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Everything posted by kas23

  1. I understand he's making a major life decision, uprooting his family and everything, and it takes time, but I really don't want to sign a player who really doesn't want to be here. We've seen that play out in the past.
  2. Hey Jack, hey Jack! Hold my baby! Seriously, that baby looks very small. My guess is less than a month old, or just delivered. Jack already working on a cure for cancer.
  3. These signings may be minor (no pun intended), but I think our youngsters (whoever is left of them) should be taught to win and expect to win at all levels of the Sabres organization.
  4. http://www.nhl.com/ice/m_page.htm?id=26153
  5. Jaime McGinn = "tough to play against" Getting closer and closer to a hockey cliche.
  6. I can see this whole thing blowing up. Much like the Rangers of the past. This is going against GMTM's own assertion that he will build through the draft.
  7. Already had 2 DC Brau Corruptions and 1 Fresh Squeezed, and am wonder what it next. I'm downing beers faster than GMTM can trade his draft picks.
  8. Given a blind taste test, I highly doubt anyone on this board could tell the difference between Red Dog, Genny, Natty, or any other macro 5% ABV or below. Technically, they're not brewed (and I use this term loosely) any differently than another.
  9. I fully believe that is what Pegs told this source, but as someone else pointed out, this explanation is incredibly self-serving and one-sided. "Erratic behavior"? He's suffering from "post-concussion syndrome"? Sound more like sour grapes than a rational explanation of why he left. PLF could have called a pressed and just said "being a GM/whatever just isn't for me, so I'm stepping down". Instead, the whole event was shrouded in mystery and PLF didn't speak until a week later. Then there's the whole thing with Nolan getting his panties in a bunch. I don't see Nolan freaking out if PLF truly had to step down for health reasons. That said, PLF has done this before, so maybe he really is just a nut case. I also find it ironic history repeated itself with Nolan, but everyone expected him to be different this time. I'm glad we've moved on.
  10. Drank tonight: 1 Bell's Uranus 1 Maine Mo 1 Deschutes Fresh Squeezed Good night indeed. I'd pay $46 for 1 DL.
  11. Correct, the self-proclaimed best player in the draft doesn't go back to college/OHL/etc. In fact, that would be the biggest move. In case you're wondering about the filter, I wasn't referring to a man's genitalia.
  12. One of game's top scoring prospects, but his Head Coach, a guy well-respected for developing talent and knows Mantha the most, is ready to dump him? Something is definitely fishy with this situation. I would be wary.
  13. This is generally true. I've used it before myself. It's right up there with "it's not you, it's me" in breakups. If "family" really mattered in situations like these, then the "family" would've understood this situation would have made him happier.
  14. Oh well, his career will die in Toronto.
  15. I tried to Google C0cks with no success. Anyone have any news? Has Babs broke up with his girlfriend (Holland) yet. All I keep hearing is that he needs to have "the talk". Get on with it C0cks.
  16. No doubt she has connections, but what exactly does glasses being lowered from the face mean? I think we're over interpreting the tea leaves here. I do appreciate the above update though.
  17. Chz didn't give anything away with the sunglasses. That could mean a million things, perhaps completely unrelated to Babcock. I really think there's less than 5 people in the world who actually know what's going on in Babcock's head.
  18. I would've been on the phone with him yesterday. He has a track record of developing young talent. I may be wrong, but I just get a unsubstantiated feeling GMTM suffers from tunnel vision.
  19. Anyone who dared to check him would've had his whole family poisoned. Seriously, he sucks balls.
  20. I never said anything about Babcock going to Edmonton, but rather was thinking about McLellan going somewhere else besides The Black Hole of Hockey, like to a team that loses the Babcock derby. Suppose Babcock stays in Detroit, then McLellan's bargaining power increases tremendously. We did (maybe) interview him. It's strange he would sign before gaining the upper hand in the coaching search, even if the Oilers are his top choice.
  21. Hmmm. I thought Babcock's decision was going to be the first domino to fall. Or, maybe it has fallen...
  22. Or, as GMTM would say, it doesn't cost anything to listen. Unfortunately, this is reminding me of when DR conducted his extensive coaching candidate search of just interviewing Rolston.
  23. I agree with this. Anyone decent at their job, and also who has a bit of an ego, is always doubting themselves and looking to prove their worth. It's human nature. In this, I mean accept challenges. It's the only way to prove your worth. If Babcock decides to keep coasting with the Wings, being eliminated in the first round (or worse), then fine. That's not going to define him as one of the greats, because I don't think he'll ever win another Cup with Detroit. He'll be remembered as "good", but not great, because Detroit makes every coach look decent. The reward with turning Buffalo around will label a coach as "great". If he's satisfied with coasting along in Detroit, then we do not want him. In fact, we should run from any coach who doesn't want to accept challenges. I want Blashill too. He's a proven commodity at developing young players into stars. He would likely bring someone to coach the Amerks too. At the end of the day, I sure hope GMTM has a contingency plan for not getting Babcock and he's happy about it. He obviously was blindsided by not winning the lottery.
  24. To me, it just sounds likes he's made a decision. Nothing else. Who knows what that decision is, but he's prepared to live with it and get on with his life. He's making no indication one way or another. And, I'm glad because I think everyone on this board is ready to move on from this. When he says he's "excited as anyone to have that opportunity come to a close...", he's talking about having the ability as a free agent to sniff around for other opportunities. He's had his chance, but now it's over. If I'm GMTM, I'm on the phone with Blashill's agent with a $3 million per year offer. F Detroit.
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