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Everything posted by Patty16

  1. Yea bc equipment is equalizing goaltending a bit too much. The big guns want a little more separation bc they know they are just better, and not bc the equipment covers the whole net. Think about the thigh extenders, if those were reduced now goalies have to really protect the 5 hole, and thus can't cover as much ice in the butterfly.
  2. The notion that illegal immigration is de facto a bad thing economically is false. Taken as a whole no non-partisan economist is willing to say that is the case. Politically its great, it's easy to tell working whites that your job/income suck bc some brown person took it----- not because of new technology, decline in manufacturing jobs, the drop in unionization, globalization and recessions. That's not a good soudbite on the trail or in a debate, but theyre also the main reasons. Immigration is a good point for the GOP to rile up the base, but not something voters care the most about. http://www.usnews.com/cmsmedia/b9/a8/44a4d5914d2492760d301a7d7731/150622-datapresidentialissues-graphic.png It's odd that in a debate about the economy i didn't hear any real jobs plan
  3. I think it's really a matter of history. Cops have basically always been able to do what's seen in the video with no recourse. Camera phones with video ability are equalizing this factor rather quickly. They are also protected by the blue wall and the prosecutor's office who declines to charge an officer. The DA should no have authority to charge/not charge since there's an inherent conflict of interest. Cops do have a thankless job but they also know that signing up. They deserve to be treated with the upmost respect. However, when they are out of line, they need to be punished accordingly and severely. They have the power to ruin someone's life so there have to be consequences when they mess up.
  4. Yea and i've read a lot of comments on this story with the main theme being "well, just do what you're told and this won't happen" except you dont have to always just listen to police. The guy did not have to step outside. it's a common police tactic to mis lead people into doing things that give away your Const. rights. Best example is an officer asking to search your car after a routine traffic stop. They are trained to say it in a way to make you think you have to let them. you don't. The Bill of Rights was created precisely for the reasons illustrate in the video and touched on by Neo. We are not supposed to be sheep to the cops and just blindly go along with them. They don't have a right to knock on your door and force you outside to talk, or make up a silly resisting charge bc they mouthed off. The cop wanted him outside bc once he did he's in the public and diff rules apply. If you're in your residence you have more protections. He didn't even have to open his door really. By and large you are legally allowed to say almost anything to a cop without recourse. (yes, there are certain exceptions). But being uncooperative for noise complaint isn't reason for an arrest. especially on the first visit.
  5. Wow that vid is wrong on so many levels. confrontational police for a noise complaint. Then a guy in fetal position getting whacked with a night stick? wtf. Without video this whole thing goes away. People need to realize that cops work for us, not the other way around. If you are going to be trusted with that kind of authority and power you need to be held to a high standard. Antagonizing, tazing, and billy clubbing drunk college kids has been going on for years but now everyone gets to see it. Truly troubling.
  6. I like that the league in finally coming around to smaller pads. Yea guys are taller, but they're still pretty skinny. Also those ridiculous thigh extender pads completely take away the 5 hole. They need to be shorter. there's enough technology to make it safe, guys are blocking tons of shots with way less equipment and we're not seeing an increase in injuries. There no legit reason for equipment to be that big, goalies wanted it to boost their numbers and get paid.
  7. He's a 26 yr old pro athlete millionaire who brought a girl home from a bar? That happens in every US city every weekend. What exactly are you talking about?
  8. The DA's statement is rather strong. Basically that's there no evidence to support her claims, and her account doesn't match evidence or other witnesses. Can be many explanations for this.
  9. Uber does offer protection to the driver, but i don't believe its typical insurance as they require Uber drivers to carry their own. The tricky part is that they are not really allowed to tel ltheir insurance company bc they dont' cover Uber driving- since it's considered taxi services in their eyes.
  10. They are, of course. But the likely scenario is if he had those he would've turned them over, or let them be viewed, to shut down any investigation and not let it drag on. The stuff we know now simply does not fit a defamation case. There's been no hint of wrongdoing on behalf of accuser to suggest that. Cases like this don't hang around if there's the kind of evidence you suggest might exist. It's likely that this encounter was in a grey area of the law. I'm agreeing money isn't the issue, its that the process itself won't clear his name more than it will embarrass him. The stuff that would come out during the suit would not be worth the suit itself. Having no charges filed at all, not even a grand jury, is pretty strong. Would a reasonable person say yea i know i wasn't charged but let's throw my partying and sex life out there for a civil suit? No. Even if it's not criminal it would kill his reputation.
  11. There isn't a defamation suit AND it wouldn't be worth it if you could anyway. That's the point i was trying to show over multiple posts. Lets assume she wasn't acting in good faith..... it would be difficult to show, and it seems unlikely given that the DA has held onto the case for a while. Kane is a public figure so he would need to show the accuser knew she was wrong and she made the statements to cause him harm. AND Lets assume all that's true.... she's 20ish and working a menial job, she has nothing to compensate you with, so the only real way to "win" is to go to trial. That means trial testimony by Kane about alll his sexual acts that night, etc.
  12. True. I answered above that it's almost certainly not possible. She didn't publicly speak or "publish" anything. Statement to a third party constitute publishing but: 1) exceptions for statements to police - even if she's wrong that it was rape or not, that would be good faith. 2) he's a public figure so way higher standard. So still pretty much impossible.
  13. Is the discovery that would come out in the defamation lawsuit worth the suit? NO it is most certainly not. I have handled a profile defamation suit, it's not fun and usually not worth the client's time, especially for an athlete with a huge guaranteed contract. Would you adivse your client to bring suit, testify under oath about what he did that night? All the details??? For what? I've worked with Cambria, he's sharp and there's no way he would advise Kane to do that. Hypothetically he would find a way to let the DA know it was false and let them do the work for him. avoid all the traps of civil litigation.
