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That Aud Smell

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Everything posted by That Aud Smell

  1. Choices are too binary. You need a blend. A winning blend.
  2. Let’s not take away his agency. Inky has left, for now. Understandable, albeit regrettable.
  3. Had (have!) no idea what the movie was, nor that it was Dave Grohl. I went searching for a "get behind me, satan" gif (which I did find), but could not resist the one I chose.
  4. Jesus Christmas on a Popsicle Stick. Please don’t do this to me.
  5. I think you're tilting at windmills, partner. Yet another failed regular season will do that to a fella, I reckon.
  6. Who’s been brainwashed? You recently chirped an admin for thinking poorly of posters. You’re arguably doing the same for Sabre fans. Fans can be informed and take solace where it can be found. I love Quinn’s game. I’m glad he’s back.
  7. I don't get this perspective at all. In any case: Just don't click through on the thread, man.
  8. In the days to come, at least I have one of those events to look forward to in my lifetime.
  9. Maybe? It seems like there would be a lot of variables there (bearing when the ship lost power, the size of the channel being navigated, currents, maybe tides). The thing that does seem flukey is that the vessel lost power and control so soon after leaving port. Wtf?! But, if a cargo ship of that size were to lose power in those kinds of waters (close quarters), it strikes me that a catastrophe of some kind is fairly likely (even if it's just a big property loss).
  10. Aggregator of mock drafts has moved back towards the Bills' most likely picks at 28 being WR, then Edge, then Edge again. Not sure what positions/names would appear if the site listed more than the top 3 mocked choices.
  11. It's ... cozy in this world of 90 points or fewer.
  12. Well, now you're onto contentions other than the ones I was debating. I understand you as saying that the player's being rushed back and his rehab is being mismanaged (and his future imperiled?) in service of trying to get this team close to 91 points and in an effort to save the jobs of KA and DG. I can't get there. And if that were somehow the case, I'd probably have to light myself on fire.
  13. Buy him out as soon as practicably possible. He’s an erratic point accumulator for bad NHL teams. This has been discussed in another thread. I believe it’s impracticable (impractical?) to buy him out until after the 2024-2025 season.
  14. I disagree. You want the guy getting back to top form. Getting some NHL games in before the offseason arrives can only help that process.
  15. The new rule is intended to increase kickoff return activity and make it a safer activity. I’m not sure how the increased number of kickoff returns could affect the incidence of injury during kickoff returns. The vote was to approve for only next season — they’ll revisit the issue next offseason.
  16. Every game counts. Pro players - most of them anyway - live and love to train and compete. The team deserves this level of cynicism, I guess. I just see it as the team welcoming back a top young player who’s fully recovered and ready to play. And, sure, the team will be looking to win as many games/points as possible until there are no games left to play. It is a huge bummer to consider that another season of mediocrity could somehow justify keeping KA and DG around.
  17. I’m glad you found the strength to nutshell it. 😂 I understand why attentive Sabre fans would get triggered by player development talk when the team’s season is over in March (again). But I still see this as a both/and situation - not an “instead of” (either/or).
  18. Thompson's career was on its way to fading into Bolivia (shoutout Iron Mike) before Granato moved him off the wing and put him at centre. There was then discussion (including comments from Granato) about how his game, style, even his size (and how he carries it (lightly (that's my take))) were such that the move to centre unlocked his potential. It may and likely will for the player.
  19. NYSDOT has those red/white barrier arms at every entrance to I-90. Stands to reason there was something similar at the entrance to that bridge. Edit: Looked around on street view in Google Maps on the eastern entrance to the trussed bridge. No sign of an emergency barrier mechanism.
  20. The idea is that there will be more kickoff returns. And that they'll be safer than they were under the old (old) rules. The XFL pioneered the technique -- here's a video clip of it -- as I understand it, the NFL version of this concept will have the kicking team lined up on the receiving team's 40 (and the receiving team lined up no farther than their own 30).
  21. It's improving, apparently. He understands enough such that he sensed something was amiss when he listened to his translator "explain" the problem to his teammates in the clubhouse -- that is, he sensed that his translator was lying.
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