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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Yeah probably but with whats transpired during this ownership. It is his m.o.
  2. Hate this news . My first thought based on the Pegulas track record is Terry has grown impatient and wants a reset. Not likely but I wouldn’t be surprised.
  3. Our lack of talent be damned. Tonight it didn’t matter. The guys played great. Dell played great. Loved his hit on the sidewall. I was ok with the response/lack of response on the hit on Dell. We were up and managed to not get penalized but in a mean nothing win in a wins don’t matter season maybe there could have been a fist to face response but oh well. The guys played smart. Dahlin used his size all night. Not much to complain about. Congrats Dell on your first win.
  4. I’m with Woody on this one. It’ll be barf worthy for sure.
  5. You give me the female Japanese life size adult companion robot doll and I’ll tend net😁
  6. I’m old. Who the heck is Kodak black ?
  7. The Sabres have been doing this for years. Its always about the future. Its a little harder to compete now.
  8. I was shocked. Especially considering this Sabres team said they want to be tough to play against. With that in mind I expected the odd hit. A little bit of pushback.
  9. Well that was painful. Not much good to take away from that game at all. we are miles away from even competing against teams like Tampa. Not sure what the chirping was about but I would suggest that once you are able to carry these guys jockstraps then and only then should you be chirping in a 6-1 loss. You got schooled. Shut up and put your head down and try harder.
  10. I’m right there with you but I am mining a few nuggets of hopium out of guys like the mighty Quinn and JJ P.
  11. I keep seeing those stacks of cash he was showing off. Don’t feel nothing for the guy really. Everything is self inflicted. Good luck. a quick google search brought me to an article from may in the athletic . 26 million in debt with assets of 10.2 million.
  12. Wait till sabres have to pay both. I suppose its a good problem to have😁
  13. Loved his game tonight. He stood out for all the right reasons.
  14. Lips ? We don’t have a Crosby for him to ride. Let me rephrase that. We don’t have a Crosby to carry him.
  15. In the 2nd just as buff went on the powerplay Ray says the sabres are 0 for 2 against New Jersey and RJ responds, “ Um, ok. “ I got a good chuckle out of that.
  16. Its looking like one of those nudge nudge wink wink deals between the league and a few of the ‘ favoured ‘ franchises. Probably how the leafs finally get a cup again.
  17. D were mostly standing around watching UPL swim on the game tying goal. In the game of keep away I never doubted that the Bruins would take the extra point. Oh well we move on. Krebs assist on the Tuch goal stood out. Very creative.
  18. Anything with Rupaul or the one with the fat chick who hangs around bathrooms waiting for young girls to bleedout so she can recommend any of about 5-6 different sizes of tampons that she currently has in her purse. If I did that I’d be thrown in jail. Creepy.
  19. I can tell you it didn’t get any better after a third of the way through.
  20. Great minds think alike I s’pose. I think page 15 was the first I waded into the GDT shortly after the game ended.
  21. Sorry. I’ve been avoiding that thread. You know, the Matt Ellis of threads.
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