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Everything posted by eman

  1. I do believe the Sabres have a gem in goal coming down the pipleine in Devon Levi. It will take another couple of years but I do give KA credit for getting him. I believe this kid is the real deal. I will be following how he does in the Olympics playing for an NHL-less Team Canada.
  2. To me, the jury is still out on Granato and his "style of play". Too many instances of lack of effort recently, and we have seen this under 2 previous coaches. As the above stated, regardless of the talent coming down the pipeline, you need real coaching to get anywhere, especially to counter strategies of the oppositions coaches. Don may be too nice of a guy. Don't like what I see. It's easy to blame the goaltending but in all honesty, Dell could have stood on his head, but when you don't score or only score 1 goal, you will lose the majority of your games. Houser was the only reason the Sabres beat Ottawa last game. This team is plummeting and I could accept it as I understand this is more or less a development year for the youth. However, I see no real structure or a hard to play Sabres team especially as of late. I am thinking the decent clubs that the Sabres defeated was largely due to the fact they took the Sabres lightly on that night. Being better than a Ralph Kreuger coached club isn't saying much. Ralph was one of the worst coaches.
  3. Yes, there is improvement but is that saying much against the Kreuger coached Sabres? Honestly, Ralph has to rate right up there with one of the worst coaching hires in Sabres history. The Flyers are just garbage this season for some reason. Vigneault got canned and I never thought Yeo was such a great coach although he had small success in the past. Not sure why the Flyers are a mess, but they are. Sabres have some "easy games"? coming up: Ottawa again and Montreal a couple of times. Hope "the improved Sabres" come to play and don't let down in any of those ones.
  4. and Ottawa. The win in that one was solely due to Michael Houser. Baby steps, but keep the emotions in check for the upper echelon teams in this league. That is where you want to see progress.
  5. Not to mention, teams get game tape of opponents and strategize how to counter their style of play. The Sabres had the courtesy of the first month of play under Granato's style. Once there was some game tape available, Sabres opponents coaching staff watch the tapes and develop their game plan to counter.
  6. Exactly: What's that quote again? "the definition of a fool is doing the same thing continuously and expecting different results" or something like that.
  7. I might get lambasted for this, but I'm going to say it anyhow: I'm not sure Granato is the right guy, despite what may be coming up from Rochester next year or the season after that. I seriously have my doubts now.
  8. Owned with a CAPITAL "O" tonight!!!! Tampa isn't even breaking a sweat. This is so damn sad.
  9. 3 breakaways in this period for the Sabres and Vasilevsky has stopped all 3. Tampa is coasting.................and they can. Zero offensive skill in tonights frowards for Buffalo.
  10. That being said about the Pitt announcers. They were very generous in their praise for Don Granato and the job he has done with the Sabres. I found them complimentary of Malcolm Subban's performance and the Sabres new style of play. Other teams announcers have just basically laughed off this hockey club on the broadcasts I have watched. The Pitt broadcast team was very cordial in my opinion. E-Rod (whom I hated as a Sabre) has actually developed into a very decent player working with Sid and they praised him because he set a personal record with his 10th of the season. Absolutely playing with Sid helps. Remember Warren Young when he played with Mario? Then he leaves Pitt, signs a big contract with Detroit and disappears. Sid helps, but E-Rod is benefitting when he gets his chances.
  11. Who are these guys? Did they have a team meeting before this road trip? They’re scrapping, goaltending is outstanding, constantly giving an effort! I think I like these guys! Honestly, I was expecting an 0-3 trip and another dip in the standings. Don Granato, Merry Christmas and God Bless you!
