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  2. Well, that was unexpected. We know what happens to the Sabres after they blow out a team.
  3. Nice list. What are your sources?
  4. They still have a chance. Okay, prolly not really but it would very cool to witness an epic collapse by Edmonton.
  5. Actually the term is "stepping in high cotton" or in this case high Catton.
  6. They're just gonna bring it back to FL to close it out.
  7. I turned it off, I hope they take out McDavid or Draisaitl. Eye for an eye
  8. Is it time for payback on Draisaitl now? I expect shenanigans.
  9. Florida is still perfectly capable of tying this game by the end of regulation.
  10. Not Bob's night. This could be a blow out. I still have faith.
  11. Well to be fair..............we have to wait until we hit free agency and also see if they make any trades over the summer before deciding on this. Ruff is an improvement and he knows how to win but we don't know if this team will respond to his messages. Adams has to give him the pieces he needs to be successful. We shall see what happens and I will decide if I agree with you in October.
  12. That said, I don't for one second think Florida is out of this game.
  13. I think Florida comes back and the Cup is awarded tonight. Idk why, just feel that.
  14. I'm with you in that I won't believe Adams has changed until he does.
  15. It must be so hard being an Oilers fan right now going to game 4. You bought tickets knowing that your team has a 95% chance or more of being eliminated in the next few days. You’re kind of going to just cheer on the team and thank them for the long hard fought season
  16. Yes. I don’t expect them to win. Last year we all knew Buffalo needed to add to the defense in the offseason and add to the offense to cover for Jack Quinn’s injury. We got Benson for Quinn who was not a replacement (he still had a good rookie season so this isn’t anything against Benson) and we got the EJ (cheap “veteran”) and Clifton (underwhelming for most of the season). And then we missed the playoffs. Again. Other than a new coach, what has happened to lead anyone to believe this year will be a different offseason experience?
  17. Florida uncharacteristically sloppy defensively. But it is hard to win 7 in a row in the playoffs.
  18. Yes. Quiet down the crowd. He fanned on that shot.
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