  14. Yes. Usually structured for lump payment after SOL has expired etc. Bottom line is that if she doesn't want charges pressed, then its all over on both sides. If not, it would be highly unusual.
  15. Right but the agreement wouldn't be unenforceable. Lots of ways to make it legit.
  16. See below, its not defamation to report to police. Now Kane could still sue, but then truth is the accuser's defense. So the civil suit would explore everything that happened that night. So Kane really has no incentive to do that. Plus, if there was a settlement, it probably had a clause prohibiting such a suit. As for witness tampering, it could be but it NEVER is charged. In theory you are right, but again the DA really doesn't want to go there and most never ever do. Well she spoke to police, and it's not defamation to make a good faith statement to the police. ******** I haven't been on lately, but i'm not taking any position on the underlying issue. Just telling you the analysis of what happens next from a practical sense.
  17. Defamation against who? There's absolutely no defamation case against the accuser. None. Zero. Plus, truth is an absolute defense to defamation.... do you really think PK wants to sit for a deposition about this???? And it would be virtually impossible to win a defamation case against DA's office as well,. Well there's nothing compelling her to talk to police. It's not a crime to simply refuse to cooperate. Now, there are procedural remedies for that but DA's don't use them against an alleged victim typically. There is no case if she doesn;t want to go forward, and they aren't going to go forward without her. So it's not buying a witness' silence per se
  18. Key Bank Arena already exists in Seattle http://www.keyarena.com/ Would think Key Center or Key Bank Center if changed.
  19. This is patently absurd. Taylor has far more talent, even if we just consider his scrambling ability. Now, you're right htat doesn;t mean he's the long term answer but EJ has all the tools but is NOT progressing. He misses far too many throws, even in warmups to ever be a full time starter. Those issues, which has always had, almost never are corrected at the NFL level. Tyrod is a more accurate passer, and isn't afraid to throw more than 10 yards.
  20. Lots of NHL players do coke, it's not a huge deal. I've lived in 3 NHL cities and the young guys do it quite a bit.
  21. Bc for many, it's about being part of the group, a group that they view as superior to others. And when it comes to actually following the word in the text, or even its themes, well that just not as important. (this is in no way aimed at anyone on this thread, just in general) Maher has a point when it comes to killing and the death penalty, that the very religious shouldn't be in favor of this based on the scripture, yet the most religious are most likely to support it.
  22. That's not really the case though. Any state can reallocate existing funds to prioritize education, rich or poor. For example, Alabama is one of the worst educated areas in the modern world. Yet they have one of the lowest taxes in the US. They could raise taxes even 1% and have millions more to spend on whatever they choose. Again, it's about priorities and typically the more conservative a state, the worse it's education system and students. They tend to place less emphasis on education. Also it's not allllll about spending but it's a large part.
  23. I didn't mean to infer that we are currently decentralizing and that was a poor use of that phrase on my part. However, education isn't getting worse because of standardized testing or common core. The problems have been long standing and pre-date those issues. It's more that each state can do as they choose. Texas drives much of what's in textbooks and yet they choose to misrepresent history, and overstate certain political themes. Further, because states aren't necessarily required to fund a decent education, they don't and the poor red states stay under educated and thus poor. I wouldn't obfuscate the issue with a horse and cart theme, the bottom line is that in states where publci education is important, the students do better, as compared to other states and students globally. Deflecting the attention to bad tests, bad teachers etc is just taking the focus away from the fact that some states choose, as a public policy, not to make education important. It's allocation of resources, even if state revenue is fixed you can prioritize education funding which of course means less resources for something else. Look at Kansas they cut taxes drastically thinking that it would magically increase revenue. Now they gutted their education spending and they can't hire any teachers and many are leaving. Yup, and what follows is sub par education and people that no one wants to hire. Then they will offer coupons to go to private schools that will cost you more
  24. They spend the least per pupil on education, and continue to cut education budgets. It's not simply because they are poor. Education is not a priority so the funding never gets allocated, instead those monies go to other things like tax cuts or other spending. Additionally, part of not funding public education, and it's demonization by certain political factions, is to make for profit charter schools front and center. Surrender self determination? How does that flow from what i said? Are Canadians or Germans whose students outperform ours surrendering self determination? They are not, and private schools are available for those who are so determined. My point, which was clear, is that decentralizing educations is clearly not working, and as long as it remains a state issue, you will have students in Alabama getting a education below that in third world countries while students in Mass are some of the worlds best educated.
  25. No our students are falling behind. Do yourself a favor and compare our curriculum to those in other countries, these tests that are too hard for adults in the US are being taken and mastered in other parts of the world. I never said, nor do i agree, that standardized tests are the only metric by which to evaluate students or teachers. But the backlash against these tests is a lot ignorance and pitchfork mob behaviour. The problem is that we are basically the only modern country that permits school policy making at the local and state levels. It's not because of the PISA tests. It's because states like Mississippi and Louisiana have students that can't out perform third world countries where students go to school with dirt floors. Meanwhile some states like Mass. would rank in the top 10 in the world if it were a country. It's not the test, it's the policy of the educators. As long as we allow states to control their own destiny in terms of education, some states will continue to have backward and flawed education policies and their students will continue to receive a sub par education. Its always the same states that oppose progress in any area. And the PISA state by state results mirror other breakdowns of educational achievement of students in each states when using other criteria.
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