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Everything posted by SabresBillsFan

  1. It all depends on who Buffalo gets coming back. It's not like Myers has been this superstud defenseman the last two years.
  2. To me it's all about who would be coming back Mantha and a prospect, Mantha and a pick. Don't know. It has to be Mantha for sure +. I like Myers but he is so inconsistent and who knows if he ever gets his mind cleared. Everyone from his draft defense wise has been improving and he has been so so.
  3. NFL seems to be working fine without a lottery. Difference is the top teams usually have the best quarterbacks or they have a very good quarterback with a top defense.
  4. Would people be pissed if Florida passes on Ekblad and Buffalo selects him and then trades Myers to Detroit for Mantha?
  5. This is bad news and a total joke. Don't know all the details yet but if every non-playoff team has a better chance at #1 than the league should be ashamed of themselves. You want parity look at the NFL. Worst team picks first end of story. Most teams don't intentionally tank anymore. Players take too much pride in themselves just to throw games. Yes I know it's the GM plays apart in most of this but most GM's don't tank if they want to keep their job.
  6. It wouldn't shock me if they took Ekblad and moved a couple of 2nds and a d-man for a center. Wow could you imagine the defense pairing with all that we have and I'm not talking about Chad Ruewedel in that mix. Should be interesting tomorrow. I think they are going to be working the phones big time.
  7. I expect Murray to be wheeling and dealing even if they have to overpay it wouldn't shock me.
  8. Stafford, Stewart, Ehrhoff from buffalo is a possibility. Kesler from Vancouver
  9. I wish Bennett would have played in the prospects game because to me it wasn't even close to who the best player was. Reinhart stood out and made his linemates better.
  10. I wouldn't be surprised if Stewart, Stafford or Ehrhoff are moved by draft day or next years trade deadline. I think Murray is going to make several moves with players and those 3 second rounders. Either of the Sams will do just fine but what happens if Florida passes on Ekblad do u field offers from Edmonton or Calgary. I wouldn't trade down past 4. I'm not sold on the german.
  11. I want Reinhart but something tells me that if Bennett is tough in all 3 zones and plays a hard nose game that Buffalo will pick him. But it would be interesting if Florida selects one of the Sams. Then what?
  12. I take Reinhart please but something tells me it will be Bennett. I think the Ontario league has better players.
  13. I'm so looking forward to this years draft but more importantly next years draft. I think Murray is going to be very active from now until next years draft. Just hoping he lands the players he wants!
  14. I'll pass on any of the high profile free agents this year. It's all about the final year of the tank and McDavid or Eichel. We don't need to screw with the rebuild until after next years draft. It's going to be a long year !
  15. Tank on Buffalo, Tank on. It's all about McDavid and Eichel
  16. I like Ehrhoff but if he gets moved for another first I won't miss him.
  17. I can't wait for draft day I think Murray has some players he wants and will move up to get them. Draft day can't come fast enough!
  18. I don't like the system we have now. You look at the most balanced league which is the NFL and the last place team picks first no lottery. Not many teams are in the business of tanking on purpose unless their GM guts the team. Too much pride in players to tank. Just like the Cavs shouldn't be picking first again. The league can manipulate where certain players could go.
  19. Why do I feel that all this negative criticism against Vanek will sink into him making him better. Let's face it the guy has talent but it's his work ethic that u have to question. I still feel he signs with the Wild and I just have this strange feeling he's going to have a big year. His Family being there and his best buddy Pom's.
  20. Buffalo should say if Ekblad doesn't get picked by Florida they will take him making Edmonton all worried and consider moving up.
  21. I think Buffalo will stay at 2 but move two of those seconds to get another player they want in the first. Now refresh my memory I know we have the Islanders first next year but don't we have their second as well?
  22. Boyle even though he is up there in age can still move and move pretty well.
  23. And so it begins the Islanders have a ton of cap space and are at least trying to fill spots of weakness. We won't be picking in the top ten next year. Mark my words on it!
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