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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. That’s the name I initially wrote and thought it was wrong. Glad my brain still kinda works. Either way, I believe tight end is way more important than people think.
  2. I genuinely do not know what is going on in this thread.
  3. I'm rather concerned about this feline AIDS business.
  4. I, too, would like you to prove that you are not a robot.
  5. Ben ***** Coates. I knew there was someone.
  6. That surprises me that they were drafted the same year. They had a good tight end though, no? I know you lived there so probably remember better than I do and I really don't feel like searching back through the Bills' trail of tears to find out.
  7. I can’t name a single receiver on the giants team that beat the Bills, but I remember Mark Bavaro.
  8. Tight end is, and always has been, the key. I just don’t understand how people don’t see that. It was for Brady, the 90s Bills, every team that beat the 90s Bills, KC now. Every good to great team has a great, consistent tight end. Knox is not it. Kinkaid shows promise.
  9. I can’t believe he’s only 21. On a real team, he’d be in the A for another two seasons.
  10. They absolutely will be. My guitar player travels with a group that goes all over the world to see them. It's a little cuckoo, but cool at the same time. They charter planes so they can travel with it and experience it longer, as well as ensure that weather is not an issue.
  11. It's always darkest before the dawn. I wish I believed that, but there is a total eclipse in Buffalo this summer. 😂
  12. It's okay. You can laugh. I include me in that "someone with pre-existing conditions" and I think it's funny.
  13. I kinda want him to get fired for his sake. The Sabres aren’t healthy for anyone, let alone for someone with pre-existing conditions.
  14. My wife and I couldn't even do the Puppy Bowl. It used to be just a bunch of puppies playing. Now it's non-stop talking and overhyped music and it made us crazy so we just turned the TV off. Just awful.
  15. This post is the amount of time I've spent on the NFL today.
  16. Just watched it again. It absolutely was not a penalty. In the ice level camera, it looked like he just lifted his stick to hit Greenway in the face, but the other camera shows he was trying to play the puck and his stick rode up Greenway’s stick.
  17. He thought he scored last game, raised his arms to prematurely celebrate, then brought the stick down to rest on his shoulders while the play was still going on. It was quick, but lasted just a tick too long for it not to be noticed. It was mentioned in the GDT.
  18. That’s two games in a row where Dahlin did something on the ice that should be unacceptable. The stick on the shoulders last game, if not unacceptable, was at least bizarre and he shouldn’t do it. And last night, his body language was awful, ridiculously awful. On several occasions he looked frustrated and angry and kicked his stick and shook his head. And he got caught out there for over two minutes twice. DG should have parked him on the bench for a spell. I’m kinda growing tired of his act. If he was playing flawlessly and it was everyone else who was at fault, that would be one thing, but he makes just as many boneheaded or lazy plays as anybody out there. He needs to grow up.
  19. What hockey purpose did it serve, then.? It was a slash. I thought the second hit to the face was above the waist, anyway. Was not surprised or even cared they overturned it.
  20. Another game where we score one goal,… … awesome. I don’t care about the high stick call. ***** shoot the puck and score you ***** pussies.
  21. I don’t care what KA paid other players before they earned it. Pay Casey what deserves and add good youngsters to the team. I’m so ***** sick of us replacing good players with youngsters. All it does is ensure we will remain awful forever.
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