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The only thing about Kateta is he needs to take some Rob Ray fighting lessons. Because of his play, he is already starting to get a reputation of a guy who will agitate, but not fight. Someone's going to cheap shot him soon and since he's not a name player, the NHL won't do crap.





The last thing we want is Kaleta fighting anything like Peters.

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so vanek, kotalik and max arent getting much ise time since that goal. Roy is all over the place.

Wow! Ruff was giving those three an earful. Max and Kotalik made blatant mistakes on the goal. Neither one came back to provide support down low and the deflection was from a completely wide open Ian White. Absolutely terrible coverage. Story of Kotalik's life. Scores a nice goal, and then makes a terrible mistake or two. At least we've got two goals up right now. We have to finish this off.

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