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Posts posted by FogBat

  1. My complaint: the jack-booted thugs (i.e. ACORN) who have taken over our government (and our country).


    If you voted for them, you certainly are getting more than you bargained for... :angry:


    At least I can say, "I told you so." :nana:

  2. I agree that people who don't vote shouldn't bitch, but what's the answer for those of us who did vote and still find what local/state/federal governments are doing reprehensible? Apparently we're an "angry mob" if we show up and challenge politicians - and this is coming from a registered democrat who is scared crapless about the health care reforms being bandied about.

    I'm no Democrat, but I know that there are plenty of Dems who feel like their party's selling them out for some system that is more about controlling the people than letting them decide what's best for themselves. Now I'm hearing about many people who voted for Obama who are now regretting it.


    At least I can honestly say that I didn't vote for either Obama or McCain.

  3. Three complaints:


    Somewhere in Kenya, a village is missing its idiot.


    Labor Unions. Look at how they've driven many companies to the corporate graveyard.


    The Federal Reserve. One of the worst things that could have ever been instituted in this country (or any central bank in any country, for that matter).

  4. I absolutely HATE driving the entire stretch of I-68. Not sure if any of you have ever been on that stretch of the world's longest roller coaster in West Virginia and Maryland, but it's a PITA when I never get a load that weighs less than 40k pounds and I have to use that road.


    Bonus feature: whoever designed the incline and decline leading up Sideling Hill on the same Interstate should have been marched off to the Pennsylvania turnpike and given a lecture in civil engineering so that they should have bored a tunnel through that piece of real estate instead of creating a dangerous section of the road.


    (Sorry about the PITA reference. I just absolutely loathe that highway.)

  5. Calvinism was used to justify material success, but it wasn't all bad at all. It may have evolved into that later when people got tired of its strict life style, but originally it was a rejection of worldly pleasures that seemed to be perverting society since the Renissance and how it was flaunted by some and led to "ungodleness" in others. "Protest"ant "Reform"ation, protest and reform, they saw society--and the Catholic Church especially, as hoplessly corrupt and wanted the individual to have a way to salvation through his own actions, even if he was chosen by God to act that way [Predestination]. It taught the middle class "Bourgeois" type of life style. You are responsible for you! I've always seen it as one big tax revolt. The new urban middle classes--commercial people involved in the flourshing trade that had sprang up--did not want to be taxed by the church which provided horrible services anyway. This is one reason why the Protestant Churches didn't have gold crosses or own vast tracts of land, because it wasn't seen as the duty of the church to be wealthy. Ben Franklin and John Calvin would not have gotten along. Though, Franklin really was a benefator of the Reformation--we all are-- in the since that Calvinism very much pushed education so that the chuirch goer could read and understand the bible himself and thus have a personal relationship with God. So greater education for all was a result of Calvinism...which actually connects to the industrial revolution because many of the early inventions that helped blast off the IR came out of Calvinist Scotland. And you see that same spirit in Franklin who was one of the most well respected scientist of his time, at least for a colonial.

    Ok, I didn't plan on discussing the Reformation when I woke up this morning :unsure:

    This was a very brilliant analysis. With all due respect to SwampD, I think he could learn a thing or two from what you stated here.

  6. Here, too, the last few weeks. It is sucking my will to live.

    Your last name wouldn't be Hoover, would it? j/k


    Here's my legit complaint. Why is it that there are people who feel so compelled to come out with urban legends that a supercelebrity "accepted Christ" shortly before their death? (While I wish I could provide the proof in the pudding, I saw it earlier this week where a duo called Mary Mary had a posting up on their blog and then someone made a video about it. I actually made a comment on that video, raising the "urban legend" alarm. Apparently, someone caught on that I pointed out that red herring, and now it's gone and nowhere to be found.)

  7. My Republican Party has completely imploded. It just plain sickens me to be a Republican.. Ensign.. Dolt... Sanford.. Idiot... Gingrich... Jerk... Limbaugh.. Puppetmaster...Pallin... Don't get me started... McCain... Please... With these folks out in front, no wonder folks are switching to Independent or Democrats..


    I am officially turning in my Republican card. From here on out, til my last breath, I am neutral, unaligned, independent..

    Are you willing to look at a much better alternative? I don't put all my trust in them, but I believe that they are looking out for the best interests of not just the country but ultimately the US Constitution.


    EDIT: I do feel your pain. I was a Reagan Republican. Then again, I have learned a very important lesson: he who trusts in Man is cursed.

  8. Yeah but Republicans are the ones who care about who's pulling down whose pants.

    Yeah, and even some of their own are calling on Ensign and Sanford to resign from politics altogether.


