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Everything posted by SabresBillsFan

  1. And who says if Grigs isn't unloaded to another team for another piece or pick. This finishing close to the playoffs or being a first round failure had to end. I'm actually been real excited about the future more so than ever with all these kids. It actually making me laugh at all the comments about Zadorov at camp that he is slow or he seems like he is skating in cement. The kid is a top defenseman in the OHL. The kid needs time to develop and work on his game. Geez these fans are killing me. I said when they tore it down it was going to be a 3-5 year rebuild but leaning more towards 5 years before we see the playoffs. I agree and in a couple of years people will be wow we have a really good team and a ton of young talent.
  2. Very good point but I believe with all the scouts they have, video analysis of younger players and the amount of money Pegula has put into the scouting department I think u are gonna find a lot of players making it either with us or another team. People expect that if they don't see some superstar in a player they drafted they get down on him. These kids need time to develop and I think the scouting staff has pin pointed young players in the draft and have their minds made up on getting these players. The best is yet to come folks just be patient.
  3. I totally agree. People don't want to go thru a rebuild like this but it was totally necessary. Yeah let's finish 10-14 pick wise and be this mediocre team. No Fing Way I want that. This team should be pretty damn good and if people don't see it they sure will in a few years.
  4. Now do u believe what I posted right before u that a lot of these kids might be NHLers because a lot of them might be close to the same skill wise. People can talk about Compher but I think he will be up with the big club before he graduates Michigan. This team has a ton of solid prospects. The one no-one is talking about is Armia. Does he need more development time to get bigger, stronger and faster. Anyone know how he look. I would also like to know where last years second rounder was Connor Hurley or was he under the same rule as Fasching when he started college.
  5. I know some people here seem to say that most of these young players will be misses as far as making it in the NHL. But do any of u think as much money, scouts, and everything else Pegula put into the scouting department that there are going to be a lot more players making it. I truly believe so plus u have a guy like Murray who was an ex-scout. I think our prospect pool is really good and that some players might not stand out more because a lot of them are close in talent. I'm liking what I hear about Grigs. I think a full season in the AHL with his current workout program and skating help will really benefit his game. Worst case scenario is he is moved for something else. But I see a lot of these kids making it either on Buffalo or on another team. It sounds like this Wellman kid from high school is really opening eyes he just needs to keep working.I'm wondering if any of the kids that were invited to camp will get signed.
  6. If this guy becomes a player in the nhl the trade was a steal. A 7th rounder is nothing to give up.
  7. More reason why he needs some time to grow. The kid needs to get bigger as with almost all these kids. I just don't believe in rushing any of these kids unless they come out like McKinnon which none of them are. Let's finish the tank. Now do we have 6 picks in the first 2 rounds or 5?
  8. I'm in the same boat. I really hope I'm wrong but I don't think we land either of those guys unless Murray unloads some players on the roster during the season. I just have this strange feeling that Darcy started this tank for high picks and a solid chance at McDavid and now that he is with the Coyotes I just have this feeling that because this team has hardly any offense that they somehow land McDavid. That would be huge for a struggling fan base. And it's just out luck!
  9. Wow I'm shocked just to hear people talk about these young players where 99% aren't ready yet. It's development camp. People expect these players to stand out like Mario or Wayne. Most players don't burst on the scene like McKinnon did last year but he was talked about many years before he was drafted. Settle down people there are a lot of very good young players coming they just need time to develop.
  10. This is a great post. I'm excited about the future and I think a lot of these youngsters are going to be players. Maybe not all of them are gonna be on the Sabres. What people don't realize when u have a ton of good young players especially during 1 scrimmage game some guys are going to cancel out other players because they are pretty equal skill wise or just good at shutting other players down. I wouldn't look too much into one scrimmage game. This team has a lot of talent and like Bob said a lot of teams don't get that lucky and land a player like McKinnon who was great in his first year. His skating and pure speed are on a different level than most players. When u pick in the teens for years you just better hope your scouts hit on these players. Plus this last draft just wasn't loaded with a lot of high end talent. That's why I think it's important to keep all these youngsters in their respected league for one more year just to complete the tank. We came to far to change it now especially in a draft that is supposed to be really good. Now to get off the Sabres for just a second I think Jonathan Droiun will be the Rookie to watch next year with all the moves Tampa made to that team. His skating and playmaking are top notch and will be just as dynamic as McKinnon.
