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Everything posted by K-9

  1. I didn't think that was possible, but yeah. He is the snail on the back of the turtle that yells, "Wee!"
  2. I bow to your dedication. I remember seeing you on TV at that game and thinking how cool it would be to have that jacket. I didn't put the memory together with your earlier pic, but as soon as I saw that crowd shot from the TV, I remembered instantly. Great stuff.
  3. Can't believe you ruined that jacket like that! Or I can't believe you ruined that logo like that!
  4. Derek Grant. Remember that name folks. He simply won't be denied.
  5. There should be no gnashing of teeth over the great debut of Auston Matthews. It's a lot easier on the soul to just tip your hat to the other guy.
  6. I think he had an easier path to top line minutes with the Rags than us. Vesey would have been challenged to play 2nd line minutes here.
  7. Another good example. The original rally cap was just a cap worn backwards, after all. Then I think it was the Atlanta Braves that refined that.
  8. There is no protocol for rally caps, except that the bill must be pushed up. And, in the absence of a billed cap, this is also exceptable:
  9. These posts were a Nestea plunge on a hot summer day. Much appreciated, gents. Much appreciated indeed.
  10. There are huge swaths of Alabama and other deep southern states that are literally "no go zones" for certain segments of the population. Black friends and colleagues of mine have rerouted long trips, sometimes by considerable distances, just to avoid them. And it's not like people avoiding high crime areas. Experience literally informs them that they are not safe in those areas. It doesn't get any more pathetic for America than that.
  11. The only way Risto's "leverage" manifests is if he hasn't signed before the season starts, his replacement craps the bed, and the Sabres panic. I don't see the Sabres panicking, however. What if his replacement plays OK? What happens to Risto's leverage in that scenario? If his agent is advising him to sit in the hopes we fall apart without him, he's getting bad advice.
  12. Thanks, LGR. Just feel bad for the guy in particular and the game in general. Once you get your first concussion the next is exponentially easier to get and usually takes less force to sustain. How many concussions has he had to this point? He should seriously consider hanging them up and look forward to his HOF induction and a healthy life.
  13. A few weeks ago someone in this thread posted Bob McKenzie's rumor that Risto was seeking $6-6.5m and the Sabres were offering $5-5.5m. It will take a ton of sifting through McKenzie crap to find it, probably. Thus the caveat, "If rumors are to be believed." Perhaps it was this string of posts that made someone put the numbers together up thread: http://mynhltraderumors.com/nhl-rumors-hampus-lindholm-rasmus-ristolainen/2016/09/29/
  14. That really sucks. Any idea when he sustained it?
  15. The decision to kick the FG with just under six minutes to go ( the right thing to do, imo), tells me Fisher, based on what we saw his defense do most of the second half, was confident he could get another three and out and regain possession, which is exactly what happened. Then, with 3:47 still to go in the game he decides not to punt to the very same offense his defense just got that critical three and out against the previous series? That seems like polar opposites to me. I get that he may have been worried about our running game that gashed him much of the afternoon but, either way, it was a show of non-confidence in a defense he previously showed confidence in on the last series.
  16. Not sure how compromise is bowing to demands. I understand the point about leverage and I agree Risto has none, but sometimes deals are done to establish good faith moving forward. If Risto turns into the kind of player we all hope he can be, we don't want this to be the last contract he signs with us.
  17. Fisher's decision to kick the FG was a vote of confidence in his defense. His decision to fake the punt was the opposite of that.
  18. Canada has nothing to worry about... ...until we need the parking space.
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