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Everything posted by Ogre

  1. On my way home from surgery. Had a fistula(google it) opened up. Super painful and takes me out of work and the gym for some weeks. This whole thing is literally a giant PITA....
  2. Johansson really did look good. Loved Lazar’s game and Murray was great. More please.
  3. So isn’t our old pal Matty Mo!
  4. ...or when a foreman stops measuring to see if the black guy’s arms are longer than the white guys are....Or when the white guys stop urging the Native American guy to do a rain dance on a cloudy day...or when they stop telling the Chinese apprentice to get back in his shipping container. I’m so sick of being around these *****. I really don’t need my commander in chief fanning the flame.
  5. The players really like Taylor. It shows. Do they like Dineen as much? He did fine with Marlies. He really wasn’t working with anymore over there except goaltending. I wonder how much 6K’s surgery affected their decision this year? Seems like they could have signed Wedgewood for another year. He wasn’t great but he was a lot better at this point than Hammond is. We need to win more games or we won’t need to worry about getting swept in the first round again.
  6. I never came anywhere near close to accusing you of anything buddy. No need to start that nonsense. I too work with many different races, sizes, orientations, etc. People don’t like to hear that crap. I also instruct the membership on our harassment policy to both inform the members and comply with NYS regs. If one person in the room is uncomfortable with the language then it needs to change IMMEDIATELY or it’s harassment. The man used a term in a context that made people uncomfortable. I can’t see how anyone could defend it. IMO.
  7. Between 1882 and 1968 there were 4,743 lynchings in this country. 1,297 of those victims were white and 3,446 of those victims were black. Here are the numbers for each state. Very telling. http://www.elegantbrain.com/academic/department/AandL/AAS/ANNOUNCE/vra/lynch/lynchstats.html Bottom line? That’s the language of hate that is coming out of his mouth. No way to deny it. IMO.
  8. This division is going to be tough this year. Toronto and Utica are both undefeated. Cleveland looks tough to beat. Let’s not forget about Syracuse either. Those bastards come out of nowhere. We need 6K to be a stud.
  9. Calder?! They need to stop getting their ***** whipped by division rivals 7-1 like they did last Saturday. Then maybe we can revisit the idea.
  10. I’m worried how this is all going to shake out. I’m a fan who went beyond the movies. Huge fan of the EU. Played the hell out of the entire Jedi Knight series as well as KOTR...both Force Unleased games..dabbled in some books and comics... I really didn’t like the storylines from either Disney production. Maybe the awesomeness of the EU has colored my view? Probably.
  11. *waves hands to motion everyone back into the arena* I’m glad to have him on the team. The less I see of Hammond the better. A functioning positional goalie but he was brutal in that last SO. He gets beaten glove side high every single time. Johansson? He’s been good in Cincinnati. Mediocre in Rochester. Bring to me a decent goalie....
  12. Never trust a man that wears out the knuckles of his gloves before the palms.
  13. You know as well as I do the gooning that goes on in the A. The Monsters kept taking cheap shots on Bryson and Pilut. The rinky dink refs could have prevented all of this by making the calls they should have early on. Borgen was doing the right thing and standing up for the team. Tage was getting roughed a lot too and he even started throwing punches. Cleveland should be proud of their talentless goons to shelter that little turd Gerbe.
  14. My wife got me the Xbox one S bundled with Battlefield 1for an anniversary gift. I’ve played mostly just FPS forever on pc. This is my first console since an old Sega. The first two hours of play were rough. I couldn’t hit a bull in the ass with a barn shovel. I literally would shoot over the head, then over each shoulder and once between the knees every time. I was laughing my ass off the whole time. My brain is rewriting the necessary code though and I’m starting to have some fun. Looking forward to the Fallen Order game coming out next month.
  15. Thanks for adding that video @inkman. I wasn’t a Dalton fan at first but that dude can fire it up
  16. If I wasn’t out on the piss I’d drop the coin for the game....but....the piss....
  17. Why is Larsson flopping around in the ice when there is a man to cover?
  18. I’m very concerned with the gutting of the NSC. I’d like to infer that this guy has no clue. He does though. He just doesn’t care. About you. Me. Anyone really. That makes me sick to my stomach.
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