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Everything posted by Radar

  1. Are you referring to "class" as in the kind exhibited by our fascist-in-chief over the past year? That shining example to our children. You are younger than my kids so maybe the standard of class has changed. By the way I voted for republicans until they sold their soul to the far right and believe it or not consider myself pretty moderate. I get the feeling you consider left of Ted Cruze as liberal.
  2. Let's all hail our fascist-in-chief Donald "the quack" I'm sure our FaninRochester is saluting. As that immortal windbag Rush Limbaugh once said after Obama's win "I hope he fails" I say ditto to you, Rush .......I hope this idiot fails.
  3. ROR deserves and in my opinion should be our captain. Jack should get an A and Risto also.
  4. I am Catholic and do break with the church's teaching on birth control. As to being pragmatic, I, while respecting my churches authority, am comfortable in,for the most part, in following the clear teachings of Christ and Scripture. In grey areas I lean to the Church authority for direction. I know my answer may be too wishy washy for you but that's the best I can do.
  5. I understand. We need to make sure that support is available whether it's from family, churches etc. Thank you for your gracious words but I'm sure there are many,many stories like mine.
  6. Yes. I oppose abortion simply it's a human life. I think we should support both mother and child emotionally and materially as needed. I understand the arguments against my position but it , for me, gets back to my firm belief it's a human life. By the way I, unfortunately went through this with a seventeen year old daughter. We kept her at home along with her baby until she was able to meet her own needs. Today I honestly believe it improved our relationship with her and our granddaughter, now twenty four years old, is an important part of our family and my daughter went on to find the love of her life. I understand not all stories end this way but for me personally I believe my job was to love my daughter and her child but I also will tell you it was emotionally the hardest four to five years of my life. I almost lost my daughter and it strained my marriage as well.
  7. Frankly in this particular election Trump was not an option for me even if I agreed on all his positions. I question his mental condition and just based on his words and actions deem him not a "good" person. I also had questions with Hillary. You are correct no one candidate will you find total agreement with. For sometime now I have voted all democrat because on balance find more agreements with them.
  8. Opposing abortion is not hateful. Not loving my brother as myself may be. I am an ardent supporter of civil rights whether that is for reasons of race or faith. My personal belief is the unborn civil rights should also be protected. Thank you. I wish you to know I stand with you solidly at this time your faith is being attacked so much by people unaware of your teachings. Somehow we of faith need to be better communicators so that we are better understood.
  9. There are many of my faith who are committed to social justice and believe strongly for programs to aid the poor. I personally have supported the mission for reasonable gun legislation. Am opposed to abortion and capital punishment and as a Vietnam era vet opposed the Iraq war and am basically a pacifist unless attacked. You said if more believers were like me? There are many crying g in the wilderness, so to speak. I do respect your opinions although obviously not totally agreeing with them all share many I'm sure.
  10. I on the other hand am a devout believer who is saddened by the words and actions of others professing faith which I see in opposition to Christ's teachings. Unfortunately many of my brethren seem quite unaware of Scripture and its teachings as many of our electorate are of the issues facing our country. I would hope you do not lump all of us evangelical minded in the same camp though.
  11. I would have tended to agree until post election. Mentally I think Trump is dangerous and cares less about our constitution or has any sense of common decency. Pence ,as bad as he may be, is not wacko in the literal sense as our fascist in Chief is.
  12. Fascist in Chief now saying flag burning should be punished by possibly loss of citizenship or year in jail. When will this crazy man be publically admonished by his party and people realize this idiot is actually dangerous.
  13. Donald is just an a.. who as an elect is making a farce of our country. Rather than just go on he now has to claim he won the popular vote if it wasn't for fraud . Trump you're the fraud! He may be someone's president but he will never be mine. I am a seventy three year old vet who would never serve under this mental case.
  14. Sadly this is true. The internet sources are in many cases dangerous to our political system. Of course it breeds on people who have agendas of hate against someone or something and spread outright lies that someone at all objective would see through excluding anyone , of course, who's mentally challenged.
