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Sabres PC and GR Radio Appearance


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Thought I might start a thread for today's PC and their radio thing later today. Sounded like they covered alot of ground but not a whole lot of revealing revelations in my opinion. Looks like though that they can't do anything with Miller or Pominville officially until July 1. But, I'm wondering if it prohibits them from kind of pinging the players or their agents on where they stand or what ballpark it would take. Or if rules keep them from even kind of beating around the bush. Also, sounds like Darcy will be here for the foreseeable future and that a contract extension is just a formality that they will hammer out when time is here. Also hope that camera dude is okay. Hope it isn't too serious.

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Thought I might start a thread for today's PC and their radio thing later today. Sounded like they covered alot of ground but not a whole lot of revealing revelations in my opinion. Looks like though that they can't do anything with Miller or Pominville officially until July 1. But, I'm wondering if it prohibits them from kind of pinging the players or their agents on where they stand or what ballpark it would take. Or if rules keep them from even kind of beating around the bush. Also, sounds like Darcy will be here for the foreseeable future and that a contract extension is just a formality that they will hammer out when time is here. Also hope that camera dude is okay. Hope it isn't too serious.

I hope he has someone good to negotiate the contract for him, we have all seen how good he has been at that in the past

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From my point of view, I will once again give DR, LQ & TG the benefit of the doubt until the season starts. That being said, this is what my expectations are(not in any order of priority)...


1. Pominville & Miller extended.


2. New backup goalie capable of playing 15-20 games.


3. Acquire a 2nd pairing dman who is defense first and foremost, with some combination of the following skills...fighting, physical player, shot blocker, solid positional player in his own end


4.Trade Max and if the return is right, Kotalik. The inconsistent play and STUPID penalties will never end.


5.Bring in a solid two-way veteran forward to play on the 3rd line. Stanley Cup winner and a locker room leader preferred.


6.Buy out Peters, don't re-sign Kalinin and unless his price comes down A LOT, give Teppo a retirement party.


7.Make it clear to some of the younger players(and some of the vets) that they need to raise their level of play a lot next year. This would include Vanek, Stafford, Bernier, Miller, Tallinder, Lydman & Paetsch.



I'm done for now! :)

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From my point of view, I will once again give DR, LQ & TG the benefit of the doubt until the season starts. That being said, this is what my expectations are(not in any order of priority)...


1. Pominville & Miller extended.


2. New backup goalie capable of playing 15-20 games.


3. Acquire a 2nd pairing dman who is defense first and foremost, with some combination of the following skills...fighting, physical player, shot blocker, solid positional player in his own end


4.Trade Max and if the return is right, Kotalik. The inconsistent play and STUPID penalties will never end.


5.Bring in a solid two-way veteran forward to play on the 3rd line. Stanley Cup winner and a locker room leader preferred.


6.Buy out Peters, don't re-sign Kalinin and unless his price comes down A LOT, give Teppo a retirement party.


7.Make it clear to some of the younger players(and some of the vets) that they need to raise their level of play a lot next year. This would include Vanek, Stafford, Bernier, Miller, Tallinder, Lydman & Paetsch.

I'm done for now! :)


Looks more like a wish list than a forcast for the offseason. Here are my expectation for this offseason:




























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From my point of view, I will once again give DR, LQ & TG the benefit of the doubt until the season starts. That being said, this is what my expectations are(not in any order of priority)...


1. Pominville & Miller extended.


2. New backup goalie capable of playing 15-20 games.


3. Acquire a 2nd pairing dman who is defense first and foremost, with some combination of the following skills...fighting, physical player, shot blocker, solid positional player in his own end


4.Trade Max and if the return is right, Kotalik. The inconsistent play and STUPID penalties will never end.


5.Bring in a solid two-way veteran forward to play on the 3rd line. Stanley Cup winner and a locker room leader preferred.


6.Buy out Peters, don't re-sign Kalinin and unless his price comes down A LOT, give Teppo a retirement party.


7.Make it clear to some of the younger players(and some of the vets) that they need to raise their level of play a lot next year. This would include Vanek, Stafford, Bernier, Miller, Tallinder, Lydman & Paetsch.

I'm done for now! :)


Wow you got a lot of confidence in these guys. Also, LQ mentioned that they weren't going to talk about negiotiations with Miller and Pominville when they do start. So, a whole lot of silence until next March when they end up getting traded.


As for 5, I think Peca still fits the bill even though he's old and slow now but a leader and might still be good defensively plus he's actually stated he's willing to play here. I still think Teppo is another guy who adds to the leadership, is willing to come back, and I will speculate can still play as good as anyone we still got. Plus, I think he has a lot of wisdom and experience to impart to the young ones on D.


From LQ's comments about being cheap, I also think our self-imposed cap will be similar to this year so perhaps we will see some guys get ditched. However, they seem pretty satisfied with what Kotalik is doing.


IMHO, Darcy's comment about Soupy also sounds like rationalizing the short-term on Soupy's contract offer would make us actually believe that it was a serious offer rather than a token public relations maneoveur (sp?).


Well, couple of more hours 'til the radio thing. Hope it gets more interesting. Hope it isn't a total ass-kissing session by the interviewers.

