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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. It sucks. Heading up to Vermont in March. Not sure what the conditions up there are like now, but really hoping it will be good then.
  2. I’d take him on the Sabres tomorrow.
  3. Fantastic! Now I like Micheal Buble even more, as well. Absolutely. I was saying I thought Kuch was wasted the whole time. But now if it turned out he was on mushrooms instead, I would believe it. I absolutely believe that the goalie who won $100K was on them. You just don’t get those pupils in a bright arena naturally. He was probably like,”Let me get this straight, the league consulted with McDavid to see how the skills day could be better, and they somehow come up with an idea to give a million dollars away to the winner, knowing it’s going to be McDavid, and I have to go dance like a monkey while they do it?!… ***** that.” And did that numbskull reporter actually ask McD what it felt like to be a millionaire? Does she not know how much money he makes?!
  4. What are you talking about? There is no way that is true.
  5. I always hated Nikita Kucherov. After watching him tonight in the skills competition, I don't anymore. He's ***** awesome. I wish he was a Sabre.
  6. Ugh. This post hurts my head,... ...both in content and execution.
  7. This injury sucks. I liked watching him play. There was nothing wrong with the hit. It was a routine play along the boards.
  8. We're only "X" and two "Y"s away from being a real contender. That describes every ***** team. True number one goalie.
  9. Not sure of every team, but two fun standouts are Rick DiPietro getting paid $1.5 million per year until 28-29 (last game Feb 19, 2013), and Ilya Kovalchuk getting $4 million per until the end of next season.
  10. The point isn’t that they are vacationing together and maybe even team building, the point is that they seem to be not as miserable as we are. That’s the real issue, here. 😂
  11. It hasn't been a terrible game. There have been terrible games. This ins't one.
  12. Swampie says relax, Inkzie. Are those nicknames any better?
  13. I'll just say, at this point, I'm not ready to call it tomorrow yet. That's something'.
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