    In retrospect, I wish that Larry Craig had done the same thing after his cruising incident at the airport awhile back.

  9. All right, I have to complain about this whole Mark Sanford thing.


    The affair itself doesn't bother me. Sh#t like this happens. The hypocrisy of a staunch conservative who has criticized the affairs of others doesn't bother me either; claims of hypocisy are a dime-a-dozen in politics.


    I have to admit as far as affairs go, this one looks to be fairly impressive. He wasn't paying a hooker or shacking up with a young staffer with self-esteem issues. He wasn't sleeping with a wide-eyed-wonk who worships politicians like rock stars. And he wasn't trying to hook up with a dude in a men's room.


    When it comes right down to it, scoring an Argentinian mistress is right up there with scoring Marilyn Monroe. I mean this guy looks and acts like your boring uncle, but he's tapping some carn-i-val tail. We don't know what this woman looks like (and maybe it's better that we don't), but an Agentinian lover sounds pretty hot.


    What does bother me is his whole reaction to getting caught. In his own words, Sanford spent the five days he was AWOL "crying" in Argentina.


    All I can picture is Sanford standing outside an apartment house in Argentina, holding his boombox over his head, playing Peter Gabriel songs.


    They're even releasing his pasty love letters. Unless you're Shakespeare and you write in iambic pentameter, your love letters (if you hazard to write them) should never be made public. No matter how good you think they are, they just make you look like horny dork of a teenager.


    And why the hell did he have to miss five days of work over this thing. C'mon, there are people with the swine flu who miss fewer days.


    When it comes right down to it, have the affair if you must, but when you get caught, be a f'n man about it.

    Forget what the spinmasters from both say about each other: Democrats and Republicans both get caught with their pants down. It just goes to show how sickening the whole American political process has become and why I tend to support paleoconservatives now.


    Now, to get on track on my complaint for the week: I hate bringing up some things about trucking because it is what I do for the time being, but those pop bottles full of the amber stuff get tossed all over the roadsides and truck stops by lazy truckers who don't have the common decency to stop at a rest area to take care of things.


    BTW, how many of you were fans of Michael Jackson? :unsure:

  10. On a related note, I get a kick out of these women that get implanted with all these embryos because they can't get pregnant, then when they all survive and the doctors tell them they should remove a couple because it is safer for them and the mother, they say,"No. God gave me all these miracles and I'm going to have all of them." Bullsweet! Man and Science gave you all those babies, not God. If it was up to him you wouldn't have any kids.


    As for J+K+8. I have one daughter. Having spent the last three days traveling between work and the hospital, it really pisses me off when I see them treating 8 healthy kids like accessories or paychecks. I know I'm probably just jealous, but they don't know how good they've got it.


    EDIT:Sorry for bringin' the Heavy to the party. Just had to get it out.

    1, Haven't you heard? Ye shall be as gods.


    2, I completely understand. I went a bit over the top about my much-needed complaint about these CINO bookstores and their fawning over this anomalic family.


    Oh, and here is an article that rightly indicts us Americans. This time, they told the Truth!

  11. GM Stock... Grrrr... Why the heck is it still be traded?????

    IIRC, the value of a particular stock has to trade at under $1 for at least 30 consecutive days before it gets delisted. I only happen to remember this from when Enron collapsed.

  12. Kate's a bitch, and yes this show sucks purely from the exploiting your children standpoint.

    What makes me really irate over the whole situation is that the book Multiple Blessings is STILL being sold in Christian bookstores - in spite of all the buzz at the Wal-Mart tabloids!


    What I am about to say will probably draw a bunch of "who cares" replies from you guys. However, please hear me out. All of you know just how far to the right I tilt on just about everything - including this book. From all of the book reviews I perused through on amazon.com, quite a few people brought up the fact that Bible verses were being scattered throughout the manuscript. I could careless just how many verses an author throws in there (which, BTW, they had assistance in writing this book). Their lives don't back up what's written in there (and a very big reason why I don't trust what's being sold in Christian bookstores for the most part - but that's an entirely different topic that I won't bring up on this forum).


    Ok, ok. Some of you may be saying, "just like the pot calling the kettle black." Yes, I make mistakes and I own up to them. It's all a part of my pilgrimage. OTOH, I don't see them owning up to anything - except when they get caught!

  13. Isn't J&k's home state's social service progam investigating everything that has been going on? The show in no way benefits the children. They are simply being exploited.

    Just ask the surviving members of the Dionne Quintuplets. They know all about this first hand. <_<

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