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Everything posted by SabresBillsFan

  1. As some may not know I’m a season ticket holder here in Vegas who originally grew up in Buffalo. I still like both teams. I know Sabres fans hate him since he wasn’t the savior that people thought he would be but Jack Eichel has been playing great out here in Vegas. He doesn’t have to be the main guy as this is a solid veteran team. He’s fit right in with this team. Great puck possession guy who is horrible on faceoffs. One of my favorite players was traded for Eichel in Tuch. When he was here in Vegas he’s just a great person and a solid player. Not superstar material but just a really solid player.
  2. This team needs to lock it down in their own end. Way too many high quality chances in high danger areas.
  3. Schenn is garbage. I just don’t see Horvat and Boeser look like Sabres. This team need another good forward and some gritty players. This team needs to be better in their own end and the offensive players need to be hustling.
  4. You guys are lucky for your ticket prices as a season ticket holder here in Vegas the prices have been creeping up each year. Nose bleeds are $70+, lower bowl your talking $138+
  5. No excuse for this team not to work hard. I blame the coach.
  6. Not sure why Granato got an extension when he really hasn’t accomplished much. They jumped the gone and I’m not sure if he’s the right guy for this job.
  7. This is spot on. Buffalo is the only team that finds new & creative ways to lose games.
  8. I’m in Vegas and this team has been playing unbelievable right now. Eichel can just play and doesn’t have to worry about being the teams savior They are a veteran group with tons of leaders. I will tell you who really is underrated is Chandler Stephenson. He’s great in the faceoff dot, fast, is a great passer and a lot of the little things he does you won’t see on the score sheet. Now from what I watched this year of Buffalo is that they need alittle more sandpaper on this team. Comrie isn’t the answer in goal. I’m not sure if Granato is the one to get this team to a different level. I would have never given him that extension so quickly. I like the future of this team but not sure if the fans can endure more seasons of no playoffs.
  9. ^ This is spot on. I totally agree with the skating. This team needs to bring it game in and game out. Not really a fan of the white pants. Should have been blue.
  10. ^This , he’s been invisible this year as well as Tage he needs to get those legs moving. And someone needs to tell Power he needs to bulk up.
  11. Arizona deserves him more. Chicago already won a couple of cups. ***** that team! No, I live in Vegas and ***** the leafs. That team isn’t going anywhere. Their defense and goaltending suck! Don’t worry we took care of Toronto for you!
  12. He had two nice goals last night. The thing with Eichel is he leaves you wanting more. If the guy would go hard every shift he would be top ten in scoring. The guy can just flat out skate.
  13. I’m in Vegas and love the Sabres and the Knights and I absolutely think the trade worked out well for both teams. Jack is the most talented of all the players involved but I think Tuch is a better leader, teammate then Jack is. Loved Tuch when he was here. Krebs was a hard working hustler who is a better playmaker then goal scorer. Jack holds on to the puck too long sometimes and tries to force passes from what I have seen in his time here. Seems like a moody player. The guy can flat out fly on the ice when he decides to turn it on. Right now I believe Buffalo got the better deal because it seems like ever since that trade was made Buffalo has been a totally different team.
  14. They are finally all healthy which helps. We shall see how the goaltending holds up.
  15. With Bjork’s salary being what it is, he’s easy to put on waivers. To me he would be waived!
  16. Not a fan of Dunleavy’s play by play. Sabres should hire someone better.
  17. This should of been happening years ago. I have always said Buffalo needs to draft and develop. This is what will make this team a contender. Plus u need to hit on guys outside the first round.
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