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Tommy G Absent from Home Closer


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Listening to GR's audio vault, Sully mentioned that TG wasn't in attendance at "fan/sucker appreciation" night and the home closer. For me, even though, I wasn't there, it kinda cheeses me off that he wasn't at least there in person. Now that the sun isn't shining and it's not all warm and fuzzy, he's not there to bask in there glory. Where is he now that the storm clouds have gathered? I just think he at least should have been there for the last home game. Anyone else find it offensive (for lack of better word)?

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I was there. A buddy who's girlfriend has season tickets called me up in the morning and said they couldn't use them so they were mine for $75 if I wanted them. I was also at the Tampa game 2 weeks ago (bought those off e-bay) and I noticed that if the players haven't ran for the bus already, whomever does the game day stuff has.


They have really cheapened out on the gameday experience. I went to the home opener this year (and a bunch of games the last couple years and noticed that the experience is alot "cheaper" now.


No Sabretooth coming down from the Rafters, no Doug Allen or Ronan signing the anthems before the game (the last 2 they have had teenage girls singing it), they rarely try to get the crowd going during the game, etc, and the arena has been going dead quiet. They also stopped showing Rob Ray and the show they used to do for MSG in between periods on the screen, they know just show the same commercials and birthday wishes.


Maybe this is TG's way of trying to save a couple bucks since they won't be getting those nice playoff game ticket money coming in. I also found it a little cheap that the team didn't acnowledge the crowd after last nights game since it was their final home game, they all just skated off the ice into the locker room.


I did manage to score 3 sabres jersey Beer Cozy thingys last night, but I didn't bother with the "save the environment" gift bag things on the way out.

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I wonder if Sabretooth nto coming down from the rafters actually saves money. I mean he's already a paid employee, the rafters are part of the building, the gear is probably a one time purchase and reusable. Perhaps, they're saving on insurance premiums for that in case he falls?

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I wonder if Sabretooth nto coming down from the rafters actually saves money. I mean he's already a paid employee, the rafters are part of the building, the gear is probably a one time purchase and reusable. Perhaps, they're saving on insurance premiums for that in case he falls?

Thats what I figure

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I wonder if Sabretooth nto coming down from the rafters actually saves money. I mean he's already a paid employee, the rafters are part of the building, the gear is probably a one time purchase and reusable. Perhaps, they're saving on insurance premiums for that in case he falls?

I truly doubt it.


They stopped having him come down from the rafters when the new sound system was installed. The new speakers hang much closer to where he'd drop from than the old ones did.

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I haven't made it to many games over the last few years but one thing I do notice on TV is the amount of visiting teams fans. Perhaps it's those fans and the outcome of the games that is changing the overall atmosphere and not Sabretooth?

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I haven't made it to many games over the last few years but one thing I do notice on TV is the amount of visiting teams fans. Perhaps it's those fans and the outcome of the games that is changing the overall atmosphere and not Sabretooth?

Sabres fans need to make money to afford their seasons tickets

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I wonder if Sabretooth nto coming down from the rafters actually saves money. I mean he's already a paid employee, the rafters are part of the building, the gear is probably a one time purchase and reusable. Perhaps, they're saving on insurance premiums for that in case he falls?


The person in the suit is new this year (or so I'm told). Last year the 'dude' was a paratrooper on leave.

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I haven't made it to many games over the last few years but one thing I do notice on TV is the amount of visiting teams fans. Perhaps it's those fans and the outcome of the games that is changing the overall atmosphere and not Sabretooth?

at least 20% of season tickets are sold to North of the Border fans (or at least to ticket brokers in Canada).

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That has nothing to do with it.....I noticed about 8,000 Canadians fans at the Air Canada Centre on Saturday...its all about how the team is doing in that chosen year....enough said

It does, Not many fans buy seasons and go to every game, alot will subsidize their purchase of the tickets by selling the better games (like Leafs games) because they know they can get their money back for the tickets. Ebay is always flooded with tickets to games because the demand was so high for tickets. Which games get sold usually depends on how the team is doing


It happens with the bills too. A friend of mine bought seasons with a co-worker to get tickets to the Monday Nighter against Dallas (he is a Cowgirls fan and it was his birthday) and they sold the rest to make the money back on the tickets and get that game, plus another game they went too back so they attended the games they wanted for free

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It does, Not many fans buy seasons and go to every game, alot will subsidize their purchase of the tickets by selling the better games (like Leafs games) because they know they can get their money back for the tickets. Ebay is always flooded with tickets to games because the demand was so high for tickets. Which games get sold usually depends on how the team is doing


It happens with the bills too. A friend of mine bought seasons with a co-worker to get tickets to the Monday Nighter against Dallas (he is a Cowgirls fan and it was his birthday) and they sold the rest to make the money back on the tickets and get that game, plus another game they went too back so they attended the games they wanted for free


That's what I do. Last year I went to about 20 Sabres games, gave away 10 games, and sold the rest. It paid for my tickets for last year and this year. Then I sold 32 games this year and pretty much doubled my money. For as much as I complain about Quinn, he lined my pockets pretty good these past few years!


For the Bills, I sold my seats ahead of time for the Cowboys and Pats games, went with friends to one and scalped in for face on the Pats game, and that pretty much only cost me for half of a season. It's nice, because then you can do up a tailgate, or a Sabres game at a bar, and not feel guilty about taking it up a notch.


I'm 90% sure I'm dumping my Sabres seats for next year. No more boom boom in those puppies.

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Listening to GR's audio vault, Sully mentioned that TG wasn't in attendance at "fan/sucker appreciation" night and the home closer. For me, even though, I wasn't there, it kinda cheeses me off that he wasn't at least there in person. Now that the sun isn't shining and it's not all warm and fuzzy, he's not there to bask in there glory. Where is he now that the storm clouds have gathered? I just think he at least should have been there for the last home game. Anyone else find it offensive (for lack of better word)?

If any of you have Bibles, look up Daniel 5:13-31

Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin


That sums up my feelings about this... (although I don't think we'd do to Tommy G what happened to Belshazzar)

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