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Everything posted by Curt

  1. 1) He had some sort of set back in his recovery from surgery, not really any details out there though. He has been plagued by hip problems so it’s not out of the question that it could be something nearly career ending going on. If he had to have season ending hip surgery, and that didn’t fix his problem, I don’t know what his next step is. 2) Buffalo actually has 5-6 D better than a healthy Bogo. 4 of them RD. Those two things combined make it a real possibility that Bogo never sees the ice for Buffalo ever again.
  2. I don’t think anything changes cap wise. Montour is already counting against the cap. The cap will be fine unless they make a trade that adds salary.
  3. Sorry, I wasn’t clear. I was referencing only what LeBrun said about Risto, not anything Risto said about himself. Its an Athletic article, so I can’t read. I had seen some tweet by LeBrun but didn’t know there was an article until just now.
  4. Trolling? Joking? No #1 pick goes to college after being drafted.
  5. Yeah, I’m quite sure that’s not what he said. He said he was happy and felt that Ralph may be the best coach he’s ever had. Happy players get traded all the time though.
  6. If that’s true then it probably means that they plan to play him regularly. I can’t see the sense of having a 20 yr old ride the bench. He needs to play.
  7. I don’t think they would keep Jokiharju up unless he is going to be playing every game.
  8. Looks like standings from the past couple seasons printed upside down.
  9. Last night it was extreme because it was also a back to back on a west coast road trip, but I think it’s clear that it has been a consistent coaching strategy to dial it way back when protecting a 2+ goal lead. It hasn’t always worked well and I don’t like it.
  10. One interesting thing I’ve seen is that the Johansson/Skinner/Sobotka lone has gotten pretty heavy defensive deployment, yet Skinner has still been scoring at ES.
  11. They played pretty well the first half of the game and Hutton was very good. That was enough tonight vs these LA Kong’s.
  12. Yeah, there is. Sabres were being out shot in first and second period too though. I don’t like that they seem to turtle so hard. Against a team with better shooting talent or even slightly below average Sabres goaltending, they will lose 3-0 leads like this.
  13. The shots are 45-20, and not all those 45 were from 40 feet out. A lot of them have been clean looks. Sabres are being beaten right now.
  14. LA looks like they are trying to score, Buffalo looks like they are barely holding them off and Hutton is nearly standing on his head to do it.
  15. Seems like it’s not great, but not terrible. As Randall said though, if you are letting the other team score more, then that’s definitely bad.
  16. I think it’s ok. That would be nearly 20 each over a whole season. Remember it’s just the top 6 just at ES. Im pretty certain that it’s not bad at least.
  17. That’s me sweating. Maybe nervous emoji would have been better?
  18. At ES they are doing pretty well too. Top-6 have 11 ES goals in 8 games.
  19. Yes. They had a lot of good opportunities. Doesn’t seem like they can turn them into goals tonight though.
  20. I’ve been thinking maybe switch the C’s. Skinner-Ike-(Someone) Olofsson-Johansson-Reinhart
  21. I feel like if the Kings were better they could have scored 3-4 goals that period. The puck went into dangerous areas too many times, they just couldn’t convert.
  22. Why? He isn’t RJ, but other than that I find him pretty good.
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