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Everything posted by inkman

  1. Best actor of our generation IMHO. True Romance was unreal.
  2. Yep. Tomorrow get to watch the Rays score 10 against my Sox. In Tampa.
  3. Can we change the filter on the word buddy to ass*****? Because I really feel that's what people truly mean here.
  4. Someone somewhere said no. Maybe rutatuielainin is like Smith in the states.
  5. I'd have a lot more respect for the man if that's the case. Every sentence out of his mouth does the opposite of inspire confidence. I'd also like to put to bed the notion that because he's a billionaire he must know what's he's doing trope. Most of the super rich people I know, gained their wealth two ways. Right place, right time or propping themselves on the shoulders of smart hard-working people. It's the exception, not the rule, that rich people are smart. Lost of shysters in the ranks.
  6. Ah I guess the same goes for out of towners looking for home dates.
  7. I don't really understand the frenzy around the schedule release. Anyone that would like to explain it to me, I'm all ears.
  8. I wish he was good enough to spell his name right ?
  9. Trade FrankenMalkin and do a quick rebuild. And no I don't want lurch on my team.
  10. I've never claimed to be right or mature
  11. Did you bother to read my subsequent posts?
  12. Well I guess I don't have to worry. No real talent, plenty of demons.
  13. The trade? No. GMTM should have seen the signs, God knows he's very informed on them. But it really had to happen to our team, more desperate than any other sports franchise to catch a ***** break. Can we get one? Just ***** one?
  14. Sure there is yay Robin. Thanks for letting us waste a first round pick on you so you could completely fall on your face personally and professionally only to leave and win some sort of come back player award. Awesome. I feel so good inside.
  15. Little did we know it was all alcohol and hangover induced
  16. The less successful Phil Collins follow up to no jacket required.
  17. Most of her examples in that song are not irony
  18. To be fair, about 500 of the comments on Twitter said the same thing.
  19. The shirts. They have had shirts in the past that were just fine but these seem kinda short sighted. I mean if your an opponent, what's the first thing you talk smack about. If you are a fan and they get off to a 1-4 start, what are you going to reference. Also, it kinda infers they'd be happy with 12th place.
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