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Posts posted by LGR4GM

  1. i have an interview in a couple weeks and my current ###### hole of a job is screwing with me and I am extremely stressed and the chances of me dealing with their bullsh!t is negative... They are trying to schedule me during my interview, which is out of state... twitch.

  2. I've only listened to a little bit of the show but like it so far. But hell, I would prefer dead radio silence over Cowherd.

    You mean you didn't love it when Coward called hockey a "niche" sport that was basically ignored by most of the american sports fans? I would rather trade Pominville for Semin than listen to Cowherd fain interest in Hockey and talk down about it. Cowherd should just discuss football all year because thats all any espn stooge can do.

  3. I have been listening to this show all week and I gotta say its a lot of fun to have interviews with Jeaneret and Biron and even Peters (who is surprisingly funny). What say you sabers ppl? Anyone else listening? People like it better than Cowherd?

    I personally love it. I think Sylvester has a good head for hockey and he also comes at things from a fan type standpoint. He talked about Shane Doan and Parise today and I found it interesting just to hear what someone within the organization had to say.

  4. Nickelback are you ###### kidding me.

    :huh: ?



    I worked extremely hard on a job application and did weeks of research and rewrites before sending in my application. I am slightly overqualified for the position but would be the perfect candidate for what they want this person to do. Got a form email today saying thanks but no thanks...


    Not sure if this is a complaint but Saturday will suck and there is nothing I can do about it. Instead of getting married I will be second guessing myself and wondering what the hell happened. In an effort to cope I am driving 6 hours to Jersey so I will be as far away from Buffalo as I can afford. All in all looking back over the past 365 days I learned 1 thing, where my breaking point is. People keep tellin me it will get better and that time heals all wounds. Well I have news for them, wounds may heal but scars last a lifetime.

  5. found out yesterday why I did not get this job back in January and the reason is a lot of insider bs and I also found out that the person they hired barely does their job and several people have now indicated they wished they had hired me... well you ###### me over so you could hire whomever this 1 person wanted and she hired the person her friend really liked so now your stuck with them... have fun. FREAKING PISSED

  6. This place http://citybration.c...il-contest.html is having a cocktail contest. Make a cocktail that exemplifies the waterfront.


    Personally I think someone should make a Pegulager.


    The name of the new cocktail must somehow reflect the Waterfront. Please use ingredients that are readily available at local liquor and grocery stores, and try to make it easy to mix by bartenders in our busy Buffalo pubs – we’d love to have it served in local watering holes long after the Floating Cocktail Party is over and the boats have docked.

    I submitting something super easy that wont win but I call it the buffalo jolly roger

  7. My complaint is that the sabre space editor does not speeellll check. Or am I missing somethingggg.

    totally agree and idk why it no longer does.



    I am going to complain about the lack of money I have because there are almost no jobs and the economy is in the sh*thole.... thxs Bush you really were the worst. president. ever.

  8. Heh. A friend the other weekend found a small snake in his car, dangling from the mirror. At 75 MPH. After dropping to the floor it did the 'cobra' thing where it coiled and pulled it's head back.

    Not only would I have crashed if this had happened to me, I would have call 911 and screamed "there's snakes in my motherf***ing CAr!!!!"


    Y'all come on down to Hotlanta....gets brutal here, brutal

    I am activly trying to get a job in Houston...


    That being said, I have somewhere btw 7-10 applications flooting in the breeze right now and really would love to hear from one of these freaking places because I hate buffalo and I want the F**K out of it!

  9. So now because Gary Roberts disagrees, Hodgson being an issue for the Canucks GM isn't true? And even if it is true, whats the big deal? He had issues in Vancouver where they misdiagnosed his injury, and he was stuck behind a couple of superstars for playing time. I wouldn't be surprised if the Canucks GM had to spend alot of time dealing with him and what to do with him. Its also possible that he is now in a place where he will be happier and won't be an issue the GM has to spend alot of time on. I don't think Roberts was there in Vancouver at all to see what was going on and is only going off of his dealing with him in the offseason, away from the team. no one ever said he wasn't a hard worker, or that he wasn't trying, Gillis just said that he spent alot of time dealing with Cody the last few years. The fact that Cody doesn't want to talk about or look back on his time in Vancouver and dispute the comments from Gillis lead me to believe that theres probably alot of truth to Gillis comments, he wasn't happy there and may have had issues with the Canucks management and now he has moved on and is putting it behind him to start fresh.


    But of course, on this board, everything seems to have to be Black or White, with either Cody being a malcontent who (with a demanding father) will constantly be agrevating and complaining to management, or he is a sweet and innocent kid who some evil GM is trying to defame to cover his own behind in a mistake of a deal

    I never thought it was true so? Yes this adds to the theory that Gillis is the whiner because his "awesome trade" at the moment looks like a fail. I like Hodgson and until he says or someone in the Sabres says that hes a biatch... I don't believe it.

  10. http://www.buffalone...ticle834441.ece


    Gary Roberts counter-punches Gillis' comments about Hodgson.

    As I have always been on the Hodgson is going to be good train, this article only further cements that feeling. Cody should he had skills this season with the Sabres and now that he is going into his 2nd summer with Roberts 100% healthy I expect more from him next year. I find it interesting that Roberts basically said Gillis is an idiot... After Couver's 1st round exit I would be more willing to believe Roberts than a guy covering his @ss for a suspect trade. CoHo, train harder, faster, and longer. (no jokes)

  11. Open bar?

    There was free wine and Beer and a good selection of both so my buddy and I got really drunk and I told his bitch sister off which was really funny. Then we convinced my buddys girlfriend to drive us into town to get cam's while we bashed his sister. I think at 1 point we craftily got there dog from my parents house down in the valley into the mansion and my buddys room... either way the best part of the night was sitting with the bride and singing red solo cup to her along with the band... the moral of the story is Red Cat and Fulkerson Red Zepplin make everything better.

  12. You've learned a bit in your year here. Nice work.

    I've been attempting to read more and post off the cuff less. To elaborate on what I said, considering Ennis' limited sample/body of work, it is unlikely a team would try to poach him or give up a 1st rnd pick + for him. Personally I think Ennis will be a very good player as time goes by. If you look around the league most GM's avoid offer sheets and considering that the owner of this team has demonstrated he has absolutely no problem spending cash, it makes the Sabres RFA's less vulnerable.

  13. 4 million is a little high but i would most likely do that especially if this keeps up into the playoffs but that is pretty high. If its closer to five million i probably turn it down, this is a kid that has not played center for very long and he looks great right now i would just like a larger sample size before im paying him top 20 center money.

    Tyler Ennis is not going to get a 5million dollar offer sheet from anyone. If he got 4 I would be stunned. Actually if he gets an offer sheet at all I would be stunned. Tyler Ennis will be signed prior to July 1

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