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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Not much separates these teams. We got some value out of Skinner. I enjoyed the game. 👍🏻
  2. Underwhelmed by that Canadian team and those uni’s are terrible. Must have outsourced that to China.
  3. Interesting. Canadian, right handed. Shoot left in hockey. Swing right in golf. Bat right in ball.
  4. He wore the uniform. That counts for something. Many players never reach this level and he’s made a go of it. None of us can say the same.
  5. Well that was a good old fashioned beatdown. On to the next one.
  6. Hey now ! 57 is the new 37. Just ask me.🥴
  7. Wowza ! That last 3 or 4 minutes though. They closed it out. Anderson had a great game coming off his long break. Krebs is going to be fun to watch for years to come. Overall a good win.
  8. We lost mitts for a substantial amount of time on a cheapshot and the offender got 2minutes. As a fan I was livid.
  9. Well I saw a lot of development tonight. For Ottawa. Its amazing what good goaltending can do for a young team. What say you KA ? Congrats to Ennis. He really gave the Sabres the sauce. Trying to find positives for the Sabres side. Mmm. Maybe coaches presser will enlighten me. Here’s Donny.
  10. I get it. Thats why I pointed it out.
  11. This is what KA has said we will become. I love a speed and skill game but pine for players with a little sandpaper in their game as well. Can we have both of those qualities in some of the guys ? Other teams do. Pretty please😁
  12. Getting a guilty pleasure reading posts from Sabres fans where they point the finger at the craptastic season the Oilers are having. Easing the pain of being a fan of an equally inept organization. Keep it coming boys.
  13. Wasted days and wasted nights. Happy Quinn got his first. Tuch goal was such a nice snipe. Cozens goal was nice. Mmm can’t truthfully say I found the game enjoyable beyond that. Losing so much really really sucks. I can’t wait for the day this teams only purpose is to win games.
  14. I like that fact that Tuch looks angry most of the time. More of these guys should play angry.
  15. Sorry for not being clear I was mostly talking about changing it up in general not necessarily for Meatballs.
  16. Imo it has been Terrys m.o. to burn through gms and coaches. Every time they have a regime change its a reset. You don’t see it that way fine. I do. I suppose if just once in the last ten or so years he had been successful as an owner we may have had some calm but it hasn’t been like that. He has been an absolute failure as an owner, again imo.
  17. The oil are hot garbage. How long before they blame coaching ?
  18. One thing Adams has figured out is that with a young team the goalie position is the easiest way to a subtle tank. And thats what this is. Its also the quickest way to build back to respectability when you are done tanking. Fill one position. Lets be real a top 3 pick is the goal here with #1 overall best case scenario. If he goes into next season with the same plan a full on fan revolt is in order.
  19. I was thinking that without his lethal shot on the PP why is he really out there. Literally the only arrow in his quiver.
  20. Thank gawd thats over. Methinks the guys minds were on football. Aside from the point blank chance near the end by I think Okposo, I never really thought this team would score. Sad really.
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