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Everything posted by SabresBillsFan

  1. Carolina is suppose to be in the hunt for McDavid some people think. Wonder how this will effect them. I still think Buffalo is going to be better than the analysts pick them to finish. Ted Nolan will get a lot out these guys.
  2. Bad break for Carolina and Staal. Losing a very solid player so early.
  3. I agree. If the kid makes an impression like Myers did when he was drafted then I could see them keeping him up. I just don't see that happening.
  4. Not saying that Arizona is going to move but they really could use a player that can fill the seats. Most other teams that are bad are still filling the arena's. Not so in Phoenix. That's my reasoning.
  5. Yes I agree but an injury or two and they are in deep trouble. Maybe it all depends on their goaltending and who knows if they injury bug hits them. To me this team needs a superstar as do we but somehow the NHL will find a way to *uck us!
  6. Yeah that's true. I really hope I'm wrong but you look at Arizona they lost their goal scorers this offseason and were already hurting for goals. Yes they picked up Gagner and Domi will probably make the team this year but who knows how much they can contribute. I just think the NHL would love to help out a struggling fanbase and with Darcy there it would be Karma if he landed the player he wanted that ended up costing him his job. (Not pinning the total rebuild on him but his inability to get the job done is what I should have said).
  7. Both Lemieux and Kaleta can put the puck in the net. They don't have the skill of Grigs but then again Grigs doesn't have the hustle and work ethic of those two guys either.
  8. Well what if the man who started the tear down for McDavid. Actually get his man in Arizona. I wouldn't be shocked for one and think about this. They really don't have much offense wise and who really knows how good they will be or bad. So if Arizona finishes in the bottom 5-8 don't be shocked. I'm sure the NHL would love to put McDavid in Arizona to help a struggling franchise with it's fanbase. You heard it first. I hope it doesn't happen but nothing would shock me with the NHL. It's not like you are actually seeing all the lottery balls in front of you when they are doing the top 5 picks. Who knows what is happening behind those closed doors.
  9. I could see that happening. I just feel their is no need to rush Reinhart into the lineup. If he can't be top 6 then send him back. This team isn't a cup contender and the whole goal is the cup. Tank On!
  10. I like Nolan too but it's interesting I played pickup hockey and met Stephane Yelle who used to play with Colorado and Calgary and he didn't have anything good to say about the guy. Very interesting I thought.
  11. I agree with you somewhat but I thought Grig's did look alot better. His skating is better. You can't really look too much into that game last night because most of players that suited up for Buffalo won't be in the lineup come the start of the season.
  12. I have to agree about his physical game but not impressed about anything else in his game. I have to agree about his physical game but not impressed about anything else in his game.
  13. Knuckle heads they are. It sucks losing I get that and the most die-hard fan gets it. Unfortunately this team doesn't have Detroit's scouting staff who can find studs in late rounds that blossom into solid players. Darcy started the tear down and it needed to be done. Once it started it's going to take sometime to get this team back to the playoffs. The fanbase needs to understand patience is needed. Most of the kids aren't ready to step in to a mans league and contribute like McKinnon did last year. We all would love to see Reinhart on this team but I don't believe he's ready to make the jump full time. Just because he's a number 2 pick doesn't mean he earns a spot on the roster. Management and Coaching staff stressing patience on these young players so why is their a need to rush them? And end up with what another Grig's situation. We have 5 picks in the top 2 rounds next year to help with the rebuild and who knows if Murray moves Stafford, Stewart and Mezaros at the deadline. No need to rush this rebuild but let them build a contender to compete for the cup but not an also ran. I don't know about you but I'm so sick of being an also ran.
  14. I have to admit I thought Grigs looked alot better as well. Reinhart didn't do anything to stand out but it was his first game. I'm gonna go out and say it right now. Grigs and Reinhart don't start with Buffalo. Reinhart needs to get bigger and stronger and Grigs just needs more time but he's getting close. The reason why I say this is if neither can crack the top 6 why keep them here. Yes and to piss people off on this board Flynn looked pretty decent. He skates hard and works hard. That's a Teddy Nolan type of player. I was impressed with Risto and Benoit. I could care less if Mike Weber is on this squad. Other than his physical presence he really doesn't bring much to this team. But that's just me!
  15. This assessment is spot on. I could care less if Weber is on this squad. He doesn't bring much to the team in my opinion.
  16. Why do I feel like EJ is the key that is making a dynamic offense just mediocre. I said it before and will constantly say it he is going to hold this team back from being better. I'm not impressed with this guy at all.
  17. I mentioned what I would do on other threads. I would do exactly with Reinhart as Tampa did with Droiun. Another year of Reinhart getting stronger in junior and playing for team canada at world juniors would be good for him. No need to rush him unless he stands out like Myers did years ago. Complete the tank please.
  18. Wow, absolutely no love for Flynn here. I don't think he is that bad. He works hard and doesn't get that much credit for being a third or fourth liner. Why do people want Reinhart on this roster this year. I don't want him being a third line center. I think if Murray and company are smart they ain't gonna rush this kid. Let's face it he's a kid in a mans league not many 18 year old can step in unless they have a huge skill set. I like Reinhart a lot and wanted him since the start of last year but it wouldn't hurt to do exactly with him that Tampa did with Droiun. I think Droiun, and Johnny Hockey, and Kuznetsov are going to be the 3 finalist for the Calder when it's all said and done. Complete the tank please.
  19. Reinhart- I have to agree with PH assessment and with Nolan's no need to rush the kid I think it's going to be hard for him making this squad. Take the Tampa approach with this kid there is no need to rush him this team isn't going anywhere just yet. The only way this kid sticks if he standout big time like Myers did years ago. Myers- let's not forget people that when Myers is on his game he can change the game. When he is involved in the offense some nights last year you could see the difference in games. The guy is still really young and with the right coaching and right players around him he could be a force. I'm not ready to give up on him just yet. Stewart, Stafford- both in contract years which I believe they both might play out of their minds this year. Hodgson- if he's on the wing might put up some solid points. All in all this team I believe this team is much better. I think most people are going to see a team that is much better than u think plus they have a new coaching staff which might have a huge effect on players.
  20. Alot of good points. I have to agree with your true sniper assesment.
  21. I have to agree. And Cassidy is right. Some guys will be trying to make the NHL next week why wouldn't you work your tail off especially with your GM right there.
  22. Because a Solid QB would have closed that Dolphin game out earlier. This team has weapons at WR and RB but the only problem I see is a mediocre QB. Lets face it they reached for this guy and he wasn't that spectular at Florida State. Doesn't mean he can't get better but I'm not gonna get my hopes up. I'm not sold on Manual at all. I know he's still young and hasn't really played a full season but I just don't think he's the answer to QB situation long term. You look at every good team year in and year out they all have solid QB's.
  23. I'm just saying as a GM you would seriously have to consider a trade if getting all those picks!
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