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Everything posted by thewookie1

  1. I'm honestly kinda curious as to why exactly; he annoys me at times but I've never had immense feelings good or bad with him.
  2. Then you don't live here and have to see it everywhere. That is mostly the case however the number of times we've had the national games get called by the other team's crew is rather annoying. More so during the NBC days when we'd play Philly it particular.
  3. nah, I ain't trading Power or Dahlin
  4. They tend to be anti-Buffalo to begin with; just like any other national broadcast has been. The Bills, even being a constant playoff team endless catches flak on national TV because its Buffalo so that's nothing new really.
  5. The worst part about this trade is we won't get the opportunity to sign Mitts so he can regress aggressively like everything else that happens here.
  6. Do love how they never show us the angle we all wanted to see
  7. Perhaps they'll be trading a dman too
  8. Isn't a great trade in a vacuum but I'll give it a chance. Going to miss Mitts though
  9. My guess would be any other defenseman outside of Dahlin, Power and Byram become trade assets besides R. Johnson who'd be our cheapest dman with a bridge more than likely.
  10. If he can return to his playoff form, we will have a Stanley Cup winning Top Pairing Defenseman to play with Dahlin for years to come. Otherwise we just dumped our finally solid Mitts for the defensive version of Tim Connelly. To me this trade tells me either or both of Jokiharju and Muel are going to be moved out.
  11. Just dissatisfied, didn’t have any interest in Byram from the start for Mitts and that’s all we ended up doing. Yay, another skinny defenseman with little physical presence and who’s been a in perpetual nosedive since his rookie season. then the Bills just ripped out my heart so I’m just numb atm
  12. Respected around the league Dealt with the media through tough times Worked his ass off Played a fatherly/big brother role for most of the team I'm not going to tie his leadership and captaincy to the team's success.
  13. Olofsson, E. Johnson, Okposo and Girgs are all moved Comrie might get moved Sabres likely look to acquire a bottom 6 player seeing as Top 4 D and Top 6 Forwards with any term aren't usually available at the deadline.
  14. I honestly don't think he's the one who told them not to salute the fans. The guy has been a model citizen and a warrior for this team for 7+ years, I'm not going to place the Sabres' failures on one guy who certainly didn't glide through unscathed. He's worked hard and nearly died during his time here.
  15. I understand; its more based on the Blues' fans reactions to different Toronto offers. Many of the analytics guys on Twitter mention that he's a super Defensive Dman with little offensive driving ability yet still is very effective at zone exits. His contract is dreadful however. I just want to find a player that can upgrade the roster while not trading away a guy like Cozens or Power like so many here seem obsessed over. Endlessly cycling through young players isn't going to achieve anything aside from disappointment.
  16. They mentioned that they (Levi's agent) made it rather clear they didn't want Buffalo signing any vet to keep Levi out of the NHL. While not exactly something I want to hear it makes sense that Adams wouldn't want yet another college goalie to jump ship. This talk was around when we signed Tokarski and Cooley to NHL contracts because they said Adams was toeing a fine line. Frankly it strikes me as Levi's agent more than Levi himself being behind all of it. Levi seems to honestly love competing and breaking expectations and seeing as there was no issues when we sent him to Rochester eventually; I'd imagine Levi himself put his foot down or the agent finally backed off. The great fun of hockey politics....
  17. One of the TSN or ESPN stated this earlier this year that Levi was to be given a legitimate chance to be the team's starter as per the agent agreement.
  18. Okposo has been a great trooper and I hope we have some kind of job for him after his retirement but as long as it isn't Boston or Toronto I'll look forward to rooting for him.
  19. Who here would trade Muel, Savoie and a Protected 24 1st for Parayko ?
  20. He’s like a cockroach only more prone to injury
  21. That is honestly shocking; granted its also hilarious seeing as Pittsburgh paid CBJ to take him.
  22. Guy isn’t good at hockey, just punching according to Avs fans
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