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Everything posted by Robviously

  1. Kris Baker noted that Miska Kukkonen spent the last 2 years playing with our 3rd round pick last year, Oskari Laaksonen. So this is a guy our scouts have been watching for a while, and GMJB is trusting them on this.
  2. I think we're agreeing. I do think this could be a diamond in the rough player and that's basically what I want the Sabres to be looking for in the mid to late rounds. Using a 4th round pick on a consensus 4th round pick with a low ceiling doesn't appeal to me all that much. Everyone's chances get slim by the 4th round anyway; go ahead and draft someone that isn't on the national rankings but that your scouts saw multiple times and were high on. That said, I was probably the only one on the board that was intrigued, not horrified, by the Laaksonen pick last year. So who knows? GoPuckYourself posted this on LLK in the draft thread, but I'll put it here too: I like Concept of LLK.
  3. :rolleyes: Because that's what I was saying? By the mid-point of the draft, I'm happy to trust the European scouts over the consensus 4th rounders that maybe we've heard of from 4-sentence scouting blurbs.
  4. So? I want them using their mid to late round picks to try to find diamonds in the rough. Plus, they have the rights to European players longer so they can wait and see with them while Dahlin and Samuelson will be in the NHL immediately and quickly, respectively.
  5. Based on what? There's almost nothing out there about this player.
  6. http://montrealgazette.com/sports/hockey/nhl/hockey-inside-out/canadiens-prospective-draft-picks-for-2018-matej-pekar-centre
  7. I'm more than happy to get rid of guys that are all in on partying and have only ever been part of some of the worst teams in NHL history. And I want next year's team to feel as "new" as possible. I do think culture matters.
  8. Detroit is quietly having a spectacular draft. Samuelsson is fine. Would have liked Berggren.
  9. You'd be watching whatever JAG replacement we get next year while that prospect is developing. Just as long as he's gone.
  10. Incompetence. Also, how has holding onto him worked out? To put it another way, how excited are you to ever see him play for us again?
  11. We need the board members to post Kris Baker's latest tweets as their own thoughts 30 minutes later to help keep the thread going.
  12. Trade him just to change the culture. He's a JAG, and not even a good one. He'll be easy to replace.
  13. This is really embarrassing for the city.
  14. Sort of always felt like Mike Harrington had some serious emotional problems going on, and the evidence is starting to pile up.
  15. Am I the only one that thinks Jet Woo will probably be taken 20-30 spots higher than he should just because he has a cool name?
  16. I only saw a few minutes of the first episode but I do plan to circle back and watch this. The book it's based on (by Dan Simmons) might be my favorite novel of all-time. I've read it a couple times and I love the historically accurate bits along with how he modifies his writing to fit the era. No idea how they adapted the final act but I can highly recommend the book if anyone is looking for a great summer read.
  17. Plenty of writers do just fine. Bob McKenzie is awesome on Twitter. Twitter doesn't change who you are. But if you're a prick, it tends to give you enough rope to hang yourself. How many examples do we really need of that?
  18. It was really fun! The plot moved fast (I have no idea where the complaint about the first act being slow came from) and I liked that they played Han as clever but also cocky and in way over his head. It would have been easy to do this as a gritty origin story where Han is a total badass but I thought the lighter tone helped. I'm also really glad they finally made a SW movie that wasn't all about lightsabers or super weapons (even if they hedged their bet at the end by jamming a cameo in at the very end). Other stuff: The space train robbery was awesome and more of what I'd want out of new movies (i.e. actual inventive actions scenes that aren't remakes of original trilogy battles) They're doing an awesome job with character design (Lady Proxima, Enfys Nest, even Dryden Vos' scars) The humor was really well done (e.g. the Falcon flying away in the distance right when Han is making a point) My big complaint is that Star Wars suddenly has a villain problem. It's been four movies and they haven't introduced any new villain that was memorable or that you really wanted to see get their comeuppance. I guess Kylo Ren, but I think we're all just waiting for him to redeem himself versus hoping one of the heroes finally kills him.
  19. Going Sunday but this has me optimistic. I'm hoping for a space adventure movie that's actually fun since they went all in on making Star Wars dour in the last two attempts.
  20. Thought that idea had been around a while?
  21. It's almost TOO easy... So how many people on the board would have done 7x7 for Kane? Or more, since he might have wanted more to stay here after all the losing in Buffalo.
  22. Only when people aren't listening. PA's point was pretty clear. And, yes, it wasn't that long ago that we were pretty exciting about Grigorenko around here.
  23. Plus no one takes the blame for losses better than ROR.
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