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Everything posted by carpandean

  1. And how could they? The next time the two teams make a deal, they show what the deal would have been without the 'future considerations' part? Unless there's a line on the fax form for what those amounted to in the deal, it's just a theoretical concept.
  2. Anyone else having issues watching the game? I have Hulu and can go to the game about four different ways therein. However, as soon as I click it to start, it boots me out to the Roku home page. Even tried the ol' system reboot trick. No joy.
  3. Yeah, I always had too (and still loosely do), but technically it seems that's incorrect. Like I said, "western New York State" and "Western New York" are two different things. We certainly are in the western 1/3 (1/4?) of the state, so it's hard to argue with the former as a characterization of where we live.
  4. I generally consider myself to be from western NY, as in the portion of the state that is near its western end. However, the Western NY region officially ends west of Rochester. We fall in the Finger Lakes region. There is inconsistency about which people are using - wNY or WNY - so it's hardly set in stone. For example, try using BC/BS of WNY in Rochester; it will just lead to confusion and errors.
  5. I answered 'WNY Outside of Buffalo' even though Rochester is technically not in WNY. Didn't want to get lumped in with places like Albany and NYC.
  6. So, wait, we're not trading for Zach Ertz?
  7. Couldn't we put their good halves together and make one healthy player?
  8. One thing that made watching the game more difficult and the win more satisfying was that Mahomes was literally in 3/4 of the commercials.
  9. Just bumped in to 11:00, at the earliest.
  10. Yeah, I didn't see it as showboating as it happened or upon review. To me, is wasn't a perfect in-stride reception (as you said, either under-thrown or bad angle), and he was trying to figure out where the DB was.
  11. Wait ... no flag? ๐Ÿ™„ Nice throw Josh.
  12. I was watching a show about some very fancy (and expensive) trains in Europe that can handle all of the countries' different electrical systems. There was an error on the brakes, so the operator literally did just that. The narrator/host even said something like, "just like you would with your home computer."
  13. Even if they are in that division, it becomes a question of do we mean literally a team that in on the bubble to make it into the playoffs, regardless of the way, or more of on the bubble of being a true "playoff caliber" team? Someone in that division has to be the former, by definition, but nobody in that division is the latter.
  14. After losing to Pittsburgh, I never would have guessed that we'd be a game up on KC after three.
  15. I was at an event for a lot of the game, so I mostly watched the scoreboard. Got home and read how Josh wasn't great. My first thought was exactly this ^^.
  16. ๐Ÿ˜ Serious side note: when did the ER become the ED? I had started hearing other people using that recently. Then, when I had reason to go to urgent care and then the ER/ED, both the doc at urgent care and the NP at my PCP's office said "go to the ED." I looked down at my zipper and then said, "oh, the Emergency Department!" BTW, searching for "Strong ED" did not give me what I was looking either. (For those not in Rochester, Strong Memorial is a local hospital.)
  17. You never want to go to the ED or have a car accident or have a fire or .... but you're glad you paid the premiums on your insurance if you do. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  18. Actually, it's pretty likely. A team that feels it's a Superbowl contender would be more likely to give up a first if their starter goes down and their first has less value because it is likely a later-rounder (not quite the difference that you see in the NHL, but there still is some.) Which adds another wrinkle to the debate: would you want to help a team that thinks it's a contender this year? Extreme example: if Mahomes goes out for six+ games mid-season, would you trade Trubisky to them for their first?
  19. If he goes down for good, then you're probably right. However, if he goes down mid-season for a stretch, then a very good backup could make a big difference versus a mediocre one. A couple of extra wins significantly changes your chances at home field advantage or even a bye. Those could make a difference in what even the Josh-led Bills can do in the end.
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