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that would be bodies....how do you spell "pedophile" correct but use the dreaded Buffalo apostrophe in the same sentence?.... :wallbash:


Me too, but young body's have a nice habit of recovering from physical strain very rapidly (Now i sound like a pedophile) You know what I mean.

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argh.. that was criminally bad! simply awful!


for all intents and purposes that might as well have been the the first period from the previous game.


two consecutive lacklustre, lazy-assed, weak-backboned performances against decidedly inferior division rivals


we keep this up and we'll get strafed tomorrow against Sindy and the Pens tomorrow, especially with Lalime in goal

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Wow, what a lousy period. Toronto owned the zone time. The Sabres cannot skate into the zone at all. I absolutely hate that drop pass at the red line on the powerplay. It has not worked, it's like the Wildcat in the NFL. Every team has figured it out. Stop using it. The giveaways from Roy look awful. Roy has looked absolutely lousy the last few games. I can't take this. We all talk about trading players, if I were GM, I'd look to trade Roy cause he's absolutely awful right now and maybe a change of scenery would wake him up. He's not winning faceoffs and giving the puck to the other team on a regular basis. And why is Vanek letting Komisarek take the puck away from him when he's skating into the zone? A play like that makes it look like Vanek's trying to throw the game cause he's got money on it. What an ugly ugly period. It has got to change now. Are they still sick from the food poisoning? It's ugly.

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I didn't think anything could suck as bad as the Sabres' first period, but this thread does. Yikes.


lol...no doubt. It was about 5-6 minutes after the Leafs first goal that I posted the first comment about the actual game...I actually remember backing out of the thread, thinking I was about to post a game impression in the Hayden Panatierre thread.

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