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Wow you got a lot of confidence in these guys. Also, LQ mentioned that they weren't going to talk about negiotiations with Miller and Pominville when they do start. So, a whole lot of silence until next March when they end up getting traded.


As for 5, I think Peca still fits the bill even though he's old and slow now but a leader and might still be good defensively plus he's actually stated he's willing to play here. I still think Teppo is another guy who adds to the leadership, is willing to come back, and I will speculate can still play as good as anyone we still got. Plus, I think he has a lot of wisdom and experience to impart to the young ones on D.


From LQ's comments about being cheap, I also think our self-imposed cap will be similar to this year so perhaps we will see some guys get ditched. However, they seem pretty satisfied with what Kotalik is doing.


IMHO, Darcy's comment about Soupy also sounds like rationalizing the short-term on Soupy's contract offer would make us actually believe that it was a serious offer rather than a token public relations maneoveur (sp?).


Well, couple of more hours 'til the radio thing. Hope it gets more interesting. Hope it isn't a total ass-kissing session by the interviewers.

It will be..I tried to listen to Poop and the yorkie yesterday and they said they only wanted to hear from the people who were staying with their there season tix and not the ones who werent because they werent the true representation of the Sabre fans..LOL..I would call the Sabres doctor and tell him to be ready with the scalpel for Larry and co. for a case of intrusion

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Wow you got a lot of confidence in these guys. Also, LQ mentioned that they weren't going to talk about negiotiations with Miller and Pominville when they do start. So, a whole lot of silence until next March when they end up getting traded.


As for 5, I think Peca still fits the bill even though he's old and slow now but a leader and might still be good defensively plus he's actually stated he's willing to play here. I still think Teppo is another guy who adds to the leadership, is willing to come back, and I will speculate can still play as good as anyone we still got. Plus, I think he has a lot of wisdom and experience to impart to the young ones on D.


From LQ's comments about being cheap, I also think our self-imposed cap will be similar to this year so perhaps we will see some guys get ditched. However, they seem pretty satisfied with what Kotalik is doing.


IMHO, Darcy's comment about Soupy also sounds like rationalizing the short-term on Soupy's contract offer would make us actually believe that it was a serious offer rather than a token public relations maneoveur (sp?).


Well, couple of more hours 'til the radio thing. Hope it gets more interesting. Hope it isn't a total ass-kissing session by the interviewers.

If they do nothing more than sign a backup goalie on the cheap and promote another player or two come October, I'll come out swinging at DR & LQ. Until then, let's see if they learned their lesson.

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If they do nothing more than sign a backup goalie on the cheap and promote another player or two come October, I'll come out swinging at DR & LQ. Until then, let's see if they learned their lesson.

You should change your name from Labatt to Wylie Coyote..

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If they do nothing more than sign a backup goalie on the cheap and promote another player or two come October, I'll come out swinging at DR & LQ. Until then, let's see if they learned their lesson.

You can probably expect any signings to happen somewhere around July 15-22, when all the big names are long gone from the UFA market, all the overrated 2nd-tier players have been overpaid, and the only thing left are the bargain-bin "value" free agents.

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I wouldn't be completely surprised if it wasn't a scripted interview including the "callers".

I wont give them my ears anymore...Lie to someone else....proof will be on the ice again next yr..I wish they would just close their PIEHOLES and do their job......

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I'll be honest, I came away a lot more optimistic and hopeful from this year's presser than last year's. Last year, I was upset and pissed off at this management team. This year, I feel a little better. I think they've learned from their mistakes and here are the key themes I heard from the presser this year:


- Re-sign Miller and Pominville to long term deals. To me this means 5 or more years, not the the 3 year crap they have done in the past. It sounds to me they are serious about keeping these guys and having the core of the team be Vanek, Roy, Pominville, and Miller, and if that's the case I'm very happy.


- Leadership - I heard this both from Darcy and Lindy that leadership and the youth of the team was a concern. I think they will do something to bring in leadership this offseason. What does that mean? I don't know. I don't expect a huge name coming in this season, but a low end bargain bin free agent who probably plays center and can add leadership and grit, I'm thinking a Sillinger or Stu Barnes or someone like that, but certainly not anyone big like a Peter Forsberg, Mats Sundin, etc.


- Backup goaltending - Darcy gave the politically correct answer of saying he has not spoken to Thibault yet, but will soon. I think they are seriously going to try and get a decent backup in the UFA market who is not injury prone and who is not past his prime. I think they are serious about that.


If the Sabres execute on what I hear from them to be their top 3 priorities, I think I'll feel really good about next year. What I did not hear was any discussion about any upgrades or what have you on the blue line. I want to see one new guy from the outside on the blue line. I'm happy with promoting Sekera and Weber, but to me that's not enough. Spacek needs a defense partner and Paetsch should not be that guy. Personally, I would not have a problem bringing Teppo back so long as it's for less than $2.6 million and realistically in the $1.5 million range. If not, I want to see someone come in like a J.M. Liles, Jeff Finger, Brooks Orpik or whoever, but someone has got to come in to upgrade this blue line.


