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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. Luke Mittelstadt with a nice assist.
  2. For what? Asking for opinions and then not liking what he got? And the thread is still mistitled.
  3. Trading away our points leader. JFC! And the beat goes on.
  4. That number actually surprised me, then I looked at some of the opponents.
  5. This Caps/Panthers game is really good.
  6. I would bet money that not only the guy who checked her, but those who chirped her, as well, were not as good as she, and that their fragile little egos got bruised.
  7. Just a point of clarification, It was an adult Hockey league, not a men's hockey league. She's playing in the right place. Maybe those douchebags should go find a children's league to play in, if they're going to act like children.
  8. Just think of all the games in hand we’ll have to not make up any ground. with. Done.
  9. Absolutely. Not to me, at all. Good teams don’t skate around other teams, they skate through them, and the Sabres just don’t do that. With all that “domination”, I can’t think of a single save by their goalie that wasn’t routine. I agree with the extra move giving goalies time, though. It’s painful to watch, because you know the play is there. I liked it.
  10. Just watched the Bandits/Knighthawks game. It got me thinking, though. When was the last time the KBC saw 17k for a Sabres game?
  11. His overall play. He skates too upright with his feet to close together and it’s very pretty and he tries too many cutsie backhand passes that always end up in trouble (many on the team do this). He needs to get grittier. I think if he did, he would be a force, another whole level up.
  12. This team sucks. It was a pretty good game,… pretty entertaining at times, but Jebus f'n crispy do they play some stupid hockey at times. In what world of hockey, at any level, is it taught that the right play is to pass up a shot and make a pass through the center of the ice with seven guys in the way of that pass. WTF! It was a good effort. They just aren't any good. I'm sick of Dahlin acting like he is better than he is, as well. Dude, you've made more money in the past two months than I will in my lifetime, Time to ***** earn it you dandy.
  13. Krueger's all stars. I have never disliked a Sabres team more than under his reign. It's not close. Hall, Staal, Eichel, hell, even Reinhart, who I like,… I hated. I'm sure there were more, I would just rather forget.
  14. They only do the main pop categories during the show in primetime, but that day, there are several shows going on with dozens and dozens of categories that nobody knows of. He won in the classical group.
  15. Thorny, are you going to be in town, as well?
  16. I agree with all of this. I also could not be more proud of my brother, who won his 4th Grammy yesterday.
  17. I'm not. Digg's numbers are not great all on their own.
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