright you guys win. I give up and I'm done. Congratulations. Reading this board is making hate hockey. Focker out.

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