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Rangers ready to spend big again on UFAs


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Check it out: rich, soulless SOBs


Frankly, them giving up Roszival and bringing in Soupy is somewhat of an improvement, but not by much. It's typical Rangers big-name action that won't get them any further in the playoffs than previously.


OTOH, Sundin would be a strong addition. Of course, as the Sundin article notes, bringing in Sundin means they have to shift you-know-who to the wing (and I think I've read elsewhere that he wouldn't be that psyched about doing so. Serves his backstabbing self right).


I've also seen the Rangers mentioned as a possible destination for Tucker. But Avery's leaving and at this point, I think I might rather have Avery than Tucker.


Either way, a pox on their house.

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They're turning into what the Yankees had been up until about 2 years ago....spend money on over-the-hill veterans that are past their prime. They can have Sundin....I'll be happy if we sign Roszival away from them.


I didn't see anything about Campbell...where did that come from?

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based on what i saw out of roszival in the 2007 ecsf, i think they make a mistake if they spend ~$7MM+ per annum for campbell, in lieu of spending, what, ~$5.5-6MM (?) for roszival. i like(d) that kid's game a lot.


I have long thought him to be their best D-man.

He's not going to please anyone hoping for the big bruiser - that's not his style.

But he plays a steady game and can chip in on the Offensive end.



But I would be very pleased if we got him, just to have someone on the right point that

doesn't have to go to his backhand near the wall.

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based on what i saw out of roszival in the 2007 ecsf, i think they make a mistake if they spend ~$7MM+ per annum for campbell, in lieu of spending, what, ~$5.5-6MM (?) for roszival. i like(d) that kid's game a lot.


I think the Soupy article said Roszival asked for 4 years, $20 million, and the Rangers said no.



I have long thought him to be their best D-man.

He's not going to please anyone hoping for the big bruiser - that's not his style.

But he plays a steady game and can chip in on the Offensive end.

But I would be very pleased if we got him, just to have someone on the right point that

doesn't have to go to his backhand near the wall.


I have thought the same, although Staal looked really good in the playoffs. I'd liken Roszival to a more consistent Tallinder. I'd be quite happy to have him on our team (esp. if Teppo doesn't come back), although this wouldn't alleviate our need for a mean SOB defenseman.

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I think the Soupy article said Roszival asked for 4 years, $20 million, and the Rangers said no.

wait, that extrapolates to the the proverbial 5 years for $25MM!!! :bag:



I'd liken Roszival to a more consistent Tallinder.

good call - although i think hank is a better skater (?), and roszival has shown more in the offensive zone.


although this wouldn't alleviate our need for a mean SOB defenseman.

true, that.

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I think the Soupy article said Roszival asked for 4 years, $20 million, and the Rangers said no.

I have thought the same, although Staal looked really good in the playoffs. I'd liken Roszival to a more consistent Tallinder. I'd be quite happy to have him on our team (esp. if Teppo doesn't come back), although this wouldn't alleviate our need for a mean SOB defenseman.

I can only pray we move away from the Teppo movement..

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To solve the problem that is an inflated price to pay for quality free agents, I think the Rangers should be held back from signing players at the July 1st opening. They should have to wait until July 7th. A week later than the rest of the clubs.


Then if they want to overspend they can feel free without driving up the price of every other player in the league. If the player holds off on signing a contract with a previous club and opts to wait for the Rangers offer you know his priority was to head to whatever club gave him the most money and therefore is not the type of player you want on your club anyways.


Furthermore, you can tell that the previous two paragraphs originate from my hate of the Rangers, over bordem of the period of time without hockey (AKA the summer) and anticipation and an inablity to wait for July 1st!


Im hoping for orpik or bowmeister or rolston to join the blue and gold! Any One of the three of them in addition to the extension of pominville and miller and I believe we can compete with any in the east!

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Well, there's more Rangers news from your faithful NYC correspondent: Jagr is probably gone, which will both free up more cap space and create more incentive for them to go hard after a big name. So, I think we can assume that at least one of Hossa, Soupy and Sundin will end up with the Rangers.


Now, I know the article doesn't say that Jagr is going to take the offer. But if he's looking at $35 million after taxes as opposed to, say, $12 million for 2 years from the Rangers, which in NYC is $6 million after taxes -- he's going to take the $35 million.


My consolation is that I think subtracting Jagr and Roszival and adding Hossa and Soupy isn't going to get the Rangers any further than the 2nd round loss that they've had in the past 2 seasons.

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Either way the I hope the Rangers suck. They're like the Knicks. They snap up big name players who turn out to be past their prime and fail to build talent from the bottom up. I hope Soupy doesn't go to the Rangers, but we'll see. There was some talk earlier in the year that the Sabres might try and get him back, but I think that is very unlikely. And I hope we DO NOT go after Avery. I can't stand him or his antics, and I don't want either on this hockey team. He's nothing more than an annoyance and his antics should have no place in professional hockey.

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Either way the I hope the Rangers suck. They're like the Knicks. They snap up big name players who turn out to be past their prime and fail to build talent from the bottom up. I hope Soupy doesn't go to the Rangers, but we'll see. There was some talk earlier in the year that the Sabres might try and get him back, but I think that is very unlikely. And I hope we DO NOT go after Avery. I can't stand him or his antics, and I don't want either on this hockey team. He's nothing more than an annoyance and his antics should have no place in professional hockey.

Agreed. I like teams that draft well and build from within and use free agency/trades to put themselves over the top, not the other way around.


I'd also pass on Avery, for the same reasons you mentioned.

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