  11. Wow I understand some people's excitement of some players and disappointment in others like Grigo and Armia. Let's not forget a few things both were drafted in the teens and still need work on their games and off ice workouts to get bigger, stronger and faster. This doesn't happen overnight. Grigs should have never been rushed end of story. Give the kid time it's obvious he knows what he needs to do to become a player. Worst case scenario he gets moved for something else. People need to give all these kids time including Reinhart. I'm all about giving all these kids another year in their respected league and let's take care of the last year of the tank. 2 generational players don't come around every draft. I told people when they tore the team apart to rebuild it was going to take 3-5 years before we see playoffs. You have to give these kids time to develop. Guys like McKinnon don't come around and burst on the nhl scene every year. Be patient people this team should and I say should be exciting to watch in the next couple of years. I'm just wondering if Murray signs any of the camp invites to contracts.
  12. I know a lot of people want to see some of these guys in Buffalo this upcoming season but I would rather them getting another year of development in whatever league they came from and that includes Reinhart. We have one more season of the tank and why abandon it now when we have a solid shot at McDavid or Eichel. Next year I'm all about Buffalo getting the kids in there and learning.
  13. So for the people that went or were actually able to watch the game who stood out for u? How did Reinhart and Grigrenko do? Who was a player u didn't expect to be so good? Not much mention of Compher or Fausching?
  14. Man I love your avatar! I'm looking forward to see who stands out!
  15. All that can happen if we can land McDavid. But in all honesty lets not go there.
  16. I know people probably won't like this answer but I would like him to go one more year of junior and play in the WJC and then play full time next year. If we have come this far on the tank what's one final season to have a shot at two franchise building players!
  17. That's what I mean. He played in USHL last year and going to college this year.
  18. Where's Connor Hurley? Not in prospects camp It will be interesting to see since he's gained muscle mass training if he really worked on what he really needs work on and that's his quickness and skating. If he doesn't stand out at camp I could see him being moved.
  19. I didn't see last years 2nd rounder on the roster Connor Hurley. Wonder why?
  20. What are people smoking? All that for Skinner! Wow thank god u ain't running the hockey department. Skinner is a smallish forward and yes he can score but he been banged up the last couple of seasons and I don't think your trading Myers, Hodgson , + for him. Way over payment for that player. Trading Myers now would be foolish unless your getting a top flight prospect or straight up for a player that's around his age. I think you see what Myers brings this year under a full season coaching by Nolan.
  21. Yeah no kidding I'm thinking all these signings hurt us and I think the new front runners might be Arizona, Nashville, Carolina. It's going to be interesting. Wouldn't it be messed up that the guy that started the whole tank process ends up with McDavid!
  22. To me this is year 2 of the tank but I still don't think we will be a ton better even if we land a top 2 pick next year. These players need time to develop. It's not going to happen overnight. I still think it's only 2/3 done after next year. Who knows if Reinhart makes the team and even if he can who says they don't keep him in juniors. Lots of ????? And only Murray has the answers.
  23. I agree as I feel the Coyotes might be in the running for 1st overall and with Darcy there it might be just our luck they land him. Plus think about it u don't think the NHL wouldn't mind helping out a teams struggling fan base! Something to think about
  24. I'm just wondering with all the free agent pickups plus the Josh Gorges trade, a healthy lineup at the start of the season plus Ted Nolan hiring his own staff if that pushes us out of the bottom 5 of the league. Because I think we will be a lot better than last year. The defense already looks a lot better than last year on paper. What are your thoughts?
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