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Everything posted by inkman

  1. I thought you were joking. Ooof.
  2. No wonder I felt ill Everytime he touched the ice
  3. Whitesnake as well. With their intoductory album:
  4. I'm going to start a thing. Albums that inkman approved of. It's slightly music related but more related to bands and their incessant ability to name albums after dongs. Let's start with: While many thought this album was named due to their desire for success, those in the know, understand the true meaning of the title and it's penile double entendre.
  5. Sneakers squeaking? That's all I can think of.
  6. Living inside this perennial hope cocoon has really sheltered us from the ugly truth. Buffalo, has become, the opposite of Terry's dream. It is hockey hell. No winning, no leadership, no culture. Its a desolate wasteland of nothingness. If Jack & Rasmus aren't the guys that can carry us to the promise Land, I'm fearful this team could be terrible indefinitely.
  7. A certain segment of fans, Sabres woke Twitter (?) ?, Will love the pick. The typical, blue collar, old school fan will loathe the pick because he's not a 6'5" pugilist. People still call into WGR wanting Jack & Sam to drop the gloves.
  8. I'll say it. Don't show us your feet anymore. ?
  9. So glad everyone puts so much weight in what these clowns say
  10. I don't think he can but have fun tryin
  11. But you'll rarely get a player at a discount. If you are ok paying full value for every player, then you'll have to live with it.
  12. I like him for the most part but he likes to blanket certain fans with a large stereotype that bothers me mostly because I'm usually that type of fan but not with the specific annoying trait that he describes.
  13. 69 sounds ideal to me. Although you can lose focus if you concentrate on giving or receiving too much.
  14. Anyone have an opinion on Resergence Brewing? I have a connection there and he may be willing to do something for us. Yes I said us. My broke, busted ass is going to find a way to get there this time.
  15. Just get the GD deal done already. If it's market value, then pay it. Squabbling over a few hundred thousand seems trivial.
  16. Not that it needs saying but credibility left the building long ago for journalism.
  17. Not to mention heavily weighing college hockey, which for cities with little to no D1 hockey is a problem.
  18. Hang up cuz it it's a prank. They are just going to give a bona fide top 6 player and a top prospect for garbage x 2?
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