Overall, I felt much more positive from this presser going into next year than I did at last year's presser coming into this season. I think it's unfortunate that the Sabres missed the playoffs and hopefully this management has learned from their mistakes and next year's team will be a really strong team. I think it can be. I think next year's team will be a lot like the 2005-2006 team that kind of you know is pretty good, but had no idea how good they really were. Just my opinion based on what I heard at the press conference.

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For me, they talked a good game but until I see action backing up there words they haven't restored an ounce of faith yet.


However, I did like the question about the scounting department. That's what I imagined. Just a bunch of guys surfing the web watching youtube and drooling away in their chair like they were medicated.

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If they do nothing more than sign a backup goalie on the cheap and promote another player or two come October, I'll come out swinging at DR & LQ. Until then, let's see if they learned their lesson.



Like i said in another thread, I, too, am willing to give then the benefit of the doubt also. I am already concerned, however, that Kennedy and Butler have not been signed and that they seem to be already laying the groundwork for disappointment with Miller and Pominville.


Blue, do you know, does the rule state no negotiation till July 1st, or no deal till July 1st. Either way, if they are serious about this, deals should be in place by mid June. What are they going to do charge you with tampering with your own players?

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For me, they talked a good game but until I see action backing up there words they haven't restored an ounce of faith yet.


However, I did like the question about the scounting department. That's what I imagined. Just a bunch of guys surfing the web watching youtube and drooling away in their chair like they were medicated.


If you listened to the soundbites last year, before the July 1st debacle, Larry Quinn said such beauties as "We should be spending to the cap next year" and "After watching the style of play that Ottawa and Anaheim exhibited, we will look long and hard at that in the offseason." Or similar words.


I listened to the first 20 minutes and I have 2 points of contention.


Lindy Ruff claims that youth is an excuse, and that Ryan Miller is a "really young goalie". I looked it up, and Miller turns 28 this summer. Briere is 30, and the whole drumbeat was that they didn't want to sign a long term contract with him because he would be old by the end of it. Well, there is less than 3 years difference between the two.....you can't go polar on age with them.


Darcy also claims again, "The agents of free agents to be know the market of the player well before July 1." If that is the case, then didn't Drury divulge that information in the verbal agreement in November, and then didn't Darcy have 2 weeks to go and sniff around what number other free agents were looking for so he could decide if Drury was worth it then and there? That is the point of contention with the whole situation. Drury's camp gave a suitable number in good faith, and the Sabres took it and used it to their advantage. Only when it was confirmed that $22 for 4 was a good value did they reapproach with a contract, and by then the Sabres and Drury were off to the races.


You now have a track record to see how sincere all these guys are, and to me at least, the Sabres continue to burry themselves and I have zero trust in the whole thing. It isn't fair for someone to say "Don't look in the past". It's only by looking in the past, then comparing what they say now that you can see how full of crap the whole show is. I'm sure a guy who marries a gets told "Don't look in the past" as well.

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For me, they talked a good game but until I see action backing up there words they haven't restored an ounce of faith yet.


However, I did like the question about the scounting department. That's what I imagined. Just a bunch of guys surfing the web watching youtube and drooling away in their chair like they were medicated.

What was the Q&A about the video scouting?

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Like i said in another thread, I, too, am willing to give then the benefit of the doubt also. I am already concerned, however, that Kennedy and Butler have not been signed and that they seem to be already laying the groundwork for disappointment with Miller and Pominville.


Blue, do you know, does the rule state no negotiation till July 1st, or no deal till July 1st. Either way, if they are serious about this, deals should be in place by mid June. What are they going to do charge you with tampering with your own players?

Per the NHL CBA, Article 50.5.f Contract Extensions, here's what I found:


"(f) Contract Extensions.


(i) An "extension" of an SPC, as such term is used in this Agreement, shall mean a new SPC entered into between a Club and a Player, which SPC is to be effective immediately upon the expiration of the Club and Player's existing SPC. To the extent a Club and Player enter into a valid contract extension during the final year of the Player's SPC, the contract extension will be fully enforceable pursuant to its terms even in the event the Player is injured prior to

the commencement date of the contract extension.


(ii) A Club that wishes to sign a Player to an "extension" of an existing SPC, may do so only in the final year of such SPC.


(iii) A Club shall only be permitted to sign a Player to an "extension" of the existing SPC in the amount of: (A) the SPC of the Player to be extended (then included in the Club's Averaged Club Salary); plus (B) the Club's Payroll Room in the current year; plus © the aggregate Averaged Amounts of any other SPC or SPCs that expire at the end of such League Year (to extent the Club has other such SPCs which are currently counting in the Club's Averaged

Club Salary); minus any previously Tagged Payroll Room. The Tagging Rule referred to in paragraph (e)(iv)© above will thereafter apply."


I read that to mean, specifically the bolded part, that a team can only sign a player to an extension in his final year meaning, starting on July 1st. With regard to negotiations, I have no idea, and technically, it shouldn't be a problem to negotiate prior to July 1st, but a team can only sign a player to an extension during the last year of his contract. We'll see what the Sabres do, and if we get an announcement on July 1st that Miller and Pominville are signed, then I'm happy.

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