  12. The Bills practice jerseys should read: "PROPERTY OF TOM BRADY'
  13. I agree GMKA has some really good pieces in Rochester and I do believe in UPL. I am still weary of Coach Granato though. Likeable guy, says the right things but unfortunately, that doesn't work for me anymore. I want to see results. I don't care if the coach is a Belichick, arrogant, no time for anyone type, as long as he gets results. I think Donny deserved a shot at the top position and I am truly hoping that as the kids trickle into the Sabres lineup, things start to improve under his coaching staff. I knew this season wouldn't be a playoff season but I am sad to say I don't even see any improvement on the ice or style of play anymore. It just seems like "same old, same old" and I am glad people are voting with their wallets. Long overdue.
  14. But what bothers me more is that everyone was talking up what an improvement the Sabres have shown in their play under Coach Granato. That was true up to a point. What I see now is almost a carbon copy of the Housely & Krueger era's. Starting to show a bit of lax effort, still a weak defense and a soft one. It is the coaching staff's responsibility to teach them to take the body at the very least. Don't have to be over physical but stay on your guy and use your body to at least try an push them out of position or off the puck. Under Granato, I still see the D leaving guys completely unmarked and no one is getting in anyone's way defensively. 2-0 last night was a case of Anaheim out for a skate on the second leg of a back to back and exerting just enough effort for the 2 points. In other words, a textbook road game.
  15. People are on the Don Granato as saviour band wagon and I am not seeing it anymore. The defense is exactly the same as it has been under coaches Housely, and Krueger (weak and soft) That can be taught and there is no improvement whatsoever. That is why you have a coaching staff and yes, it's on Donny Meatballs.
  16. I'm not saying it is. In fact forget that, yes, I'm saying the continued piss poor defensive play is on Granato and his staff! I thought it was originally on Steve Smith. But he's long gone and the defense is just as pathetic as it ever was and that is on Granato and staff. It is horrid and you can at least teach or continually practice the basics. 2-0 flattered the Sabres last night catching a Ducks team that was ripe for the picking on the second end of a back to back. They will get mauled in their next 2 games unless the Sabres goaltender is brilliant to keep things close. I have never seen such a weak and soft D for over 3 seasons now! (under 3 different coaches) No improvements there. None. I want to see Granato's record at seasons end. It will be similar to Kruegers. This team has regressed yet again from the one that started this season.
  17. The team is a complete mess once again. At season's end, I would like to see Donny Meatballs record vs. Ralph's final season. This team has regressed yet again from the one that started the season. I no longer see Donny's "coaching style" as being superior. Defense still butter soft, still no grit or pushback whatsoever, and the passing is a mess once again. What happened to this team from the one that started the season?
  18. So why do we continue to sing Coach Don Granato's praises? Same old same old as Krueger.
  19. I'm glad the fanbase is voting with their wallets. It is about damn time. Remember this is year 11 of no playoffs in sight by Christmas time. As one poster on this site reminded me, the only worse run organization may be the Detroit Lions. Hopefully, in another 2 or 3 seasons, the young guys in Rochester are NHL ready and will make this franchise competitive once again, but count on another 2- 3 seasons away. Forget any awesome free agent signings, nobody noteworthy wants to play here for any amount. 2- 3 more seasons of waiting, and to be honest, to me, the jury is still out on Don Granato. Not liking that his staff cannot even coach basic defense and a complete reluctance to take the body. 3 seasons of it under 3 different coaches.
  20. and also, for those watching tonight, watch Anaheim's D. Do they body check? Move the man in front of their goaltender? (assuming the Sabres actually put someone there) Do they clear out the front of their net so their goaltender can see the shot? The Defense 101 stuff that the Sabres still are not doing 3 seasons +! You can have a top notch goaltender all you want, but if there is a guy in the slot unmarked, odds are it's going in the back of your net.
  21. Well, like they say: If you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin'! Unfortunately, I have to completely agree with you.
  22. Don't get me wrong Inkman, I am NOT A FAN OF BELICHICK OR THE PATS! I loved what Brady did to them last season. But damn if Billy doesn't know how to tweak the lineup, work his mojo, find no name guys and make them productive high functioning NFL players. It actually pisses me off, but in the next breath, I admire the guy somehow for being able to continuously do this. I have no idea what his secret is.
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