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  2. The Oilers have also been on pace for 100+ points each of the past 4 seasons and have made the playoffs 5 in a row, so... the Sabres are missing something. Florida is so tenacious and fun to watch. I hope it's an entertaining series. Good playoff hockey is a beautiful bit of sport.
  3. Chris Knoblauch wasting no time burying his substantial schnoz in the Panther’s scouting report.
  4. No. Not really. It was a joke. Sheesh. Who pissed in your cheerios? Why so cranky over a comment made about a 50 year old article?
  5. The Oilers started tanking in 2011 and the Sabres started in 2014. At this trajectory we should make the finals in 2027.
  6. Florida in 6 Jackie is she related to Mickey
  7. How dare Edmonton infringe on Canada’s national pastime.
  8. So angry EDM made the Finals, wanted Pavelski to get a chance. Plus EDM doesn’t deserve it in the slightest seeing as they only got McDavid by being inept, winning multiple 1st Overalls which made the league change the odds which gave them McDavid over us. I pray Florida humbles them
  9. Oilers win but not a very impressive win. 10 shots.
  10. If you said one of the goalies would steal this series, no way anyone would have said Skinner.
  11. No use in buying out Skinner; it will put us in a precarious position next year
  12. Old friend Josh Bloom scores the GWG for Saginaw to win the Memorial Cup with 21 seconds left
  13. How does a team have 8 shots in the 3rd period of a game like this?!? And... They're winning.
  14. Today
  15. Stars need one before the 2nd bell tolls.
  16. The panthers will destroy the Oilers if they face them.. This is just going to be like last years final 😪
  17. So I just turned in. 2-0 on 6 shots?!?!
  18. You can't shut him down. You can only hope to contain him. Or something like that said someone once. Yeah, EDM beat them in the previous......wait....nevermind.
  19. Make the playoffs Dudacek was spot on. This in no way was an endorsement Forton. I believe Mango has mentioned that Forton is on of Terry’s Business Partners BIL The fact that Forton is the director of scouting and Nightengale is Asst Director is mind boggling.
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