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Posts posted by FogBat

  1. Plus/Minus


    Ok, aside from my plus/minus rant, this is a legitimate complaint: When in the world are we going to stop hearing about Jon and Kate Gosselin? I am so sick of their continuing trivial saga thrown in everyone's faces! :sick: :chris: :wallbash: :death:

  2. We had a major firewall upgrade last night that went miserably bad. We thought we were done at 7:30, but when my boss' boss called me an hour later, the night had only begun. We were lucky enough to be able to back out and stabilize everything, but I'm on about 4.5 hours of sleep (I know...more than a set of newly-anointed parents usually get, but it's less than I'm used to).


    Then I walk in to the same guy that's been harassing me all week, telling me to do stuff that he should be coordinating. And no, I don't report to him.



    Take some solace in this, but remember that it may be NSFW.

  3. boy I haven't listened to HIM in a while, I wasn't expecting that from you. :thumbsup:

    Thanx! :thumbsup:


    I'm actually fascinated with many things Finnish - in spite of the fact that I have English and Scottish blood in me. I had a pen pal a long time ago from Finland back when I was in high school. I lost contact with her back around '96, but I fondly remember her extreme depth of intelligence. She wasn't like a French pen pal I once had who might as well have practically been a harlot. My Finnish pen pal was someone whom I could write to intelligently (sorry for the redundancy), so she definitely left a positive indelible impression upon me about Finnish people in general.


    At any rate, I'll do what I can to keep the music coming...

  4. I'd be really disappointed if they got in. I'd hate to see their accomplishments tarnished by being grouped with some of the previous inductees.

    I never really thought of it that way. You have a very valid point (given that "sellout kings" Metallica has already been inducted and is a much younger group than Rush). Thanx! :thumbsup:

  5. What the hell are you talking about this time?


    XC, seriously, I think you're a good guy, and I really like your hockey-related input, but who the hell was talking about Wallis or Campolo (BTW, I have no idea who these people are; as likely as not, they're complete twits), or accusing people of having agendas?

    Sorry. Just blowing some steam.

  6. I'm driving in to work today and my Ipod lands on Rush - La Villa Stangiato. It made me remember a complaint that has been eating at me for years. Rolling Stone did a list of the 100 greatest guitarists of all time(yes I know these lists are stupid) and Alex Lifeson was not on the list. Personally, he's at least in my top twenty. Whatever, but then don't go and put Joan Jett on that list as well. Yes,... you read that correctly,... Joan Jett.

    Swamp, we may not agree on a lot of things, but I most certainly concur with you. Rush (in general) appears to get dissed alot by Rolling Stone. :wallbash: That's ok, though. Rush is one of the top-selling groups in the entire history of rock music. AFAIAC, Nirvana won't ever come close. :thumbsup:

  7. Gas prices rising as the summer vacation season is around the corner. :angry: What a surprise they are going up. I'm sure it is just a coincidence. <_<

    As I write this, www.bloomberg.com has oil listed at $61.46 a barrel.


    Sorry to get political here, but I have this sick feeling that we're going through Jimmy Carter Part II, and the oil prices are just a symptom of this in spite of an anemic economy.

  8. You would think for $333K the builder would use his machines to get rid of all the giant rocks in my yard instead of burying them under the clay he pushed around today. Gonna be real fun trying to plant any plants or trees for the next several years. Grrrrrrr!

    I hear ya. Parts of my yard are so uneven that I can't take my lawn tractor mowing over them. I have to resort to the weed eater to knock them down.


    When I have the time, I've thought of doing one of two things - if not both. 1, till the yard until I can at least make it manageable for my lawn mower once the grass has grown, or, 2, plant some trees in those ditches. Water can run down a molehill just so far, but to run into a ditch that is full of trees should theoretically help them to grow that much faster.


    As for that $333k, that just doesn't sound right. Sounds to me like you're being hosed on that one.


    BTW, congrats on getting out of DC. The Beltway during rush hour is still as brutal as ever and no amount of lane expansion is ever going to fix the problem. It's like the old saying: "Make something idiot-proof, and someone will make a better idiot."

  9. It's other drivers for me (again). When you want to drive 45mph on the highway, please do it in the right lane. Also, when the light turns green, you don't have to wait 5 seconds to hit the gas. I may be impatient, but c'mon.


    I sincerely believe that the DMV needs to re-test people every 2-3 years (instead of every 8) and then make the tests difficult enough so that people on the road actually know what to do at a stop sign intersection.

    Once they got their licenses, they threw the baby out with the bathwater. They make it harder for truckers to do their jobs, especially when it comes to lane changes. Thus, if anyone complains that I'm not letting them merge on to the highway, there's always someone blocking me from getting over for them. <_<

  10. Well, I'll start off Complaint Thursday with no complaint actually...


    I started working at my new job two weeks ago. I absolutely love my new job. I am working on a dedicated account that keeps me busy, which is a far cry from the job that I left. Even in what appears to be a moribund economy, my company is well-positioned when it comes to hauling freight and they are financially stable as well. This was the same company where I started off as a trucker about 6 years ago. In retrospect, I wish I had never left them in the first place to work for what I will nicely call an "also-ran". The only downside is that I am only home long enough for a 34 hour restart.


    Speaking of the trucking industry, here's an article that seems to accurately gauge the economy based on the number of trucks that are on the road. Granted, I normally don't like MSNBC, but this article backs up what the trade publications are saying.


    Ok, now that I think about it, after having written all of that, I do have a complaint: I-81 in Virginia. Most parts of that 324-mile stretch of highway are death traps.

  11. My downstairs neighbors now call in noise complaints just about every night while I'm watching Seinfeld. Nevermind the fact that I've got it so low that I can barely hear it... IT'S SEINFELD! How much noise can that show possibly make?

    I don't know. Next to "nothing"? :unsure:

  12. My complaint is that as much as I want to like the guy, Crosschecking still doesn't get that politics and religion are issues that are best left unmentioned in the world of the internet. I'm a member of a few boards where the mods try to keep it mature, and if there's two things that makes forums turn to sh*t shows, it's politics and religion. Grown men, who could be best internet pals, posting in fits of rage, slinging insults at one another.


    Here's the way I see it: If you can't post with out mentioning either of the two, then don't post at all. Because there is no way either topic can be discussed in a mature manner, anywhere on the internet, because someone will always be offended or take it too seriously.

    Well, what can I say? That's why this thread is called "Complaint Thursday". It's a free-for-all.


    A few weeks ago, someone other than me complained about Gov. David Patterson. I may be the sore thumb sometimes, but there are others who either fly under the radar or get a pass.

  13. The greatness of Motorhead really has to do with how they were the key transition between classic rock and modern rock. If it weren't for Motorhead we would never have had metal, grunge, or punk. They're an icon because they were a musical catalyst.


    And because Lemmy Kilmister has the world's best facial hair. :D

    Better than Billy Gibbons'? That guy has a beard that could rival John Knox!

  14. <object width="445" height="364"><param name="movie" value="
    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="445" height="364"></embed></object>


    Of course!

    I have to admit that it is a very catchy tune. The odd thing about it, from my own personal experience, is that I first heard it in Prishtina, Kosovo back in 2001. Thus, if they're playing it in that part of the world, I had a feeling that it would easily make its way around the world.

  15. Really? Was that necessary?

    Did you click on the link? It was meant to be serious and funny at the same time.


    Also, for schiyats and giggles, did you check out my second post for Complaint Thursday? "Fake Martyr" is quite a story.

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