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tom webster

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Everything posted by tom webster

  1. Not saying it will happen but I think Flynn has potential to be one of those late bloomers that could turn into a valuable piece. He has a lot more natural ability them Ellis.
  2. I think if all goes according to plan, the tower will find a use and a pretty attractive option. First, however, there will definitely be a reshuffling in the office market but I'm optimistic that the city will be better in the end and with little government support.
  3. New CBA lowered players share of hockey related revenue. If cap is going up it is because of revenues going up. That doesn't even include any increase in non-hockey related revenue. In addition, the cap ceiling allows the truly big money teams to make even more money. Don't worry about them. Only possible problem spots will occur in lower revenue teams if revenue sharing doesn't cover increased cost. In the end fans can rip Bettman and his administration all they want but the sport has never seen such a growth spurt and they continue to mine other sources of revenue.
  4. The cap is expected to reach 72-75 million next year. At least 70% of the expected free agent class will be resigned by their current teams. You are preaching the same thing LQ was preaching since 2005. In baseball they have been preaching it since Andy Messersmith signed with Atlanta. Smart, pro active teams find a way to manage the cap.
  5. They will just put Savard on LTIR and may have to do some minor tinkering. When will people stop expecting these teams to end up in cap problems. the big boys just work their way out of them.
  6. One of your "sources" probably has just reported that after reading your post!
  7. If Biega was 6'3" he would be on the Sabres
  8. Wish I could remember who said I was crazy when I said Clowe would end up near $5 million per
  9. You are mixing up eras. Sanderson and Plante never played with Drury and Briere.
  10. Jake McCabe is becoming the "Next One" on this board. I haven't seen him rated as highly anywhere but this board. He is a decent prospect who still may develop into a top pairing guy, but right now the betting money is against it.
  11. Not one successful organization I know drafts for need, especially when talking about two or three years fr now. Who knows what they will need then ?
  12. I know it's late notice but anyone looking for something to do, there is a comedy show at the Elks Lodge in Niagara Falls featuring Greg Bauch, Dan Fisher and Rick Matthews. Proceeds benefit the Wounded Warriors. Tickets are $10, buffet is $8.00 and drinks are pretty inexpensive. Food starts at 6, show starts at 8:00.
  13. The contract wouldn't take effect till next year and already Stan Bowman is predicting a $75 million cap in 2014/2015.
  14. Not sure about the date and if compliance but outs are subject to waivers but if a player is picked up on waivers I would assume the new team would have to honor original contract
  15. I guess that is what you said. Sorry, I was in the middle of something earlier and it didn't seem as clear as it does now
  16. The big difference is that the team originally trading the player can't sign the player. It was laways understood that the team trading for the player couldn't resign him. What they are stopping is say Tampa trading Vinny to Buffalo so that Buffalo can buy him out and then Tampa can resigning him.
  17. It's really another example of how fluid the new CBA is. It's no wonder teams are confused as they seem to make it up as they go
  18. Per Larry Brooks, teams will not be allowed to trade players in order to have the other team buy them out and the original team re-sign players at a more cap friendly contract
  19. He had a "procedure." No timetable given but he is still re-habbing
  20. For the umpteenth tme, they cannot buy Leino out while he is rehabbing and the buy out period only lasts 48 hours after Cup is over.
  21. That is exactly what is going on. I said it before, they think their biggest mistake to date was promising too much. They are now in the promise less, deliver more stage of their business.
  22. Yes, but they would have traded him to a team that would have made him their third string goalie if they got a better offer. There is a difference between Boston giving Bourque a chance at a Cup and LA going out of their way to accommodate a well paid back up still earning his stripes in the league. I don't know about the offer sheet part, but this makes the most sense. Some respected analyst aren't even sure how much of an upgrade it is.
  23. No way they moved him for less then what they could have got just to be nice. Lombardo and Sutter aren't built that way.
  24. You don't really mean this, do you?
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