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Everything posted by eman

  1. Nope, the post was that even if the Sabres finish last and get the lottery pick again, they may not get the first pick next year and have to settle for "second best yet again in a better draft supposedly. Like they had to with Eichel, when McDavid was really who they wanted. I think I read his post properly.
  2. McDavid has seen the playoffs twice. A scoring leader, a real captain and his Edmonton Oilers attract the free agents as they wish to play on a McDavid team. Accurate comparison I think.
  3. He can come back to Key Bank Centre and stick it to his former club. Anyhow, good for Linus.
  4. So in other words: The correct way to build a franchise.
  5. Not really, but I do know the NHL (at least in the past, has fudged some of the height stats, Wendel Clark was one) Rosen's weight may be 161 even but we all know he will have to put on some to make a career in the NHL.
  6. Listen, I really am not here to argue with you (although we have been) SwampD recalls the posts, I haven't made them up. I hope the picks turn out awesome as we are all long suffering Sabres fans on this board and want nothing but to see this club become a competitive proud franchise. I hope Rosen lights it up and shoves it up my ###! I really do. Good for him and good for the Sabres. (and good for all of us) I am, as of right now, not crazy with that pick. I am not crazy about Dahlin's defence right now. He has good skills otherwise but he is a defenceman. Hopefully that aspect of his game gets better and it may now that Steve Smith is gone.
  7. He's not Martin St. Louis either. (at least not yet) Nice try. I think you are delusional.
  8. Nope, never said that. Wendel Clark was smaller and an absolute beast. I am saying we are short on SIZE & GRIT. Hope that clears it up for you.
  9. and a brilliant player. So as I said, if Rosen can even approach those skills, I will be incredibly happy!
  10. I totally agree with you. While I am not crazy about the pick, he will get his chance and as I have stated, if he proves me wrong, awesome!!!! We need a guy who can put the puck in the net!!! Especially with Sam apparently on his way to the Florida Panthers now (as per Elliotte Friedman- if it's true!)
  11. They do, I'm half Italian and could eat it everyday! Call it stereotyping or whatever you wish. Not crazy about the Rosen pick. (at least not yet, he has time to prove me wrong) Absolutely. This club needs grit also. Size and grit. It was a huge complaint on this board after last season.
  12. See SwampD's post. Not doing your home work for you. It may not have been under a Dahlin thread, but it was there. Not gaslighting you by any stretch. Again, even if Rosen puts on 20 lbs. (176-180) It may be enough if he really is as skilled as the claims make him out to be. Don't get me wrong, I wouldlove this kid to be Martin St. Louis II or close to it. Right now, not crazy about the pick. He has time to prove me wrong.
  13. Thank you. Did LGR4GM not even watch any of the season ending games? He was clearly getting roughed up by the opposition because they knew he wouldn't throw down and this board was clamoring for him to do it at least once. But hey, I'm "gas lighting" him. How quickly some on these posts forget. I'm not here to stir the #### pot but he has to toughen up as a D-man this season. He will have to clear the crease for his goaltender. I'm not going to do LGR4GM's home work for him. We'll see if Rasmus "develops"into a more all around D-man under Granato. I hope so, I really do. I like the kid and he has skills.
  14. Great, he's 5 lbs. heavier than the NHL Draft announcers stated. 161 then! Still no where near enough to compete in today's NHL. I hope he really is skilled and can overcome the size issue. yeah yeah yeah, gaslighting blah blah blah...........
  15. If you're a regular on here (and I know you are!) you know the posts about Dahlin were there. If you watched any of the last games of the season, you saw him getting abused. If you have forgotten all that, there's nothing more for me to add. We will see soon enough if any of it has changed. I have no blind optimism about this season being any different than the past 10. This club will have to show me it is different under Granato. I sincerely hope they do. It has been long overdue.
  16. Just go back on the posts from last season. This board was clamoring for Rasmus to toughen up as he was getting abused seriously near the end of the season. C'mon! Surely you haven't forgotten? Yup, I liked Ristolainen. Completely misused by this franchise and Philly will be a godsend for him.
  17. I know the NHL skews the height on its stats. Clark wasn't the only one. Again, even if Rosen puts on 20 lbs. he's at 176.
  18. He just may have to, or he continues to get pushed around because lets face facts, he may be great at moving the puck, but as a D-man, he really needs to improve a lot. He cannot move the body of opponents. He was just brutal at D last season. His rushing ability was there under Granato but he's listed as a defenceman. If opponents know he can be intimidated and pushed around, they'll do it.
  19. Seriously, how much bigger to expect him to get? He adds 20 pounds puts him at 176 (if he adds 20) I also bet 5, 11" is being generous. It was with Wendel Clark as I am 5,11' and I met Clark who wasn't as tall as me. He is undersized. I hope he is as skilled as they claim because he will need it. I hope he's Martin St. Louis II. We will see.
  20. You know this. Don't be petty. If you watched hockey when those guys played, you know it's true. Rasmus Dahlin??? This board was screaming for him to drop the gloves just once as he became the opponents bitch near the end of the season. Don't deny that.
  21. When I watched the NHL draft. They all stated his weight and size (underweight and undersized but supposedly skilled) Did you watch the draft at all??? Why would they lie?
  22. Are you ######## me? Gritty and tough???? No way!!! Alfredsson? Sundin? Nylander? You're just naming Swedes. Sorry, the criteria was gritty and tough Swedes and none of those fit the bill by a long shot. Sure they may rack up some points but the knock against Sundin was that when the going got tough, he never got going hence Leaf disappointments come playoff time. Nylander? None of them from Dad on down. These Swedes may be talented but they are all lacking in grit and toughness. Especially Rasmus Dahlin.
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