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I think that's just his style. He reminds me of Afenigenov where he always seems on the edge of control with the puck. The big difference, though, is that Torres keeps it moving foward where Afenigenov did way too much lateral skating trying to get away, and when Torres gets challenged he doesn't try to dipsy-doodle around the opponent but just dumps it in deeper. I really like his hustle and energy. If Vanek used is talent and played with that kind of hustle, he's be at 40 goals again this year.


I don't know if Torres will gel with the team or not, but compared to other recent trade deadline acquisitions, he seems to be really trying: skating, hustling, hitting, whatever it takes to lift the team. I think if he keeps hustling like that,the scoring will come.


I agree, Torres is always looking to punish the opposition, love the grit the guy brings to the ice. :thumbsup:

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Somewhere, up there, Clip Smith just played a tuba tribute to that one.

Clip lived in the neighborhood I grew up in Lockport. Really nice guy, being on TV never went to his head. Kim Alexis grew up just a couple of doors down from Clip.

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Clip lived in the neighborhood I grew up in Lockport. Really nice guy, being on TV never went to his head. Kim Alexis grew up just a couple of doors down from Clip.

I like Kim Alexis. She's a very smart lady.

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Jamie Benn (2 points for the Stars tonight) and Tyler were teammates last year in Kelowna... the Rockets were pretty good. smile.gif


And the ROCKET MAN competition and therefore designation goes to Tyler Myers!


With 17 games left, methinks it safe to say they would NOT be peaking too soon if they won each and every one of them!


Just saw Ottawa lose to Calgary 2 - 0! We now have three games in hand. The look on Ottawa's faces like I never seen before - almost NOT confident anymore! Peaked too soon? C'mon now?


Ottawa says: We already did!!!

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I don't think that one game is going to weigh that heavily. He'll probably have to get back to his early season level for the rest of the season to win it, although I will admit to not knowing much about the competition.


By the way, the Hockey Writers vote for this one, and most of the major NHL awards.

You know that the final stat line plays a lot into it. Also, if you go to TSN and NHL.com, they have articles with titles like "Myers cements Calder credentials" and videos like this. I'm sure the writers (yeah, forgot that they decide it) don't get to see every game, so things like that will put him in all of their minds. Definitely won't do it on his own, but it certainly will help.

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