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KC Scouts

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Everything posted by KC Scouts

  1. Well, I’m done with the Sabres for the evening.....a little Scotch awaits, probably should have poured it during the game
  2. Well......how low can you go?......drop as far as you can in the standings (we probably don’t have to try that much) and maybe we get lucky with the lottery........Really,....what else can they do.?
  3. Remember when we had the slug jerseys...they were ugly and we made the playoffs wearing them......just saying
  4. Not encouraging news from the farm. This team should not be waiting to see if a goalie develops, hoping for a savior
  5. Im sooooo sick of hearing about how hard they are trying. Nine years is enough! When? When? When?
  6. Until we get a stellar goaltender, this is a futile effort. It doesn't matter how many roster tweaks, draft picks, young players or free agents we pick up. We need much more from that position. God knows collectively we can't shoot the puck worth a sh**
  7. How about more than one or two freaking goals a game? Especially with Hutton in net (and our stellar D-men)
  8. They all could be better, Every last one of them, including the coaching. Its just not enough no matter how you add it up
  9. Nice effort by the Sabres, they tried. To me the difference was their goalie and our inability to beat him on some great chances.
  10. Here is a great opportunity for Terry Pegula to show Sabre fans how much he loves the Sabres and their history. Make an offer to these guys that they can’t refuse. If Terry was willing to throw money away on the likes of Erhoff, Hodgson and etc....this should be no problem for him, and maybe it buys him some good karma from the hockey gods....
  11. Your right, nobody holds a gun to my head to buy the tickets (I spend because I can), and I don't need anybody to feel sorry for me or anyone else that buys seasons or even a single game ticket.......Just trying to be funny....
  12. Glutton for punishment. Still a Fan. Love the NHL and the Teams and Players that come into the arena. As far as JBot and his frustration, He should grow up and act like a professional in public. And NO, I don't feel sorry for him, he took the job convincing TP he could fix this mess.....
  13. Awwwwww....having a rough day? Try paying $7,500 a year for season tickets to watch this crap and then I'll feel sorry for you
  14. Pathetic bunch of weaklings this team.......they reflect "cerebral" coaching and management style....WHAT A JOKE OF A TEAM.....HEARTLESS, TALENT POOR AND GUTLESS
  15. Ottawa got a 2 goal lead and never relinquished it......Sabres pissed theirs away
  16. Ottawa is so much more willing to take the body than our collection of little "kitties"
  17. They look sooooooo LOST......30 Shots against
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