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Peters is earning his salary...


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The net usually plays tricks on goal scorers, but it got the best of the tough guys Thursday.


It?s often said the cage gets bigger when players are on a hot streak. Ruff alluded to it when discussing the runs by Thomas Vanek (11 goals in 12 games) and Jason Pominville (goals in two straight).


?When things are going good, the net seems like it?s 10-by-16 [feet], and when it?s not it?s that typical NHL 2-by-4 net,? Ruff said.


Apparently, Andrew Peters and Adam Mair thought it was a 2-by-4 at the end of practice and figured they could skate by it. The team was doing laps and suddenly broke out in laughter when the duo rounded the net, careened into it and each other.


?I did it on purpose,? Peters said. ?I wanted to make the guys laugh.?

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Apparently, Andrew Peters and Adam Mair thought it was a 2-by-4 at the end of practice and figured they could skate by it. The team was doing laps and suddenly broke out in laughter when the duo rounded the net, careened into it and each other.


?I did it on purpose,? Peters said. ?I wanted to make the guys laugh.?




So he intentionally tried to injure Mair so he could stay in the lineup?

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To his credit, he has actually faced opponents while fighting this year.

fair assessment. i think he'd heard the criticisms of the "style" he adopted last year.


i'm not one to grouse about peters -- that's a tough job, and if lindy thinks he's the guy to do it, then i'll go with what a jack adams winner thinks.


besides, when things aren't going well, complaining about peters is a little like saying that your car's engine performance is being hampered by all the stuff you keep in your trunk.


and speaking of having a can o' whoop-ass in your car's trunk.


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Peters is earning his salary tonight. 2 scraps in 12 mins. Now that is tough. No way Janssens fights Peters if he hadn't fought earlier.

I know Rayzer had a little talk with Petey in the off-season, and I can't help but think that a fighting icon like Ray really impacted Andrews style.

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Peters is earning his salary tonight. 2 scraps in 12 mins. Now that is tough. No way Janssens fights Peters if he hadn't fought earlier.



On the shootout they're talking as if Peters accomplished an unimaginable feat with two fights in one period. He can't hold a candle to Schoeny - ask Orr, Cashman, and Vadnais!

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Can you imagine the only way you and your coworkers were able to get motivated about your job was if somebody from your office picked a fight with the janitor?

:lol: That's some funny chit. Where I work though, every morning one of the guys is in a supervisors face about their day if they are heavier than normal. It really doesn't motivate you too much, but it is funny to see every day. Someone is always pissed in that place.

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On the shootout they're talking as if Peters accomplished an unimaginable feat with two fights in one period. He can't hold a candle to Schoeny - ask Orr, Cashman, and Vadnais!

Yeah but those guys aren't nearly as big and strong as the guys nowadays. Plus, both Peters fights added up to over 2 minutes. That's a long time to be trying to hold onto and swing at one dude who is 6"7" and the other dude who is built like a bulldog.

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