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That Aud Smell

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Everything posted by That Aud Smell

  1. It is hogwash to say that what Hamilton did is a matter of subjective taste. Analytical methods and data have a way of limiting the relevance of such matters. Hamilton's piece was misleading. No two ways about that. If intentionally so, shame on him. If unintentionally, ... welp.
  2. Don't disagree. Which is why I would have had more respect for the imagine rant above. It's clear Hamilton thinks Reinhart needs to come to Jesus. I'm talking myself into thinking there's something to that.
  3. Theoretically, sure. Feel free to adopt that as your take on the matter. I happen to think it's a bad one. Graham has highly-placed sources in the Bills organization. I won't wonder anymore who at least one of them is.
  4. You loved it. Thanks - I tried to plausibly adopt an over-the-top click bait tone at the end. And, in all seriousness: I was one of those fans who did *not* care at all for Reinhart's tone and words following his suspension.
  5. I'm not even sure I'd vehemently disagree with the imagined "power take" above.
  6. I actually think an article I would have respected would have read, in essence, as follows: "Anyone who thinks Reinhart didn't regress this year is fooling themselves. Yes, he had more points. But how many of those extra assists were accumulated on the power play? His 5v5 scoring all but disappeared for long stretches of time. Spending time in that locker room, I can tell you: His attitude changed. He walked around the place like he'd "made it" and had nothing left to prove. I know I have no quotes showing that, but you can tell a lot from a guy's body language. He started taking short-cuts, too. Remember when he was such a surprise net-front presence in his rookie year? Well, that's because he had devoted himself to those O'Reilly Practices, and put the work in. He didn't do as much of that this season, and even stopped going for a long while. The result? He didn't score nearly as many goals as a result of taking a position in the front of the net. And I know people assume he's the consummate professional because of his family pedigree and all, but, I'll tell you: When word came that someone was getting suspended for a game because of a violation a team rule, my first guess was Reinhart. And his response in the aftermath didn't do him any favours either -- he was all but rolling his eyes when he gave that "sorry, not sorry" statement. The guy needs to grow up, realize he hasn't yet proved anything in this league, and get back to work. If he doesn't? He's apt to be one of the bigger busts the Sabres have ever drafted."
  7. It does not offend me when columnists criticize my favourite team(s). It just doesn't. What irritates me is when columnists offer takes that are lazy, uninformed, derivative, repetitive, and the like. It's much the same here. I'm never offended when people here criticize a player or team that I like. I do get my hackles up, though, when people have takes that are ... well, see the litany above. What role does analytics have in this? None. This isn't above some advanced math, PA. Hamilton literally employed a line of thought that was both dumb and illogical. Fundamentally so. And reasoned just as poorly. I think I can well understand that Hamilton has a take to communicate here -- he thinks Reinhart regressed because of complacency and arrogance. Fine. If he just wanted to Tweet that, or words to that effect, that'd be fine. But when you try to back-fill that take with turbl reasoning, you're going to get called out for it. Didn't need them, and certainly didn't employ them. The analysis in that piece was a steaming pile of shite. He's a guy for whom I used to have a lot of respect. Not so much anymore.
  8. On my to-do list: Make a "what's he done wrong?" meme with an appropriate picture of Pegula. Also, I think a perusal of content upthread would provide the context you seek.
  9. Hmm. Seems to me the piece abounds with praise for everything Brandon has helped accomplish (keeping the Bills in town, for starters, and moving on to scoring the World Juniors and a return of the NCAA basketball tournament). As for distancing Brandon from actually running the teams, Graham offered: [W]ith [brandon] as their top general, the Pegulas finally might be deciphering this big-league ownership stuff. The Pegulas last week fired Sabres GM Tim Murray and coach Dan Bylsma, a two-fer decision they weren't bold enough to make on the Bills five months earlier. There are reasons to be encouraged if you look, and Brandon's involved. In other words: Brandon is helping the Pegulas learn how to be owners (i.e., he's teaching them how to behave in being owners); there's progress to be seen in the fact that the Pegulas fired both the Sabres GM and HC at once, after they recently didn't go as far with the Bills; and Brandon is involved in what's encouraging with the PSE-owned sports teams (to include being bold enough to fire an entire FO rather going with half a loaf as they did with the Bills). Sounds to me like Graham thinks Brandon is playing a significant role in the running of both the Sabres and Bills.
  10. Good eye. Baker lulz'd about that oversight, and said it just slipped his mind.
  11. That may be. Better to shrug off with some weak sauce, then -- not with high praise for Pegula's toady.
  12. It's almost as if players age and mature differently - that some improve, and some regress.
  13. It is an objectively stupid and lazy piece. His comparison to other second picks is not compelling - it is misleading. Kris Baker from prospects had, in apparent response to this garbage-in-garbage-out from Hamilton, a "compelling" comparison and, unlike Hamilton, did his homework (correctly): A-freakin-men. I'll say my "sorry's" if he turns out to be correct about Eichel being a smirking coach-killer and Reinhart being complacent and arrogant. But, as it stands, Hamilton comes off as an ill-informed crank who's cherry picking facts to verify his feelings (and telling those kids to get the hell off his lawn).
  14. As does the reflexive rejection of the accusation. Sometimes, it fits. If he isn't trolling, then he is straight shilling for Brandon. The "power take" included praise, from unnamed FO types (read: Brandon), that the OneBuffalo/PSE was running much better under Brandon's oversight. I'm sure all the STH -- with their lengthy playoff droughts between them -- take great comfort from the reported efficiency being brought to bear within the franchises. What a load of steaming sh1t that piece was.
  15. It took me a while to understand what was going on as well, and then -- once I did .... You can have concerns and reservations with Reinhart, and still see that article as an unadulterated hit piece without proper factual foundation. Hamilton calls him arrogant. Says he became entitled and complacent.
  16. It occurs to me: One of the best things about parting ways with Bylsma is that we'll get a fair shot at seeing Reinhart play centre. Like True, I can abide the idea of trading Reinhart, but only if he brings a like-value young D-man in return.
  17. ^ Fwiw, Thornton had the Sharks' 2nd best CF% in that series.
  18. Saw this pop up on my feed: It's a chart showing the 5v5 shot attempt distribution in the St. Louis and Minnesota series. Winning the #fancystats battle: Predictive, not determinative.
  19. Please. Let's keep our discussion confined to whether Pegula is a dipsh1t and, if so, whether his faith plays a role in his dipsh1ttery..
  20. Hmm. *Maybe*. Several years ago, I might have cottoned to this. Not anymore. I think he says it because he believes it to be true and significant. As for "who knows ": Indeed. None of us do. So, have a take, I say.
  21. For my part, I never ventured that he was a teetotaler. We have heard him reference Christian values at least twice wrt a key hiring decision (HC both times). I feel like there was a third -- maybe regarding a player. Regehr? Tbe faith-based principles may not control or govern his decision making, but they're obviously there -- ready to fill a void or tip the balance. Also, my concerns about his ability to think critically and deploy a healthy sense of skepticism are fueled by his apparent confidence in Brandon.
  22. And I recall a similar plaudit being tossed Bylsma's way. I just can't find it -- too much noise from the recent firing.
  23. And, fwiw: A write-up re the McDermott introduction: "There were others too as he was introduced as the 20th head coach in team history Friday, by owner Terry Pegula. Words like thorough, smart, decisive and faith-based winner. It all sounds great, but McDermott knows as well as anyone that results are what count in the NFL."
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