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Everything posted by MakeSabresGrr8Again

  1. Did the Sabres really down grade the center position? Many would argue not....Sobotka's FO% is among the top of the league the past few years and Berglund has been decent. Combine the points from the two of them and they closely resemble O'Reilleys #'s. IMO neither one will take Ryan's #2C spot , so now add in possibly Middelstats offense and you've create more offense and spread it out amongst your depth. Was Lehner a proven starting goalie....really??? he was an unproven back-up when they brought him here and could not win a shootout if his life depended on it. Just because things are different doesn't mean they are worse. The Bills OTOH IMO still haven't MADE the playoffs or at least haven't EARNED it. Last year their season was over and they only got pushed into the playoffs on a lucky play. They finished no better than the year before when they didn't make it. With all that said...I think the Bills will have the better season than the Sabres and EARN their way into the playoffs.
  2. That will be determined by their play this year more than anything. Speed and talent seen to be the top 2 things looking at it right now. But that could change come the end of season. Using those picks or trading some could also be a varying status between now and then. For those who think we could make the playoffs (or push for them) this means possibly 3 picks in the back half of the 1st round....then BPA would seem to be a smart bet and trading at least one of them for a player who can fill a need would also seem a good bet.
  3. But he'll need to show something quickly or he still won't get any credit......credit will go to "coaching".
  4. Not knowing what changes may be coming could have a serious effect on the term length,too. Players may be hitting prime or starting the declining side of their career at the time of new CBA. I wonder if either side is starting to think about what changes they are going to be asking for in the new agreement and looking at how contracts will be affected.
  5. Are any of these new contracts maybe taking into consideration that the current CBA expires in a few years? Locking in to certain unknown factors beyond a new agreement(which could be as soon as 2020) could make a difference on BOTH sides of the table. Just a thought as I'm not a lawyer or agent or GM or player.
  6. Or maybe limit you to like 8 articles / month and then you have to subscribe after that.....if you want more access you pay.
  7. Jack might have a trigger man now AND someone who can keep up with him. We'll have to wait and see how it pans out. I don't think it's as much his decision making as it has been his competitiveness and being expected to be the Savior of this team since being drafted. Yes, in reverse it could effect his decision making but maturity could change all that. Then add in Dahlin, Mitts and Skinner and it takes some of that pressure off him.
  8. Myself, I have always liked Bogo. Always wished he were healthy to see what he could bring. I also have thought he was caught in limbo trying to identify WHAT to bring....physicality or offensive skating game. If he could combine the two and play a complete game (which I think he is capable of) he could be a very good D for us and we could realize his cap hit.
  9. The number Sabres are offering say,,,,Sam is only worth 1/2 of what Jack is. I would say Sam's counter is more reasonable and yes, term is a good question.
  10. Hip....which could explain any injuries to muscle groups in the area.
  11. I think any "interested" party may just be playing the "wait and see" game about his injury. He says it's fine but his early season play may have suggested otherwise. Just saying that it could be an issue and have an effect on the return in a deal. This could be in the back of their mind when it comes to trading for him and then wanting to sign him long term.....do you take that risk? If you do, do you try to under-cut the return on the deal?
  12. If I remember right....there were a few times they mentioned a groin issue, not sure though,
  13. If it went that far they could have declined the award....I didn't think it would but, you can hope.
  14. You could be right as I only looked at last years #'s where Berg was higher but career wise Sobotka is better. My bad?
  15. I was hoping maybe OTT wouldn't sign Stone.
  16. Maybe that's why the coach left too...wouldn't that be funny? Maybe Skinner allowed the deal to Bflo because he liked Smith as a coach?
  17. We we"re just trying to address the FOW....don't want to start out chasing duck in our end after losing the draw. Hardly anyone has listed Dahlin on the 1st unit but I'm definitely game.....the BOLD could be why most have him on 2nd unit.
  18. But we"re not talking about PPP we"re talking about FOW. I see your point though and maybe put Skinner on 2nd unit while leaving Kyle on 1st.....or better yet, aquire simeone.
  19. Last I looked....Berglund was 55.1% and Sobotka 54.3% but Berg is more offensive threat.
  20. You might have to hope JBOT realizes this and address" it....or at worse swap KO for Berglund? KO can take Pommers spot on 2nd.
  21. And how long are you talking about to prove himself? He/s already proven HIMSELF, so now he has to prove Jack/Mitts are capable too? Skinner played with less capable centers and proved he can score....the way I see it Jack and/or Mitts need to prove they can make people around them better. If you sign him now to a 5yr deal (extension that won't kick in 'til next yr) then Skinner will be 32yrs old at the of contract.....if you wait for him to "prove" himself you may be buying more of his declining years. This is depending on him wanting a long term deal. I can't believe I just stuck up for Skinner....I never cared much for him (didn't hate him though).
  22. Maybe this is why? I also think the concussions may turn people off. Think about it....allot of people hate Mardhand and Brady but that doesn't mean there any worse a player.
  23. Figured you might be upset they dumped Pu on Carolina,,,LOL Kidding aside.....I had hopes for him.
  24. Yes...about 3yrs ago. 3 of them I believe but has since been ok.
  25. Not really a list of elite players considering the one's who have changed teams in recent years....some not even choosing to talk to us. But, i agree that it should be put to rest.
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