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GDT: Buffalo at Vancouver 3-23-14 at 8:00 PM EDT


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I think the Hodgson quote is pretty clear to anyone who watched him play with Vanek.

His biggest asset is his hockey sense. It's wasted if he's not playing with people who think the game at the same level.


It's not his linemates that have him hanging out around the perimeter and lobbing shots from the far boards, from the blueline or beyond and failing to take possession of the puck or carry it for more than 2 seconds. It's not their fault that the most physical part of his game on most nights is a half hearted stick check. Nolan complimented Hodgson's game when he's within 5 to 10 feet of the net, too bad he doesn't go that close to the net. No matter who his linemates have been they have doubled the effort that he's put in. Sure better linemates would make him better, but how about he tries to make the linemates he does have a little better. I hate bashing Hodgson because he has talent, but what good does talent do, if you're not going to do your best to use it.

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