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Everything posted by K-9

  1. Thanks. I needed that perspective. I LOVE Lt. Tank Commander Weber! GO SABRES!!!
  2. I know that was Crosby and I respect that, but Weber has turned into a phuckin' pylon. He can't leave the team fast enough. Nothing about his game I like except his grit and that's no good if you don't have the ability to use it. GO SABRES!!!
  3. I have got to get to the creationist museum. It's gotta be comedy gold. Diorama's with little cave children playing alongside a river whilst dinosaurs forage nearby? Great stuff.
  4. Taylor Hall looking for "a little validation" against the Sabres. Not sure what that says, exactly. But it can't be good. GO SABRES!!!
  5. Literally. If you look closely, you can see the seams of the stitch work. Gruesome, but still less shocking since they removed the bolts from his neck. GO BILLS!!!
  6. I don't know, I just feel like we're glorifying the wrong kind of tank. GO SABRES!!!
  7. I think Kassian has a much higher ceiling as well. But that begs the question, do you prefer a guy with a lower ceiling that is 100% effort all the time or a player with a higher ceiling that disappears for long stretches? If anyone can coax that consistent effort out of Kassian, it's Torts, whom I have a lot of respect for. If he can't, I feel there is little hope for Kassian except for playing for a coach like Nolan, ironically. Then again, he wouldn't get the opportunities with Nolan if his effort was lacking for any period of time, either. GO SABRES!!!
  8. Because Foligno has the willingness (read: heart) to do what he's doing. Kassian? Not so much. GO SABRES!!!
  9. More mistakes than Weber? That would be difficult to do. Weber is having an abysmal year. GO SABRES!!!!
  10. Hey, if they can make a noun out of "compete", then you are certainly entitled to make a verb out of mercenary. GO SABRES!!!
  11. If Pettine goes, Donnie Henderson gets a huge promotion. He's got a ton of experience with Pettine's system, our guys will have had a year in the system under their belts, and we still need another good LB, anyway, before this D really turns the corner. GO BILLS!!!
  12. Is this thread eligible to be read in Rochester? GO SABRES!!!
  13. No, his name was Hugh McElhenny. GO BILLS!!!
  14. Mark Gastineau made Bruce Smith look absolutely humble. GO BILLS!!!
  15. This is a non-negotiable with Nolan. If Ted can't extract it on a consistent basis, LEAN-us will be on a boat bound for Bjornusborg. That said, if his youtube montage is any indication, the man has some fine offensive skills. Hope he combines that with the work ethic required. GO SABRES!!!
  16. C'mon, man. Herschel Walker's gotta be 50 years old and he NEVER played hockey. Why would you want him? GO SABRES!!!
  17. What the hell, have at it. "Let's Go Buffalo!!!" can be cumbersome to type after every post and it's not an affirmation if you just make it your signature. Seriously, how much patience are you gonna have for these kids as they make you want to rip your hair out half the time? Embrace the patience, GoDD. Or is it now Ghost of the Ghost of Dwight Drane? GO SABRES!!!
  18. You don't have my permission to use my affirmation. But it'll be interesting to see how long your new mantra of "no negativity" lasts. I give it a week. GO SABRES!!!
  19. What? He hasn't been on the losing end of a game with no points and minimal effect "for a long time?" Really? I can appreciate that European translations aren't always indicative of the true intent of a message. But phuck that. GO SABRES!!!
  20. I wish Vanek all the best and I do think he's a great offensive player. But his best year ever was when he played on a 3rd line that seldom faced other teams' best checking or offensive lines. Yes, that has something to do with our dearth of top flight centers for him to play with, but I think it has more to do with teams getting better matchups against him as well. GO SABRES!!!
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