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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. This occurred to me too. "Look how good they finished the season!" "If not for those injuries on D!" "The kicker had a bad day!". All true, but all cover up that I don't think any of us are confident that in a close game, McDermot is going to out-coach the opposition, or even be an average coach.
  2. I'm confused, doesn't Lou always take over coaching in this scenario?
  3. Huh, currently both QBs in the Texans/Ravens are leading their teams in teams in rushing too. Not big numbers, but just weird to see.
  4. (My first LAN parties were before we had cat5, 10base-2 was a nightmare)
  5. No one is arguing it didn't happen. The only argument is whether it's a nefarious plot against the Lord and Savior, or a couple of editing peons saying, "let's cut this 8 seconds of not answering the question". The viewer's preconceptions of the world will determine which option rings true to them (and how much it matters).
  6. Travel issues? Any creepers know where these guys live?
  7. All the winners get hours of coverage over the next week. Let the losing fans sulk for a day and then hear nothing until August.
  8. Yeah, I'd really rather we drafted a QB that's at least 504 feet, that extra inch or two means a lot at QB.
  9. Oh! I didn't look at that, just Cowboys playoff games. Good catch!
  10. I so want this to be true, but I don't think it is. I looks like the Cowboys won there in 2010 (Eagles), 2015 (Lions), and 2019 (Seahawks), and the Packers won in 2017 and 2024. The Cowboys did lose to the Packers in 2015, but it was in GB.
  11. Yep, unless they had a travel ban in place for heat.
  12. In some areas, running a car unattended is a fine... just saying. https://law.justia.com/codes/new-york/2022/vat/title-7/article-33/1210/ Also, car is almost surely not within the legal noise limit. https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/governor-hochul-signs-legislation-cracking-down-noisy-illegal-mufflers-and-exhaust-systems Man, 26CornerBlitz (I think) used to write some novels for GDTs back in the day.
  13. Not a meme, per se, but I had this laying around from earlier in the "wandering in the desert" Sabres generation. Hand-modified by yours truly, although doesn't appear that it needs to be retired yet.
  14. Neither, I got things to do; but this isn't different than normal.
  15. To be fair, waiving a guy at the beginning of the season vs. 1/3 of the way through where he only made the line-up for 3 games on a bad team is different.
  16. It's going to be such a shame when the team lays a giant turd and loses this week. Considering the eras of the players above him involved, Kemp (and Tobin Rote 3 behind him) must have been something else considering no one else in the top-10 are played in that era.
  17. Even then, they might send Levi back down and play 6K. I'd still rather see Levi getting lots of games regardless of league.
  18. I'd assume that with the cap, it's harder to ship out players and easier to ship out a coach.
  19. Happy Holidays, get out.
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