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Everything posted by Ogre

  1. That was a good play. Nice throw. Great catch.
  2. Really glad that your as tough as you are and got through it. Your a Sabres fan though. Toughness comes with the membership.
  3. I’m curious how Taylor is running the pk and pp compared to Dineen. I did notice that Taylor had a different starting line from the one Dineen has had the last three games.
  4. The section that does the “goalie goalie, you suck and it’s all your fault chant” started up after the first goal last night. Immediately afterwards the large group of youth hockey players started screaming “you suck and it’s your fault!” I think the chanting dudes felt bad they got these little kids doing it so they switched over to the “one, two we want three chant at the second goal. I appreciated, as did the parents I’m sure, that they censored themselves for the night.
  5. Life is fragile. I’m a big strong SOB and pneumonia nearly killed me as well 3 years ago or so. Spent two days in the hospital and lost 30 lbs in ten days. I didn’t even care if I lived or not by the eighth day. I coughed up blood for four weeks afterwards. Lung function tests showed considerable damage. I learned to not try and tough it out as much after that. I look big and strong but I’m really squishy on the inside. Apparently. I’m glad he pulled through. Scary stuff.
  6. I couldn’t take my eyes off them.
  7. Yang2020 in the house tonight. Never seen this before at a sporting event.
  8. I missed this earlier. I kinda like that he doesn’t get overly physical. He’s a pretty smart player. No razzle dazzle at all but he’s out there possessing the puck 5v5, out on the pk and out on the PP. He’s the kind of guy that Dineen relies on. I hope his usage doesn’t change when Taylor gets back.
  9. The winning star toss number tonight is 666!?
  10. He’s fast for his size. He works his ass off but really everyone on the team does. Well maybe not Nelson. Boomhower is better than I thought he’d be. I was sure he was all knuckles.
  11. I threw up in my mouth a little when I saw Vail on the ice for warm ups.
  12. I’m going to show my wife these pics. She’s halfway through the training to become a yoga instructor and is THE goat whisperer. Every time we go into the barns at the fair every goat in the building takes notice and waits at the fence for her. We’ve talked about doing butterfly yoga in the wildflower meadow and building her a platform in the beautiful oaks in the woods, might have to start a goat barn too?.
  13. Just one more that’s not so gloomy. Actually kinda funny. I’m very young working with this old dude that HATED me. We go up in between two columns that are close together to put in a diagonal brace. The booms on those things are springy so we move it around while wrestling the piece in but now it’s all jammed up in there. With mission accomplished the old dude grabs the guardrail on thing(where you should NEVER put your hands)and says “Git me out of here kid”. Because we're jammed up the only move I can make is to retract the boom. When I do the basket springs and smushes his fingers up between the column. He’s screaming “my fingers! My fingers!” I panic and swing the basket the wrong way and smush them even more! He was ok(he had sledgehammer hands too?) but thought I did it on purpose and didn’t talk to me for a week.
  14. Close to the date. It’s therapy. That kid playing games near the work zone today really brought up some tough stuff. Twenty seven years of it. I thought I had made my peace with the most of by giving my students the most intricate and sincere lectures I am capable of but obviously the trigger is still there. I just hope that everyone involved netted a positive gain from what happened today.
  15. I leave off at the story of the disaster that lead me to start posting in the first place, as therapy. Yep. My first ever post was in this thread soon after the Manotowoc collapsed with a 66,000 lb precast double tee on the hook. It missed crushing Monte to death by two feet. He was covered in concrete dust from this thing exploding so close to him as it hit the ground. They had been flying those things over all of our heads for weeks. I was the steward on the job and spoke out every day on deaf ears for weeks until the collapse. Everything seems so normal and safe but there is something ready to kill you dead at any second.
  16. And then there was the time that Keith lost his footing whole deck sawing on the edge of a mezzanine. He went over head first from 15’. His head split right open like Humpty Dumpty. We thought he was dead because there was sooooooo much blood. This is a happy story though, sort of. He’s alive but he’s a shadow of the man he once was.
  17. Another time my good friend and I were working in between the tanks at the Genesee brewery using our legs on one tank and backs on the other to hold ourselves up there 80’ feet up. They had a thin ramshackle netting wired together under is to catch tools but were not meant to hold us so we were told “Don’t fall in there!” I lift my weld hood and look over and Ryan is gone!! I look down and he’s spread out like a man on thin ice. I scream “get your ass back up here!” in a panic and he snapped to and scrambled over to a column and climbed back up but GD was that a close one. Unfortunately Ryan committed suicide years later.
  18. About six years into my career a guy was run over by an excavator on the job. I didn’t witness his death with my eyes but I heard the noise he made as it consumed him. Sometimes when I’m alone and quiet I hear that noise. Clear as day. I know it’s not really there but that’s the real kicker about these types of things. They rewire your brain. Your priorities change. Like I said, I’m a lot of bad things but i am what I am and fill a purpose somehow.
  19. Your Jedi mind trick won’t work on me. I actually assume that most people don’t care. That’s been a general theme in life. It’s nice therapy to get it out though.
  20. Sure why not? We’ll add that to the list of things that make me an Ogre. While we’re at it we’ll let people act like jackasses around work zones until they kill someone else. I quit caring what people would think about me speaking up the first time I watched someone die on the job. It wasn’t a very big leap to decide that I don’t care what people think of me at all the second time. I’m sorry if that rubs people the wrong way(that’s as much on them as it is on me when you think about it)but I’ll never stop speaking my mind. Seems like every time I do someone gets hurt or dies. I appreciate your concern for this matter though.
  21. Nah. I’ve always had the expectation that I was going to have to work my balls off for everything. Don’t get me wrong here. I’m a lot of things that aren’t good but entitled certainly isn’t on that list.
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