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Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit drinking.


Looks like I Picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.


Good for Danny Paille - I'm happy for him.


I know that the fans don't have much to cheer for lately and in this game, but they are still in first place yet the Arena sounds like a morgue lately. I mean, the atmosphere for a Caps game (like this past SUnday) blows away anything I hear from the Arena this year.


Is it just b/c it is tee-vee? I haven' been back home for a gamee in over three years..

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Looks like I Picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.


Good for Danny Paille - I'm happy for him.


I know that the fans don't have much to cheer for lately and in this game, but they are still in first place yet the Arena sounds like a morgue lately. I mean, the atmosphere for a Caps game (like this past SUnday) blows away anything I hear from the Arena this year.


Is it just b/c it is tee-vee? I haven' been back home for a gamee in over three years..


No, the crowd at HSBC blows. Especially on week nights.

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So, would you describe them as...disinterested? In a funk? Hmmm....why could that be...



The Caps were down 2-0 and the fans were still interested, yelling, making noise, etc...like I said, it seems like it has been like this all year. I am just wondering why..

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Looks like I Picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.

I know that the fans don't have much to cheer for lately and in this game, but they are still in first place yet the Arena sounds like a morgue lately. I mean, the atmosphere for a Caps game (like this past SUnday) blows away anything I hear from the Arena this year.


It's the difference between a team on a four-game losing streak, including back-to-back losses against bottom feeders, and a team going for it's fourteenth consecutive win.

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Looks like I Picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.


Good for Danny Paille - I'm happy for him.


I know that the fans don't have much to cheer for lately and in this game, but they are still in first place yet the Arena sounds like a morgue lately. I mean, the atmosphere for a Caps game (like this past SUnday) blows away anything I hear from the Arena this year.


Is it just b/c it is tee-vee? I haven' been back home for a gamee in over three years..



1. MSG's mics are part of the problem.


2. Seriously, DC as the example? I don't know, search my posts, but about a hundred times, I think, I've established that they are bandwagoners. Lived there for seven years; there are no real hockey fans in the District, and not that many Caps fans in MD, either. The year the Craps went to the finals, I could not give away PLAYOFF tickets. I've told that story a few times, too.

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