  15. Seems like if"everybody" gets represented then neither Bush or Trump would have been elected. What you seem to be doing is putting states above individuals. In other words let's do away with popular vote and the electoral college and and give each state a vote?
  16. How many appointments did Obama make that had any questions regarding racism? Mr. Bannon trumps (pun intended) them all. Trump questioned Obama's birthplace. When is the last time a white president faced such a challenge. Trump ran on a message of marginalizing groups of people. I don't remember Obama doing that. I understand your not supporting Hillary I didn't vote for her either but Trump is worst than them all. If my vote had to determine this race I would have voted for Hillary hands down. Being in New York afforded me the opportunity to vote for neither and not risk Trump winning in NY.
  17. Yes. Money still rules in the USA just don't ask me to wave the flag. Trump was and remains the worst person to ever run for president in my opinion. The fact he won shows me something about our country that certainly doesn't make me proud at this time.
  18. Ignore it but look a bit to his appointments and you may see a common thread of who he is appeasing. I suspect you will choose to not objectively lookat this. Not in anyway judging your support just ask you to be as suspect of this as you would be of the other e r side.
  19. So if Trump is not going to do anything he said he would why is he elected? Two reasons. One voters don't like our government's lack of doing anything and two he appealed to a significant group of racist and bigots. Please before all the Trump supporters scream, all his supporters are not racist bigots but I believe a significant number are. I think his campaign and the level of his success bodes bad for future campaigns as now it's shown it works. Hope I'm wrong.
  20. What I'm say is free market place economics doesn't work in healthcare. Guess that simplifies it?
  21. What I am saying is Obamacare is not the reason for higher costs of insurance. Affordable is a term that simply was intended to imply that many unable to afford insurance could gain access to it. It has been successful in doing that. Also it made it so you were less likely to get cancelled or caught in the "prior medical condition" hole. We used to have something called community rating but left to themselves I have lack of confidence in insurance companies not to cherry pick and cover the healthy and cancel or make the cost of insurance for those less healthy unbearable. Still we must lower healthcare costs and short of universal healthcare or socialized system there is no incentives toward lower costs for the industry to move toward. Look at drug companies profits and you will see they will not contain costs as long as the system supports them.
  22. The reason for your healthcare coverages cost is not an Affordable Healthcare or democratic party problem. It's the not wanting to face the cost of healthcare problems. I worked on the business side of healthcare for over thirty years and there is enough blame to go around for providers,insurance companies,lawyers ect. Before retiring and before Obama we had a time of zero inflation. Guess what the average healthcare costs were doing in those years? Rising on average of 18 percent annually. The worst offenders drug costs. So carry on with repealing the affordable healthcare act and hailing our great healthcare system and at the end of the day your out of pocket expenses will continue to rise as costs increase regardless of insurance changes. Bernie is right and we still buy into our system. Socialized medicine of some type is the answer. Unless,of course, you work for a drug company, are an insurance executive or a healthcare provider raking it in. Oh, and by the way our healthcare outcomes? Not very good as we pour more money into it.
  23. Putting it another way that's why the republicans prefer to suppress minority voting. Keep whites in power. They have all the economic and political power now and the GOP overall would like to keep it that way. Popular vote is still the truest indicator but there are problems with doing away with the electoral college. Bottom line minorities still not represented all that well in government although it's improved. Money runs government so lower incomes are also relatively unrepresented in government and have to rely on the wealthy to look out for their interests. This incoming administration does not look all that representative of all classes. Being white and old enough to remember our civil rights battles of the 50's I'm concerned we are moving backwards.
  24. Decorum is a past institution. Like the GOP congressman's yelling liar at the president during session. Oh and how about the wonderful example of it by our fine congressmen during the Bengazi hearings one of whom now is rewarded with the highest intelligence post. Decorum? Like these guys showed over the past year? That's almost laughable. I would love to see a return of some decorum but this band of brothers is not the one to bring us there.
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