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Everything posted by Patty16

  1. true but its important to note that it's not a unified area, the shia and sunni do not play well together. that's why control of iraq is so important. Theres a power struggle. For example the 9/11 hijackers were mostly sunni saudis yet we turn our eye to all transgressions by saudi including their abysmal human rights record, yet we "hate' Iran bc? Americans will always need an enemy, always have, it keeps the hawks and 'Murica crowd happy and distracted from their own plights.
  2. This, I think, is what will be indirectly achieved when more trade happens. I know some younger Iranians, who have come here for work and schooling, and many say that the younger generations are much more liberal than the theocracy in charge. When the sanctions are lifted, and trade resumes, so will wealth and information flow. This will destroy the stranglehold the theocracy has on the people there, who are not as fanatic as other countries. It's the same reason North Korea ddoesnt fight to lift sanctions, those in power will see it crumble through the interjection of information and money. I would say you misspeak a little regarding Arabs in Iran, that population is almost non existent as most are Persians including the bulk of those living in Tehran. (but again this goes back to my media criticism of not actually informing viewers) Just as most don't realize the tensions between Sunni in SA and the shia in Iran and how that shapes the middle east and further how it that played into Iraq being a horrible idea (see ISIS)
  3. Iran having nukes is like the boogey man of hawks in the US and Israel. for the past 30 years theyve been saying Iran is just a few years away. It's everything to do with the concentration of power in the middle east, and an Iran free of sanctions and more open to trade allows them to be more powerful and use their influence. That goes against the hard line conservative hawks many of whom believe the US shoudl still be the big daddy in the Middle East along with Israel, and Iran with more oil flowing and more trade will cut into that. BUT the agreement also allows the most intrusive inspections ever and will significantly delay weapons production that so many are sure will happen.
  4. The two certainly separate issues but in this case may overlap. I scrolled up but didn't catch nfreeman's post on this issue. One problem is the public discourse in this country is almost incapable of having a serious conversation on anything. Too many times reports are simply made to drive rating and not critically evaluate a story. Even if this guy had terror connections (early reports are that he was not on anyone's radar) I still think the question should be why should we allow someone to walk in a buy an assault rifle and let him mow people down? What if he was ISIS? Are we going to keep lax guns laws and let ISIS come over here buy weapons legally and then shoot us? Those who bash Muslims rarely take a step back to ask WHY they have bad feelings toward us, why ISIS even exists, and what role the US had in all of it. It's usually they hate us so let's go kill them.
  5. True. And that state has virtually no restrictions on weapons purchases for those over 18. Would be pretty easy for him to buy one and fire away. Thats the whole point, we are the only country that allows these attacks to happen in perpetuity because we are the only nation (in the modern world) that allows such easy and unfettered access to these weapons.
  6. It was talked about on several channels of TV coverage. Questions as to what kind of weapons and where he acquired. You know in reference to those other examples you gave, those were guys with semi auto assault rifles, if that's what this guy had -- and that has not been disclosed-- you can expect that to emerge as another central theme. Easy access to high powered weapons that can cause massive causalities in a few minutes.
  7. Um no plenty are asking where he got the weapons and why he carried out the attack.
  8. They don't bc those advocating cutting taxes, almost exclusively benefiting upper incomes, use social issues to keep those who are in need of that money the most, voting for them. (I would note I get huge benefits from these cuts, but everyone would be better off if it were otherwise). Keep lower income, socially conservative, voters focused on social issues, they wont notice or care that you are lining your pockets and keeping them poor.
  9. I agree here, he seems like a late bloomer physically and it will give his feet and body a chance to catch up with his hands and IQ
  10. just broke that the RCMP is investigating Richards, no word as to what for yet
  11. wouldnt that result in an arrest? especially at the border? It has to be something more serious, for all the hush about it from LA, and Pierre being weird about divulging more. My guess would be that the reason things can't be disclosed is for the legal process or investigation.
  12. Part of the problem with this category of restaurant in buffalo is the allure, the women and how they dress, doesn't really fit the Buffalo population. Hooters on Maple wasn't exactly well staffed, especially compared to almost all other locations I've seen. I would expect the same from Tilted Kilt
  13. it's interesting because there's been no leak of an arrest, and that's something that gets out pretty easy, so I'm wondering what it was??
  14. a roughly $700k cap hit moving forward. Well worth the buyout. Guy was way too slow to fit the style and pace of what TM and DB are trying to instill.
  15. I think I saw there was a way to do it tomorrow, but I can't find the link right now.
  16. It should take us out of the mix too, that's too large of a contract
  17. This wasn't something new or even new to the civil rights movement. It was created by an army supporting a hateful new seccessionist wannabe country. After the war it was used by hate groups (before 1900) then it went away until the mid 1900's. Funny how you never ever see a non white southerner carrying around that flag talking about 'heritage", it's never been about that but a viewpoint that see the world in a different light. Most stauch flag supporters are mega conservatives who are white and have generally opposed any policy that provides rights to minorities,
  18. Umm is this twitter handle legit? seems a bit hockeybuzz-ish
  19. One cost issue is that we subsidize other nations' "socialized" health care by our for profit health care model. We pay more for RX drugs than anyone else and basic surgeries cost much more. This was true before and after ACA. Costs will never truly be controlled until we as a whole view health care as something other than a profit driven business
  20. ACA upheld again. Should be interesting to see all candidates latch onto it. Going to be really hard to argue it's unconstitutional etc. Does GOP drop that and just attack as bad policy? Do Dem candidates run to keep it the same or improve?
  21. Yes but there's an equally plausible other side. They let him go and didn't leak anything about it, and they've shown no problem leaking. I think if the story is true they just let him go and didn't make a fuss about it. And we didn't hear anything about PLF being screwed over by his camp. The whole story is shrouded in mystery, but PLF has been canned twice, there's got to be more going on.
  22. About the toys being scrapped? No need for that kind of stuff in the modern world. It's a misguided aw shucks kinda southern thing that it's ok to display that kind of symbol. If it wasn't from a show from way back I don't think there's any way that makes it. Germans don't allow TV shows about their horrible history other than for history purposes. Neither should we.
  23. You, no. But the symbol you support is one created out of treason and the belief of superiority of one race over another. Georgia when it abandoned America incorporated into its constitution that no law could EVER free slaves. The stars and bars is NOT the flag we are talking about, that would be the actual confederate flag. as SDS' article points out. The battle flag was basically not existent as a symbol of "heritage" until about any point in history when an issue was black vs white. It really came around as a "heritage" symbol when civil rights became an issue. That flag has always been used as a symbol to show disagreement with treating AA's equally. You never see an AA walking around with that flag claiming heritage do you? It's only white heritage and the flag was created by an army with a goal of killing Americans in the defense of the right to keep human beings as slaves. It's always been curious as to why southerners choose to show their so called pride by using a symbol of traitorous and treasonous acts that killed hundreds of thousands of Americans. Yes exactly, beat me to it!
  24. I think it's relative, your top line players have to be better skaters, because the dmen are better skaters and you need to open up the ice. Your lower line players don't need to be all that great I think you need to ask: who is a great player but doesn't skate well, either speed or balance? I can't really think of any off top of my head.
  25. I don't think most fair minded people would say the school scenario you mentioned is a good idea. Bad behavior should be punished, even if it hurts the stats for the school. I think the issue is that there hasn't been an honest discussion about police enforcement and bias in enforcing the laws, and until recently with all these videos has the public been discussing it. If nothing else, it sounds like we both hope this leads to a real discussion on how to remedy this societal ill.
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